[M-zone特区43]清透美丽的声音 - Man in the rain

exam8 exam8/2007-10-05

这是爱尔兰女歌手Cara Dillon的一首歌曲,她的声音清透美丽而极具风格,并且融入自己的个性和感染力,音乐评论杂志认为“Cara Dillon的声音冷静中富有感情,充满了温暖的气息和与生俱来的信仰。”从这首歌中,我们能感受到Cara Dillon充满活力的一面。

Man in the rain

You're the one who's nearly breaking my heart.
Had your chance, you just threw it all away.
Living in a world that you could never be a part of
And never time to walk away.

[ Chorus ]

You can't stay, no, you can't stay.
You're no loser, there's still time to ride that train
And you must be on your way tonight.
Think anew right through, you're a man in the rain.

What's the use in hanging round these walls.
Lamps are burning, but nobody's at home.
There's a new day dawning as a cold rain falls
And now's the time to walk alone.

[ Repeat Chorus ]

How's it feel when there's time to remember?
Branches bare, like the trees in November.

Had it all, threw it all away.
Now's the time to walk away.

[ Repeat Chorus ]

How's it feel when there's time to remember?
Branches bare, like the trees in November.

How's it feel when there's time to remember?
Branches bare, like the trees in November.

[ Repeat Chorus ]

Threw it all away, threw it all away
And now's the time to walk away.


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