
迦思佑教育 /2009-12-15

  If Chinese culture hopes to contribute to the "coexistence of civilizations" in contemporary human society, it must needs to know itself, which means a cultural self-consciousness. The so-called "cultural self-consciousness" is the serious self-reflection by certain people in certain cultural tradition on their own culture's origin, its history of formation, its characters (including both advantages and disadvantages) and its tendency of progress. The renewal of Chinese nation is on the eve. To achieve this goal, we must have a self-knowledge about Chinese culture, posit it on a proper place, and search with enthusiasm the genuine spirit of this culture with a long history, in order to present its essence to modern human society. Besides, we must reflect the disadvantages of our culture as well, to better the absorptions of other cultures' essences, and to re-interpret it in a modern way adapting to the general tendency of progress of modern society. Only after this retrospective reflection could our country march as vanguard in the progress of global culture, and create a brave new world together with other cultures。

  Confucianism and Taoism were principle schools of thinking in traditional Chinese culture, usually regarded as mutual complementary - of course, after Indian Buddhism was introduced into China, it also played an important role in Chinese society and culture. Now I'd like to discuss whether the Confucian and Taoist thinking could provide meaningful sources for the doctrine of "coexistence of civilizations"。

  (1) The Confucian doctrine of Ren (仁: benevolence, virtue) is a resource of thinking with positive meaning for the "coexistence of civilizations"。

  "The Way originates in Emotion" (道始于情), as prescribed in "Destiny is the resource of Human nature" (性自命出), manuscript in Guodian Bamboo Slips (《郭店竹简》). "The Way" here means "the Way of Human" (人道), i.e. the principles in dealing with human (or in anther word, social) relationships, which is different from "the Way of Heaven" (天道), i.e. the laws of nature or of universe. Human relationships are established on the basis of emotion, which is the starting point of Confucian doctrine of Ren. Once a disciple named Fan Chi asked Confucius: "What is Ren?" The answer was: "To love people." Where is the origin of this thought, "to love people"? In The Doctrine of the Mean a saying of Confucius was quoted as: "Ren is the characteristic element of humanity, and the great exercise of it is in loving relatives."[17] The spirit of Benevolence and Love (仁爱) is rooted in human nature, and to love one's relative is the most basic exercise of it. But the spirit of Ren goes far beyond this level. To quote Guodian Bamboo Slips: "To love and love deep, that is love; but to enlarge the love of one's father to the love of human being, that is Ren."[18] "The enlargement of filial piety is to love all the people below Heaven."[19] From these sayings we observe that the Confucian Doctrine of Ren demands to enlarge "the love of relatives" to "the benevolence on people", i.e. to "enlarge one's self-concern to the concern on others" (推己及人), to "treat with the reverence due to age the elders in your own family, so that the elders in the families of others shall be similarly treated; treat with the kindness due to youth the young in your own family, so that the young in the families of others shall be similarly treated"[20] - that is Ren. It is not easy to practice the doctrine of "enlarging one's self-concern to the concern on others", which requires a "practice of Ren" rooting in "the Way of Loyalty and Forgiveness" (忠恕之道), i.e. "never do to others as you do not wish done on yourself"[21], "wishing to be established himself, he seeks also to establish others; wishing to be enlarged himself, he seeks also to enlarge others".[22] ("Loyalty is complete devotion of oneself; Forgiveness is the deduction of one's self-concern." 朱熹:《四书集注》)。


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