45题对应段落主体及动作来源于段落前两句:The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention. The write ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 51 sympathetic/ a. People throughout the world sent out sympathetic words to the families of the victims in t ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 52 inertia/ n. He always has a feeling of inertia and doesnt want to do anything 猜一猜 A. 苦恼B. 自卑 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 53 positive/a. We have positive knowledge that the earth moves around the sun. 猜一猜 A. 积极的B. 十足的C. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 54 accent/n. He speaks English with a Chinese accent. 猜一猜 A. 口味B. 口腔C. 口音D. 声音 翻译 他说英语 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 55 recreation/ n. He considers gardening a recreation rather a form of hard work. 猜一猜 A. 回忆B. 娱乐,消 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 56 meter/metre/ n. A gas meter measures the amount of gas you use; an electricity meter measures the amount o ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 57 palm/ n. He read my palm for a while and said to me that I would make a fortune. 猜一猜 A. 脸B. 鼻子C. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28Day 58 fable/ n.词义 寓言 大头例句 Aesops Fable is a wellrenowned book in the world. 伊索寓言是世界名著。 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 59 whoever/pron. Whoever is against the discrimination against the black is our friend. 猜一猜 A. 无论是谁B ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28been released. 一部新的影片刚刚发行。 silver/ n. Silver used to be the material to make money all over the w ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 61 china/tain/ n. My grandpa likes collecting china, especially old ones. 猜一猜 A. 文物B. 艺术品 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 63 lion/lain/ n. I have never seen the terrible lions before. 猜一猜 A. 狮子B. 动物C. 老虎D. 大象 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 64 map/mp/ n. It is a delightful little village, but few people know of it, as its off the m ap. 猜 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 65 allied/laid/ a.词义 联合的,同盟的 大头例句 They were tightly allied on the basis of their common a ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 66 violin/vailin/ n. He is good at playing the violin. 猜一猜 A. 钢琴B. 笛子C. 吉他D. 小提琴 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 67 challenge/tlind/ n. China will meet more challenges and chances after the official entry into ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 68 blue/blu/ a. The sky is so blue that it seems to be transparent. 猜一猜 A. 柔和的B. 经典的 C. 蓝 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 69 approximately/prksimtli/ ad. What he says approximately accords with the previous evidence ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 70 accuse/kjuz/ v. The police accused him of murder. 猜一猜 A. 责备B. 侮辱C. 控告D. 逮捕 翻译 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 11 haste n. Why all the haste? 猜一猜 A. 开心B. 悲伤C. 匆忙D. 忧郁 翻译 为什么这么匆忙? 词义扩展 ① ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 12 blood/bld/ n. Blood burst out from the wound. 猜一猜 A. 血液B. 泪水C. 方案D. 气流 翻译 血从伤口 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 13 country/kntri/ n. Everyone is obligated to make contributions to his country. 猜一猜 A. 国家B. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 14 outbreak/autbreik/ n. The demonstration is the outbreak of the constant conflicts between the gov ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 15 expert/ekspt/ n./a. n. 专家,能手 a. 熟练的,有经验的;专门的 大头例句 Professor Lee is an ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 16 detect/ditekt/ v. Its easy to detect something sarcastic in his voice. 猜一猜 A. 介绍B. 解释 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 17 happiness/hpinis/ n. He only concerned about his own happiness. 猜一猜 A. 利益B. 工作C. 前途D. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 18 tactics/tktiks/ n.Gencral Dean adopted the surprise tactics to win the battle. 猜一猜 A. 军队B. 士 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 19 cherish/teris/ v.One doesnt cherish what he owns until he loses it one day. 猜一猜 A. 计划B. 保存 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 20 compete/kmpit/ v.Several companies are competing to gain the ownership of a factory. 猜一猜 A. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28aboard 在船、火车、飞机或其他客运交通工具上abroad adv.往国外, 到处, 海外, 广泛, 差得远, adapt vt.①使适应, ②改编a ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 21 optical/ptikl/ a.The invention of lenses is based on optical conception. 猜一猜 A. 关系的B. 光学的 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 22 express/ikspres/ v./a./n. He nerved himself to express his love to the girl. 猜一猜 A. 否认B. 坚 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 23 basis/beisis/ n.The two countries achieve an agreement on an equal basis. 猜一猜 A.风格B. 基础C. 裁 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 24 jealous/dels/ a.They are jealous of his achievement and promotion. 猜一猜 A. 高兴的B. 满意的 C ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 25 exercise/ekssaiz/ n./v. 词 义 n. 练习,习题;训练,锻炼 v. 训练,锻炼;行使 大头例句 The g ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 26 emigrate/emireit/ v.The country began to take measures to limit the number of the intellectuals who ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 27 insight/insait/ n.We study science to gain insight into natural laws. 猜一猜 A. 了解B. 意见C. 分析D ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 28 evolution/ivlun/ n. 词 义 进化,渐进,演化 大头例句 Darwins theory of evolution sti ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 29 emerge/imd/v. The sun emerged from behind the clouds. 猜一猜 A. 遮住B. 照耀C. 下落D. 露面 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 30 grain/rein/ n.American grain export has increased by 20% last year. 猜一猜 A. 大米B. 蔬菜C. 面粉D. 谷 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 31 terrorist/terrist/ n. Lets unite together to fight with the terrorists. 猜一猜 A. 领域B. 侵 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 32 improper/imprp/ a. Its improper to laugh and joke in serious situation. 猜一猜 A. 可笑的B. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28个age表示状态或情况的名词后缀,变成名词的“缺少”。 近义词 deficiency 缺少 shortcoming/tkmi/ n. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY34 variable / a. She is difficult to understand because of her variable moo ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 35 galaxy/ n. Stars of one galaxy moved regularly, and affect each other. 猜一猜 A. 天空B. 星系C. 太空D. 星 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 36 nationality/n. What nationality are you? 猜一猜 A. 凡是B. 国籍C. 激愤D. 满足 翻译 你是哪国人? 大头 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 37 romance/ n. Since taking up writing romance in 1967, she was brought out over forty books。 猜一猜 A. 侦 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 38 zeal/n. He is always helping others with great zeal. 猜一猜 A. 关心B. 热情C. 力量D. 时间 翻译 他总是以 ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28DAY 39 challenge/ n. China will meet more challenges and chances after the official entry into WTO. 猜一猜 A. ...
英语词汇 匿名 免费考研网 2006-05-28