
新东方 /2009-11-12

  7.As the destructive effect on..., … have been rooted in …

  例句:As the destructive effect on our nation, his heretical ideas have been rooted in many people's minds。

  8. As an unexpected result of..., more and more people have come to…

  例句:As an unexpected result of the patriotic education, more and more people have come to regain/restore their sense of justice。

  9.To one's greatest astonishment, ... have affected...to the point of.。。

  例句:To our greatest astonishment, the corruption has affected the society to the point of threatening its political stability。

  10.The most obvious result … produced is.。。

  例句:The most obvious result the economic reforms have produced is the way the people live and think。

  11.11) With a steady improvement in ..., something will still .。。

  例句:With a steady improvement in its administration, the new-born thing will flourish on Chinese soil。

  12.In a long run, ... is believed to.。。

  例句:In a long run, the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China。

  13.In spite of the fact that..., something will ... in our consistent efforts。

  例句:In spite of the fact that there is no hope of attaining the final goal at once, this reform will be spreading far and wide in our consistent efforts。

  14.In a word, there is every chance that … in time to come. 

  例句:In one word, there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come。

  15.Those who...will have to.。。

  例句:Those who have a strong bias against the Chinese nation will have to treat her with increased respect。

                                                  新东方考研英语名师 YANA


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