
新东方 /2009-01-03



   关键词:honesty and credit;或者 credibility 



    诚信第一 英语说 Honesty comes first


            Honesty should come first to a businessman.

            A businessman should put honesty at the first place.



Direction: Plagiarism in academic studies is becoming a major problem worldwide,. Study the picture carefully. Your essay should include the following points:

  1)a description of the illustration showing your understanding of the symbolic meaning;

  2) your understanding the issue;

  3) suggest counter measures.

  You should write about 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.



  In the illustration provided, authors of what should be unique articles peer over at their colleague's work. Perhaps they are looking for inspiration, but more likely, they are stealing ideas and using these ideas as their own. It appears from this pictures that everyone is guilty of this crime; there is no start or finish to the cycle of plagiarism .

  Academic plagiarism is a problem that is not limited to one or two schools in the word. One can only
imagine that some form of academic is present everywhere. This process can occur innocently enough. One

writer  is looking for information on a certain topic and does not cite his work properly, the original

author is forgotten, and credit is not placed where it is due.

  I believe that this issue is a very serious problem in universities today. The administration should do

 everything they can to stop plagiarism. This could include lecturing students on how to properly quote references, and also raising the penalties for those who are found guilty of plagiarism.





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