
迦思佑教育 /2009-12-15

  Differences in religious believes, values and ways of thinking could lead to conflicts among nations and states; and conflicts could lead to wars. However, are conflicts inevitable? Couldn't they be pacified without warring for cultural differences? We must needs to find resources of thinking in all national cultures advocating the coexistence of civilizations, in order to counteract those cultural elements possible to invite conflicts. As argued above, the Confucianism and Taoism in Chinese culture could provide significant resources of thinking to counteract the clash of civilizations and to bring forth the coexistence of civilizations. I believe the same kind of resources could be found in cultures of all nations and states too. When human civilization is on threshold of the 21st century, should we practice a theory of "clash of civilizations" to deal with the problems among nations and states, or a theory of "coexistence of civilizations" to guide human society on a road leading to peaceful coexistence instead? This is a question. We must ponder at it seriously and make a thoughtful choice. It would be the blessing of human being if it chooses not the clash but the coexistence of civilizations. The Book of History told us: "All the states under Heaven should be harmonized."[46] As many other nations, the Chinese is a great one with a long and brilliant tradition of history and culture, which is undoubtedly a most valuable treasure for mankind. We should make good use of this treasure, exert its proper contributions to the peaceful coexistence of human society, in order that harmony might befall on the world, pushing forward the global cultural exchanges。

  -- "Clash"or"Coexistence" of Civilizations? Tang Yijie From:(Beijing Forum) Translated by: YANG, Zhiyi






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