Day 47
girl/l/ n.
She is the girl in my dream.
猜一猜 A. 妇女B.母亲
C. 妻子D. 女孩
翻译 她是我的梦中情人。
brilliant/briljnt/ a.
The room was flooded with brilliant sunshine.
猜一猜 A. 刺眼的 B. 灿烂的
C. 鲜艳的 D. 强烈的
翻译 灿烂的阳关洒满了整间屋子。
词义扩展 卓越的,有才华的Mozart was known as a brilliant musician. 莫扎特是个有才华的音乐家。
cargo/ku/ n.
A huge cargo ship is sailing on the sea.
猜一猜 A. 军舰 B. 航天母舰
C. 货船 D. 游艇
翻译 一艘巨大的货船正在海上航行。
近义词 freight 货物;loading 装货
fly/flai/ v.
The invention of plane, in the early 20th century, was regarded as the milestone that human beings can fly freely as birds
猜一猜 A. 飞,飞行 B. 航行
C. 筑巢 D. 鸣叫
翻译 20世纪初飞机的发明被看作是一个里程碑,它意味着人类可以像鸟类一样自由自在地飞翔。
词义扩展 v.① 飞逝The whole semester has just fawn by.整个学期一晃就过了。 ② 飞奔She flew to meet her husband.她飞奔过去迎接她的丈夫。③ 驾驶(飞机)Only experienced pilot can fly the new type of pursuit plane. 只有有经验的飞行员才能驾驶这款新型的歼击机。
n. 蝇Flies buzzed over dishes, which damaged my appetite. 苍蝇在食物上飞来绕去,搅得我很没有胃口。
flyover/flaiuv(r)/ n.
One should take the flyover to cross the street.
猜一猜 A. 飞越 B. 远走高飞
C. 天桥D. 人行横道
翻译 过马路应该走天桥。
大头巧记 fly(飞)over(越过某一个平面)→从街道上空飞过的就是天桥
词义扩展 n. 立交桥A new flyover is being built in the center of city.一座新的立交桥正在市中心建设。
mislead/mislid/ v.
Our guide misled us.
猜一猜 A. 吸引 B. 诱导
C. 带领 D. 把...带错路
翻译 导游带错了路。
词义扩展 v.使误入歧途I was misled by that villainous man and was involved in the crimes. 那个坏人把我带上了歧途,我被卷入了犯罪活动当中。
eagle/il/ n.词义 鹰
lay/lei/ v.
Teacher laid stress on the fact that the competition was fierce.
猜一猜 A. 摆设 B. 罗列
C. 证明 D. 放
翻译 老师强调这样一个事实:竞争很激烈。
词义扩展 v. ① 下(蛋)The hens dont lay during this cold weather. 在这样的冷天里,母鸡不下蛋。② 铺设,砌砖To connect the two villages, people lay a bridge across the river.人们在河上架了座桥,以便把这两个村庄连接起来。
词组 lay aside 把…搁置一边Lay that problem aside for a while.把那个问题先搁在一边吧。 储蓄He lays thirty dollars aside every month for his old age.他为了养老每个月存30 美元。
lay down ① 放下Please lay your luggage down and take a breath.先把行李放下,喘口气。② 制定,拟定It does no good if you lay down strict rules to students.对学生的规矩制定的太严没什么好处。③ 铺设School laid down several pipes under the ground.学校在地下铺设了几根管子。
lay off ① (临时)解雇A company cant lay workers off without a notice.没有事先通知,工厂不能解雇员工。 ② 休息You can lay off if you have completed the task.完成任务,你就可以休息了。
lay out① 安排,布置 He laid the meeting out in a good order. 他把会议安排得井井有条。② 陈列,展示He lays out his garden all by himself. 他自己一个人布置的花园。 ③ 设计,制定The company lays out a detailed plan for the coming year.工厂为下一年做了详细的计划。
layer/lei/ n.
Autumn approaching, there is a thick layer of leaves on the ground.
猜一猜 A. 一层 B. 一副
C. 一套 D. 一尺
翻译 秋天到了,地上有一层厚厚的落叶。
layout/leiaut/ n.
The layout of her house is pretty tasteful.
猜一猜 A. 方位 B. 陈设
C. 外形 D. 贴画
翻译 她家的陈设十分雅致。
produce/prdjus/ v.
Every year the company produces cars in large scales and high quality.
猜一猜 A.生产 B. 修理
C. 出售 D. 购买
翻译 每年这家公司出售大量的高质量汽车。
分析 pro+duc+e
大头巧记 reduce 是“减少”的意思,p拟声记忆成“不”,不减少数量就要生产,制造
词义扩展 v. ① 显示,出示Please produce your passport. 请出示您的护照。② 上演,演出There will be a play“Macbeth”produced by that theater. 那家剧院将上演麦克白。
n.产品,农产品This month,produce of our farmland will be shown on the market. 这个月我们的农产品将上市。
近义词 yield
product/prdkt/ n.
He was a typical product of his generation and social environment, which was totally different from that of his grandfather.
猜一猜 A. 产物 B. 作品
C. 产品 D. 牺牲品
翻译 他是他那一代人和他那种社会环境下的典型产物,这种社会环境是和他祖父的完全不同。
大头巧记 pro+duct
词义扩展 n. 乘积80 is the product of 4 and 20. 80是4 和20的乘积。
production/prdkn/ n.
Production of our firm is up by 35 per cent this month compared to the same period last year.
猜一猜 A. 农产品 B. 农作物
C. 产物 D. 产量
翻译 这个月我们公司的产量与去年同期相比增长了35%。
大头巧记 pro+duc+tion
词义扩展 n. 产品,作品The teacher who teaches English history always shows us large quantities of literary productions made by giants of literature. 教英国历史的老师经常给我们展示大量的文学巨匠的作品。
productive/prdktiv/ a.
The production of the farmland depends largely on productive soil as well as enough water.
猜一猜 A. 生产率 B. 贫瘠的
C. 多产的,能产的 D. 生产
翻译 农田的产量很大程度上取决于肥沃的土壤和充足的水分。
大头巧记 pro+duc+tive
近义词 prolific
productivity/prdktiviti/ n.
The head of our company told us that we should increase productivity to meet the needs of markets in order to survive the severe competition.
猜一猜 A. 生产率 B. 产量
C. 劳动量 D. 成本
翻译 公司的老板告诉我们,为了在残酷的竞争中求生存,我们应该提高生产率来适应市场需求。
分析 productivi+ty
prospect/prspekt/ n.
What a magnificent prospect of the forest, which extends as far as the eyes can see.
猜一猜 A. 繁荣 B. 景色
C. 前途 D. 展望
翻译 森林一望无际,多壮观的景色啊!
分析 pro+pect
词义扩展 前景,前途,展望The fireman has found some new prospects of his job. 这个消防员发现了工作新的前
近义词 view
zebra/zibr,zebr/ n.
You can see the zebra in the prairie of Africa.
猜一猜 A. 狮子 B. 长颈鹿
C. 斑马 D. 羚羊
residence/rezidns/ n.
One must have a residence for five years in order to apply for citizenship.
猜一猜 A. 驻扎 B. 申请
C. 食宿 D. 住所,住宅
翻译 要想申请公民权就必须在美国居住五年。
近义词 dwelling
resident/rezidnt/ n.
My neighbour is actually a resident of Beijing.
猜一猜 A. 居民,常住者 B. 百姓
C. 市民 D. 学者
翻译 我的邻居实际上是一位北京居民。
a. 居住的a resident doctor 住院医生
quilt/kwilt/ n.
Dont stay in the quilt for a whole day.
猜一猜 A. 被子 B. 席子
C. 床单 D. 枕头
翻译 不要在被子里赖一整天。
plead/plid/ v.
Roes pleaded with her boy friend not to leave her alone.
猜一猜 A. 命令 B. 恳求
C. 设计 D. 纠缠
翻译 Rose恳求她的男朋友不要留下她一个人。
plea(n.辩解,恳求)+d= plead v.
词义扩展 ① 为…辩护They employ a good lawyer to plead their case.他们请到一个好律师为他们辩护。 ② 提出……为理由(或借口)He pleaded busy to absent.他以忙碌为借口而缺席。
haul /hl/ v.
They hauled the boat up the beach.
