An accredited school is one that has passed inspection by a rating group like the association. All of the schools are Christian. But other schools train leaders in Judaism, Islamic, Buddhism and other faith traditions.
The Fuller Theological Seminary opened in 1947. It has three schools, Theology, intercultural studies and Psychology. It also has a centre for life-long learning. Students at Fuller can earn a doctor of ministry degree or more than 20 other graduate degrees. Examples include a Master’s Degree in marital and family therapy and a master’s in global leadership.
There are also degree programs taught in Korea and Spanish. And Fuller admits some students through its English as a second language programs.
Some degree programs cost more than others, one year at Fuller can cost anywhere from 12,000 to 24,000 dollars. International students can apply for scholarships and grants. But Fuller says that normally they will not be permitted to work during the time of their studies. The same is true for family members.
1. Judaism:犹太教
2. Islamic:伊斯兰教
3. Buddhism:佛教
4. Theology:神学
5. Psychology:心理学
6. Marital:婚姻的
7. Ministry:牧师
8. The same is true for family members: