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1971      GERHARD HERZBERG for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic stucture and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals.
1970      LUIS F. LELOIR for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates.
1969      The prize was divided equally between: SIR DEREK H. R. BARTON and ODD HASSEL for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry.
1968      LARS ONSAGER for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes.
1967     The prize was divided, one half being awarded to:  ANFRED EIGEN  and the other half jointly to: RONALD GEORGE WREYFORD NORRISH and LORD GEORGE PORTER for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equlibrium by means of very short pulses of energy.
1966       ROBERT S. MULLIKEN for his fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules by the molecular orbital method.
1965      ROBERT BURNS WOODWARD for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic  synthesis.
1964      DOROTHY CROWFOOT HODGKIN for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances.
1963     The prize was divided equally between: KARL ZIEGLER and GIULIO NATTA for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers.
1962      The prize was divided equally between: MAX FERDINAND PERUTZ and SIR JOHN COWDERY KENDREW for their studies of the structures of globular proteins.
1961      MELVIN CALVIN for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants.
1960      WILLARD FRANK LIBBY for his method to use carbon-14 for age determination in  archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science.
1959       JAROSLAV HEYROVSKY for his discovery and development of the polarographic methods of analysis.
1958      FREDERICK SANGER for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of  insulin.
1957      LORD ALEXANDER R. TODD for his work on nucleotides and nucleotide co-enzymes.
1956      The prize was awarded jointly to: SIR CYRIL NORMAN HINSHELWOOD and NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH SEMENOV for their researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions.
1955      VINCENT DU VIGNEAUD for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone.
1954     LINUS CARL PAULING for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances.
1953     HERMANN STAUDINGER for his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry.
1952     The prize was awarded jointly to: ARCHER JOHN PORTER MARTIN and RICHARD LAURENCE MILLINGTON SYNGE for their invention of partition chromatography.
1951      The prize was awarded jointly to: EDWIN MATTISON MC MILLAN and GLENN THEODORE SEABORG for their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements.
1950       The prize was awarded jointly to: OTTO PAUL HERMANN DIELS and KURT ALDER for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis.
1949     WILLIAM FRANCIS GIAUQUE for his contributions in the field of chemical  thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures.
1948      ARNE WILHELM KAURIN TISELIUS for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins.
1947      SIR ROBERT ROBINSON for his investigations on plant products of biological
importance, especially the alkaloids.
1946      The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: JAMES BATCHELLER SUMNER for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized. the other half jointly to JOHN HOWARD NORTHROP and WENDELL MEREDITH STANLEY for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form.
1945      ARTTURI ILMARI VIRTANEN for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method.

1944     OTTO HAHN for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei.
1943     GEORGE DE HEVESY for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes.
1942-1940    The prize money was allocated to the Main Fund (1/3) and to the Special Fund (2/3) of this prize section.
1939     ADOLF FRIEDRICH JOHANN BUTENANDT for his work on sex hormones. (Caused by the authorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal).and LEOPOLD RUZICKA for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes.
1938     RICHARD KUHN for his work on carotenoids and vitamins. (Caused by the
uthorities of his country to decline the award but later received the diploma and the medal.)
1937      The prize was divided equally between: SIR WALTER NORMAN HAWORTH for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C. andPAUL KARRER for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2.
1936      PETRUS (PETER) JOSEPHUS WILHELMUS DEBYE for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases.
1935       The prize was awarded jointly to: FRIC JOLIOT and IRE JOLIOT-CURIE in recognition of their synthesis of new radioactive elements.
1934      HAROLD CLAYTON UREY for his discovery of heavy hydrogen.
1933      The prize money was allocated to the Main Fund (1/3) and to the Special Fund (2/3) of this prize section.
1932      IRVING LANGMUIR for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry.
1931      The prize was awarded jointly to: CARL BOSCH and FRIEDRICH BERGIUS in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods.
1930       HANS FISCHER for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin.
1929      The prize was divided equally between: SIR ARTHUR HARDEN and HANS KARL AUGUST SIMON VON EULER-CHELPIN for their investigations on the fermentation of sugar and fermentative enzymes.
1928     ADOLF OTTO REINHOLD WINDAUS for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins.
1927     HEINRICH OTTO WIELAND for his investigations of the constitution of the bile
acids and related substances.
1926      THE (THEODOR) SVEDBERG for his work on disperse systems.
1925       RICHARD ADOLF ZSIGMONDY for his demonstration of the heterogenous nature of colloid solutions and for the methods he used, which have since become fundamental in modern colloid chemistry.
1924       The prize money for 1924 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.
1923      FRITZ PREGL for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances.
1922      FRANCIS WILLIAM ASTON for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule.
1921      FREDERICK SODDY , for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes.
1920      WALTHER HERMANN NERNST in recognition of his work in thermochemistry.
1919      The prize money for 1919 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.
1918      FRITZ HABER for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements.
1917-1916       The prize money for 1917-1916 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.
1915     RICHARD MARTIN WILLSTTER for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll.
1914       THEODORE WILLIAM RICHARDS , in recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements.
1913       ALFRED WERNER in recognition of his work on the linkage of atoms in molecules by which he has thrown new light on earlier investigations and opened up new fields of research especially in inorganic chemistry.
1912     The prize was divided equally between: VICTOR GRIGNARD for the discovery of the so-called Grignard reagent, which in recent years has greatly advanced the progress of organic chemistry and PAUL SABATIER for his method of hydrogenating organic compounds in the presence of finely disintegrated metals whereby the progress of organic chemistry has been greatly advanced in recent years.

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