猜一猜 A. 锁 B.绑 C.拖 D.运
翻译 他们把船拖上岸。
近义词 catch,draw
fell/fel/ v.
After felling so many trees, he was totally exerted.
猜一猜 A. 搬运B. 砍伐
C. 烧毁D. 裂缝
doom/dum/ n.
The betrayal of his friends whom he trusted most sent him to his doom.
猜一猜 A. 终点B. 成就
C. 厄运,劫数D. 梦想
翻译 他朋友的背叛使他陷入绝境。
词义扩展 v. 注定,命定They hated each other, yet they seem doomed constantly to meet.他们相互厌恶,但似乎偏偏冤家常碰头。
近义词 destiny 命运,定数;destine 注定,预定
excursion/ikskn/ n. 词义 短途旅行,游览
大头巧记 前缀ex出去;词干cur跑,后缀ion名词词尾,跑出去,引申为赌徒旅行,游览
大头例句 Many people prefer excursions in the golden week.很多人喜欢在黄金周出游。
近义词 journey旅行,旅程; outing旅行,外出; tour游历,旅行; trip短途旅行,旅程
goat/ut/ n.
The sport climbed the mountain like a goat and got the first prize in the match.
猜一猜 A. 大门B. 山羊
C. 目标D. 离开
翻译 那个登山运动员如山羊般敏捷的身手使他在此次登山比赛中荣获冠军。
leg/le/ n.
You should stand on your own legs instead of depending on your parents support.
猜一猜 A. 脊梁 B. 双手
C. 腿 D. 劳动
翻译 你应该自力更生,而不是依赖父母的供养。
近义词 lap 大腿
juice/dus/ n.
This kind of fruit juice tastes very delicious.
猜一猜 A. 肉 B. 汁
C. 果皮 D. 核
翻译 这种水果汁很好喝。
process/prses/ n.
The company is now in the process of moving the machines to another place.
猜一猜 A. 希望 B. 空想
C. 现实 D. 进程
翻译 公司目前正在把机器设备迁到新地方去。
词义扩展 ① n. 工序,制作法The process of steel production needs to be improved. 炼钢法需要改进。② 工艺We have invented a new process for making breed.我们已发明了一种制作面包的新工艺。
v. 加工,处理It will be a few weeks before the information is processed.这些信息被处理还需几周。
procession/prsen/ n.
People are disproving of the new measures and they form a parading procession spontaneously against the Government.猜一猜 A. 处理 B. 队伍
C. 方案 D. 备件
翻译 人们对新举措不满,自发地形成了反对政府的游行队伍。
大头巧记 pro+cess +sion → forward+to go+表抽象名词的词尾 → 往前走的队伍
poem/puim,puem/ n.
The love poem written to the boys sweetheart moved me so deeply.
猜一猜 A. 诗B. 小说
C. 散文D. 信
翻译 这个男孩写给他心爱的人的情诗深深地打动了我。
poet/puit,puet/ n.
He was both famous as a poet and a novelist.
猜一猜 A. 诗人B. 小说家
C. 画家D. 雕塑家
翻译 他既是一个著名的诗人又是一个著名的小说家。
poetry/puitri,puetri/ n.
He was very fond of reciting poetry.
猜一猜 A. 诗B. 散文
C. 小说 D. 信
翻译 他很喜欢背诵诗歌
instead/insted/ adv.
She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day.
猜一猜 A. 代替 B. 不一样
C. 相同地 D. 仍然
翻译 她从不学习,而是整天打网球。
instead of ① 代替,而不是You should be out playing instead of working indoors all day. 你应该到外边去活动活动,而不是整天呆在屋子里工作。② 不是……(而是)He will go to Italy instead of France.他要去意大利而不去法国。
contrary/kntrri/ adj.
Their respective belief is just contrary.猜一猜 A. 相反的 B. 激烈的
C. 荒谬的 D. 过激的
翻译 他们的信仰正好相反。
词义扩展 n.① 反对,矛盾I guess you two are in contrary. 我想你们俩是互相对立。 ② 相反,反面The contrary of cold is warm. 冷的反面是热。③ 对立物 (pl.)Many events in life go by contraries. 生活中有很多事情是事与愿违。
on the contrary 反之,正相反He is not foolish, on the contrary, he is quite smart.他一点也不笨,相反,他十分聪敏。
cast/kst/ v.
