

 1. While the inclination to procrastinate is common , one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays .
  2. The tendency to take things for granted is understandable , but the need for one to rationally evaluate the circumstances of any situation is absolutely essential .
  3. Most people are under the illusion that a college degree guarantees success . There is no such guarantee without hard work .
  4. Some stubbornly hold to the correctness of traditional practices , but in so doing they seem to totally ignore the fact that progress depends on change .
  5. Generally speaking , previous parliamentary policy debates ignored the relevance of transparency .
  6. A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine . Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not ?
  7. Admittedly , bribery and corruption are endemic to our political and economic systems , but it doesn’t necessarily follow that all politicians and business people resort to illicit behavior .
  8. There’s little doubt that a third World War is avoidable , but it is highly unlikely that regional conflicts will disappear in the foreseeable future .
  9. Some people assume that investing in stock is a safe pursuit , but their assumption fails to hold water when considering the substantial risk involved .
  10. Some people have called for accelerated across-the-board changes . Their approach quite frankly ignores the need for gradual but effective changes .
  11. There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes .
  12. Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence . Careful examination , however , reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain , and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer .
  13. At first glance , the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical . However , a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem , and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life . This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil .
  14. Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world’s 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy .
  15. In spite of claims to the contrary , it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended .
  16. We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family . Today , however , role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace .
  17. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority . Their persistence in doing so , however , does readily reveal the inferior mentality and social incompatibility of certain human beings .


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