
exam8 exam8/2007-10-05



  I’ll be back in Beijing in July.


  A   I have to go back to the States, but I’ll be back in Beijing in July.

  A   我得回美国了,但是我7月份还会来北京。

  B   That’s good.

  B   好啊。

  A   Yes, I’m coming back on the 23rd.

  A   是的,我23日回来。

  B   Well, the weather will be good then.

  B   哦,到时候天气就会好了。

  A   Yes.  And I’ll stay for two months next time.

  A   是的。我下次将在北京待两个月。

  注释   Notes

  If you have to do something, you can use: have to...or must...e.g.I have to go back to the States;I must go back to the States.

  如果你不得不做某事,你可以用have to...(不得不),或者must...(必须……)。例如:I have to go back to the States (我得回美国); I must go back to the States (我必须回美国)。

  Remember - if you are talking about the future, you can use will e.g.I will be back in Beijing in July. You can shorten I will to I’ll.

  记住——如果你要说将来的事情,你可以用will...(将会……)例如:I will be back in Beijing in July(我七月份还会再北京)。你可以把I will(我会)缩写成I’ll(我会)。

  重要的短语和句子   Key phrases & sentences

  I have to go back to the States.


  I’ll be back in Beijing in July.


  I’m coming back on the 23rd.


  Well, the weather will be good then.


  And I’ll stay for two months next time.我下次将在北京待两个月。


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