He cast a coin into the shabby cap in front of the old beggar.
猜一猜 A. 拿 B. 扔 C. 抢 D. 偷
翻译 他把一个硬币扔进了那个老乞丐的破帽子里。
词义扩展 v. 铸造There is a statue of dragon cast in bronze in the park.公园里有一个龙的青铜塑像。
n. 演员表Films like “Once Upon A Time in America” has a cast of thousands.像“美国往事”这样的电影有成千上万的演员。
近义词 throw 扔,投,掷
diagnose/dainuz/ v.
The doctor diagnoses the tumor as benign.
猜一猜 A. 诊断B. 告诉
C. 高兴D. 预料
分析 dia+ gn+ ose
across+ know+ 的→ 诊断
翻译 医生诊断该肿瘤为良性的。
近义词 recognize 认出,识别;judge 判断,裁决
drink/drik/ v./n.词义 v.饮,喝,饮酒 n.饮料
大头例句 The host offered a lot of drinks to the guests.主人给客人们提供了很多饮料。
dumb/dm/ a.
He always kept dumb when others asked him questions.猜一猜 A. 自信的 B. 无言的
C. 高兴的D. 吃惊的
翻译 当别人问他问题时,他总是保持沉默。
大头例句 At the sight of the monster, she was struck dumb with horror. 她看见怪物,吓得说不出话来。
近义词 mute哑的;toneless无声的
fog/f/ n.
Dense fog is covering the main street in the south and visibility is very poor.
猜一猜 A. 青蛙 B. 大雨
C. 暴风D. 大雾
翻译 浓雾笼罩着大街,使能见度降低。
近义词 mist; confusion
polite/plait/ a.
He was polite even to his enemies.
猜一猜 A. 有礼貌的B. 温和的
C. 善良的D. 宽容的
翻译 他甚至对他的敌人都很有礼貌。
词义扩展 a. 有教养的,文雅的The young lady seemed very polite. 这个年轻女子看上去很有教养。
political/plitikl/ a.
He left his country for some political reasons.
猜一猜 A. 经济的 B. 政治的
C. 文化的 D. 军事的
翻译 他由于一些政治原因而离开了他的国家。
politician/plitin/ n.
The mayor is a skilled politician.
猜一猜 A. 军人 B. 领导
C. 革命者 D. 政治家。
翻译 这位市长是一个很老练的政治家
politic政治+ian(...的人) →政治家
politics/plitiks/ n.
I am studying politics at my university.猜一猜 A. 政治纲领B. 政治学
C. 政党D. 政见
翻译 我在大学里学政治学。
词义扩展 n. 政纲,政见The two parties had an argument about the politics. 这两个党派对政治纲领有些争论
rebel/rebl/ v.
The peasants rebelled but were ultimately put down because of their loose organization.
猜一猜 A. 愤慨 B. 反对
C. 农民运动 D. 反抗,起义
翻译 农民起义了,但由于组织松散而最终被镇压下去了。
分析 re +bel
词义扩展 n. 叛逆者,起义者The rebels have seized the factory. 叛乱者已经占领了工厂。
近义词 resist
rebellion/ribeljn/ n.
The slave leader Turner led an 1831 rebellion and achieved great progress.
猜一猜 A. 战役 B. 运动
C. 斗争 D. 叛乱,起义
翻译 奴隶领袖特纳领导了一场1831年叛乱并取得了成就。
分析 rebel+lion
大头巧记 rebel意为造反,lion 是狮子,rebellion就是一只造反的狮子起来叛乱
近义词 resistance
sincere/sinsi/ a.
He is a sincere Christian.
猜一猜 A. 虚伪B. 诚挚
C. 善良D. 卑劣
翻译 他是一个虔诚的基督徒。
大头巧记 sincere 发音是和心事相近,表明是从心底怎么样,就是中心的诚挚的意思。
近义词 heartily 诚挚的
sincerity/sinseriti/ n.
I was moved by his sincerity.
猜一猜 A. 热情B. 善良
C. 诚挚D. 友好
翻译 我被他的诚挚打动了。
分析 sincere 是形容词,去e加ity 的名词后缀变成名词。
speech/spit/ n.
