

  Listening Comprehension: Get familiar with the words or phrases given below, and then listen to the tape until you can complete the talk.

  Topic: Internet

  Category: Phone-in



  modem: (计算机)猫



  Guest: Well,_______ is really just a, um, _______________________________. And to ___________ all you need is a _______ and a _____and you can ______________________that has gone on the Internet anywhere in the world. And it has wonderful, wonderful _______.

  Presenter: But ___________________________________, doesn't it?

  Guest: It ____ does.

  Presenter: In fact, you tell a _____ in the book about a young girl and her ____________ sister, what was their story?

  Guest: Well, the 14-year-old girl actually had ___ someone in __________, ____________________________ if you ____ and decided to _________________ from home with this person. She just _____________.


  Topic: Western Union money transfer service

  Category: Advertisement


  Western Union:西联,美国专营汇钱、兑换业务的公司

  You got me!:你可把我给问住了!我不知道!



  Announcer: Today on our show __________ who did not know they could use the _______ to _____________________ through Western Union. Doctor, do you _____________ talking about it?

  Doctor: No, I don't.

  Announcer: As I remember your mother needed money for ________________ to come visit you. Is ________?

  Doctor: I don't want to talk about it.

  Announcer: And you didn't send it?

  Doctor: No, I didn't send it. It wasn't __________, I couldn't get to a Western Union. I had too many _________, too little time. I am not going to __________________.

  Announcer: You _________.

  Doctor: Okay, okay, you _______! I didn't know all I ________________ pick up the phone, call Western Union and use your credit card! If I'd only known! 1-800-Call-Cash. 1-800-Call-Cash. I think about it night and day. Now, every time I look at a phone, ____________. Oooh, you're good, you're very good.

  Announcer: Doctor, I'm afraid our time is ____.


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