He made such a boring afterdinner speech that we nearly fall asleep.
猜一猜 A. 通知B. 祈祷
C. 闲聊D. 演讲
词义扩展 n. 言语,语言Speech is one of the indispensable tools for us to express thoughts.语言是表达思想的必不可少的手段之一。
近义词 address,discourse
rubbish/rbi/ n.
They piled their rubbish in a deserted land.
猜一猜 A. 食物 B. 武器
C. 衣服 D. 垃圾
大头巧记 词根rubbish“废物”,由rub “摩擦”派生而来,原意是“擦掉的碎末”
词义扩展 n.废话These newspapers are total and utter rubbish.这些报纸说的纯粹是废话。
近义词 trash, litter
fright/frait/ n.
The film made me tremble with fright.
猜一猜 A. 恐怖 B. 寒冷
C. 饥饿D. 好奇
翻译 这部电影吓得我直哆嗦。
frighten/fraitn/ v.
You frighten me to death by suddenly appearing behind me.猜一猜 A. 打击 B. 威胁
C. 使好奇D. 使恐怖
翻译 你这样突然出现在我背后吓死我了。
分析 fright (恐怖)en( 动词词尾, 表示使呈现一种状态)→使恐怖
mess/mes/ n.
The workmen cleaned up the mess before he left.
猜一猜 A. 垃圾 B. 废物
C. 东西 D. 混乱
翻译 工人在离开之前清理了一下乱糟糟的东西。
词义扩展 v. 弄脏,弄乱,搞糟He messed up her new dress with red ink. 她的新裙子被红墨水搞脏了。
Will you take this message to your brother?
猜一猜 A. 使者 B. 要旨
C. 信 D. 信息
翻译 你能给你兄弟捎个信吗?
词义扩展 n.要旨,启示The play has a serious message. 这出戏带给我们一个很严肃的启示。
independence/indipendns/ n.
Independence for children in China begins at the age of 18.
猜一猜 A. 独立 B. 战争
C. 职业 D. 家庭
翻译 在中国,孩子18岁开始独立。
大头巧记 de(down向下)+pend(to hang悬挂) →垂挂于→不依靠,就独立
independent /indipendnt/ a.
You should be independent of your parents since you have grown up.
猜一猜 A. 孝顺的 B. 成年的
C. 独立的 D. 法定的
翻译 你已经长大了,不应该再依靠父母了
fancy/fnsi/ n.
She stopped to examine the exhibit that struck her fancy.猜一猜 A. 崇拜B. 喜好,迷恋
C. 热情D. 惋惜
词义扩展 ① 想象,幻想Fancy her saying such words!真想不到她会说出这种话!
a.花式的,奇特的,异样的fancy cakes 花式糕点
近义词 preference, taste; imagine, conceive of; ornamental, decorative, elaborate
fantastic(al)/fntstik(l)/ a.
All the things happened last month seemed to be a fantastic dream.
猜一猜 A. 奇异的B. 疲劳的
C. 狂热的D. 迷信的
Greek/rik/ n.
It is difficult for us to study Greek.
猜一猜 A. 小河B. 希腊语
C. 克里克族D. 希腊
翻译 对我们来说,希腊语很难学。
词义扩展 a. 希腊(人)的,希腊语的Venus is one of the goddess in Greek myth. 维纳斯是希腊神话中的女神之一。
dull/dl/ a.
The lecture was so dull that some audiences even fell asleep.
猜一猜 A. 迟钝的 B. 精彩的
C. 愚笨的D. 单调的
翻译 讲座太枯燥了,以至有些听众都睡着了。
词义扩展 ① 迟钝的;愚笨的she was a very patient teacher even while teaching the dull class. 她是位很耐心的老师,即使是教那迟钝的一班学生也是一样。② 不锋利的It took him a long time to sharpen the dull knife. 他花了很长时间把那把钝刀磨锋利。
近义词 bald枯燥的; barren无聊的; monotone单调的
Their opinion is absurd.
猜一猜 A. 合理的B. 可信的
C. 正确的D. 荒谬的
翻译 他们的想法很荒谬。
近义词 ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的; silly愚蠢的
abuse/bjuz/ v.
The Prime Minister abuses his privilege.
猜一猜 A. 伤害 B. 碰撞
C. 连用D. 滥用
翻译 首相滥用特权。
分析 ab+use
from+ to use 不正确使用,滥用 v./n.
词义扩展 ① n./v.虐待abuse child 虐待儿童
② n./v.谩骂a word of abuse 骂人的话
His secretary accompanied the manager to the airport.
猜一猜 A. 吩咐B. 陪同
C. 谴责 D. 遗忘
Africa/frik/ n. 词义 非洲大头例句 There is a worldfamous desert named Sahara in North Africa.在非洲北部有片世界闻名的撒哈拉大沙漠。
African/frikn/ a./n. 词义 a.非洲(人)的 n. 非洲人
大头例句 African development is very obvious after their independence.独立后的非洲的发展非常明显。
bachelor/btl/ n.
He became a confirmed bachelor after his divorce.
猜一猜 A. 皇室B. 单身汉
C. 议员D. 演员
翻译 离婚后他就一直抱着独身主义。
词义扩展 学士(学位) a bachelors degree 学士学位; bachelor of Arts /Science 文/ 理学士
board/bd/ n.
The board was wet after the rain.
猜一猜 A. (木,纸)板B. 岩石
C. 海报D. 玻璃纸词义扩展 ① 全体委员,委员会,部门the board of directors 董事会② 伙食charge for board and lodging 膳宿费③ 船舷
v. 上船(车,飞机)Flight 196 for Beijing is now boarding.乘飞往北京的196号飞机的乘客请登机。
词组 on board 在船上It was crowded at the airport, but I managed to get on board.机场拥挤不堪,我好不容易才上了飞机。
近义词 beam, lumber, cabinet, committee;embark, go aboard
but/bt,bt/ conj.
I really want to help you, but I dont know what to do.
猜一猜 A. 也许 B. 而且
C. 还是 D. 但是
翻译 我真的很想帮你,但是我不知道该怎么做。
词义扩展 prep. 除…外There is nothing but a bed in this room.这个房间里除了床之外没有别的东西了。
ad. 只,仅仅,不过Beauty is but superficial while mind is profound.美貌是肤浅的,而思想才是深邃的。
词组 but for除…以外,倘没有,除非But for the accident, we should have arrived an hour ago. 倘没有这个事故,我们一个小时前就到了。
economic/iknmik/ a.
Most developing countries are facing economic difficulties.
猜一猜 A. 经济的 B. 节约的
C. 经济学的D. 政治的
翻译 绝大多数发展中国家面临着经济困难。
大头巧记 词干economy(经济)+后缀ic(…的),即为经济的。
词义扩展 经济学的Economic principles are used to illustrate some social phenomena. 经济学原理被用于解释一些社会现象。
economical/iknmikl/ a.
Traveling by train is more economical than traveling by plane.猜一猜 A. 经济上的 B. 节约的
C. 经济学的D. 政治的
翻译 坐火车旅行比坐飞机旅行更节约。
大头巧记 词干economy(经济)+后缀ical(…的),即为节约的,经济的
大头例句 Bicycles are considered as an economical alternative to buses.自行车被看成是比公共汽车更实惠的交通工具。
近义词 saving节约的,节俭的; thrifty节约的
economics/iknmiks/ n.
The professor is an expert at economics.
猜一猜 A. 政治学 B. 管理学
C. 经济学D. 人类学
翻译 那位教授是经济学专家。
大头巧记 词干economy(经济)+后缀ics(…学术,学科),即为经济学
大头例句 Economics has developed quickly since modern history.近代以来,经济学有了飞快的发展。
economy/i()knmi/ n.
More and more countries shift their focus upon economy.
猜一猜 A. 政治 B. 军事
C. 环境D. 经济
翻译 越来越多的国家将他们的重心转到经济上来。
大头例句 Resources exhaustibility requires us to practice economy.能源会枯竭,这要求我们实行节约。
flush/fl/ v.
Not having been flushed properly, toilet is blocked again.
猜一猜 A. 冲洗,奔流 B. 脸红
C. 堵塞D. 疏通
翻译 因为好好冲洗,厕所又堵住了。
词义扩展 n./v. 脸红She flushed every time while speaking in front of others.每次在众人面前发言,她就会脸红。
a. (with) 齐平的,同高的The project should be flush with fund, or it would be discontinued.这个工程一定要资经充足,否则就会被停工。
for/f/ prep.
They have set up for New York.
猜一猜 A. 往, 向 B. 在…之上
C. 在…之下D. 对于
翻译 他们已经出发去了纽约。
prep. ① 对于, 供 It is quite cool for July.对于七月份来说, 现在已经很凉快了。② 为了They are fighting for their countries.他们为了自己的国家而战。③ 达, 计 The relationship of cohabit between them has last more than ten years, which make them tired and now they decide to get married at last.他们之间的同居生活已经持续达十多年之九, 这使得他们都疲惫不堪, 现在他们终于决定结婚了。 ④ 替代表 The letter “A” stand for the word “ adulterate” in the novel “Scarlet Letter”, which the heroin have on her breast. 小说《红字》中女主角胸前挂的字母 “A” 代表通奸的意思。 ⑤ 赞成 I am for you!我支持你!⑥ 至于My boyfriend likes this kind of biscuits, for me, it is too sweet. 我男朋友喜欢吃这种饼干,至于我,它太甜了。
conj. 由于, 因为 The rate of deviant behavior with sex rises when children step into adolescent, for they excessively contact with some pornographic materials.当儿童进入青春期之后, 有关于性的不良行为的比率大大提高, 这是由于他们过多地接触了一些色情材料。
wound/wund/ n.
Do you know how to deal with the wound?
猜一猜 A. 缺点B. 错误C. 遗憾D. 伤口
词义扩展 v. 伤害,伤They were badly wounded in the accident.他们在这次事故中受了重伤。
work/wk/ n.
One can not gain anything without hard work.
猜一猜 A. 决心B. 困难C. 劳动D. 学习词义扩展 ① 职业 It is very difficult to find work without a good education background.没有好的教育背景,找工作是很困难的。 ② 产品,成品,工艺品 The craftsman will show us his work later. 这个手工艺人一会儿会把他的工艺品拿给我们看。 ③ (pl.)著作,作品 The great writer died in his early age, leaving many excellent works for the world. 这位杰出的作家英年早逝,却为世人留下了很多精彩的作品。 ④ (pl.)工厂,工场The manager was praised because there hasnt been any accident at the works this year. 这家工厂一年来没有发生过任何事故,经理因此受了表扬。
v. 工作,运转 The clock doesnt work. 钟停了。
at work 在工作,忙于You can not see him since he is at work right now. 他现在正忙着工作,你见不到他的。
out of work 失业If he is out of work, there is nobody could support the whole family. 如果他失业了,就没有人能供养这个家了。
work out ① 解决,算出work out the expense 计算花销 ② 设计出,制定出 work out a plan 制定计划
work up 引起,激起work up oneself 发怒
worker/wk/ n.
He is recently doing a research concerning about working condition of the workers.
猜一猜 A. 农民B. 工人C. 学生D. 老师
workshop/wkp/ n.
His grasped the skills of repairing bicycles when he was working in the workshop.
猜一猜 A. 车间 B. 地下室
C. 市场 D. 街道
词义扩展 专题研讨会 She is going to give a presentation in the poetry workshop. 她准备在诗歌研习会上做一次展示。
wolf/wulf/ n.
Be cautious of him. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.猜一猜 A. 老虎 B. 狮子
C. 狼 D. 豹
stoop/stup/ v.
She stooped down to pick the pence.
猜一猜 A. 蹲下 B. 弯腰
C. 躺下 D. 趴下
翻译 她弯下身来拾起那个便士。
词义扩展 n. 弯腰,曲背His stoop avoided him from being discovered. 他弯腰躲过了搜查。
近义词 curve 弄弯;使弯曲; bend 使弯曲, 屈(膝)
sea/si/ n.
The scenery on the sea when a storm is coming is spectacular.
猜一猜 A. 海,海洋 B. 海岸
C. 森林 D. 暴雨
翻译 暴雨来临前的海面相当壮观。
repeat/ripit/ v.
He repeated what he had done last week and received the same punishment this time.
猜一猜 A. 重复,重说,重做 B. 讨还
C. 重演 D. 谴回
翻译 他重复了上周的所作所为,并且受到了同样的惩罚。
分析 re+peat
词义扩展 n. 重复a repeat assignment 第二次同样的任务
repeatedly/ripitidli/ ad.
You will not arrive there on time if you keep stopping for a rest repeatedly.
猜一猜 A. 及时地B. 尽快地
C. 短暂地 D. 重复地,再三地
翻译 如果你总是再三地停下来休息,你就不能按时到达那里了。
分析 repeat+ed+ly
近义词 again
stop /stp/ v.
The rain stopped the game.
猜一猜 A. 休息 B. 延续
C. 开始 D. 停止
翻译 雨使得比赛停了下来。
词义扩展 v. ① 塞住,堵塞He stopped his ears with his fingers. 他用手指把耳朵堵住。② 阻止,阻挠What can stop our going if we want to go? 如果我们想去,又有什么能阻止我们去呢?③ 逗留,歇宿We invited him to tea and he stopped for supper! 我们邀请他来喝茶,而他却留下来吃晚饭了!
n. ① 停车站Where is the nearest bus stop? 最近的公共汽车站在哪?② 停止,中止The train goes through without a stop. 火车中途不停。
近义词 end 终止,完毕,结尾;discontinue 中止,中断,停止
puzzle/pzl/ n.
The childs illness is a puzzle to the doctor.
猜一猜 A. 难题 B. 技巧
C. 追逐 D. 思考
词义扩展 v.(使)迷惑,(使)为难I was puzzled by her persuasion. 她的劝说让我为难。
pencil/pensl/ n.
My father used to peel pencil for me when I was a child.
猜一猜 A. 蜡笔 B. 油画笔
C. 铅笔 D. 毛笔
翻译 小时侯,爸爸常常帮我削铅笔。
penalty/penlti/ n.
Having escaped from the death penalty, he cant rid off the one of the mind.
猜一猜 A. 监狱 B. 惩罚
C. 指责 D. 枷锁
penny/peni/ n.
The bread costs 1.5 penny.猜一猜 A. 铅笔B. 便士
C. 分D. 金钱
翻译 面包1.5便士一个。
penicillin/penisilin/ n.
Penicillin can be used for eliminating inflammation.
猜一猜 A. 青霉素B. 红霉素
C. 土霉素D. 葡萄糖
翻译 青霉素可用来消炎。
per/p/ prep.
There are a large number of people dying of traffic accident per day.
猜一猜 A. 借B. 和
C. 在D. 每
翻译 每天有许多人死于车祸。
词义扩展 prep. 经,由The goods are transported here per steamer. 这批货物经轮船运抵这里。
perhaps/phps/ ad.
There is going to be the holiday; perhaps I will go on a travel.
猜一猜 A. 经常B. 总是
C. 间或D. 也许
翻译 假期就要来了,也许我会出去旅行。
近义词 probably
period/pirid/ n.
The period of university is the golden times of ones life.
猜一猜 A. 时期B. 年代
C. 朝代D. 期间
翻译 大学时代是一个人一生中的黄金时代。
词义扩展 n. ① 学时,课时There are four periods every morning.每天上午有四个课时。② 周期,一段时间The period of this virus is one month.这种病毒的发作周期为一个月。③ 句点You should use period at the end of a sentence.你应该在句末用上句号。
This periodical is popular.
猜一猜 A. 周期的B. 时代的
C. 年代的D. 期刊
翻译 这种期刊非常受欢迎。
词义扩展 a. 周期的,定期的The periodical sanitation check is very necessary. 定期的卫生检查非常必要。
近义词 magazine
pendulum/pendjulm/ n.
A pendulum hangs on the wall
猜一猜 A. 钟摆 B. 油画
C. 挂历 D. 照片
翻译 一只钟摆挂在墙上。
anniversary/nivsri/ n.
Today is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yatsens birth.
猜一猜 A. 周末 B. 工作日
C. 周年纪念(日) D. 生日
翻译 今天是孙中山诞辰纪念日
分析 anni+vers+ry
anni=year+ to turn+ry(抽象名词字尾) 每到具有重要意义的一年举行周年纪念(日)