
启航 /2011-01-16


  With the rapid development of tourist attractions,a growing number of people throng to the scenic spots during their vacations. As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, in the middle of a lake alive with rubbish rows a boat, riding two tourists, who are littering while enjoying the scenery。

  We can deduce from the picture that the drawer is trying to capture our attention to the tragedy of the destruction of the rivers and lakes, which is part of the threat to the ecological balance of the planet. It must be admitted that occurrences of water pollution caused by the rapid development of tourism industry is understood by many people with wide and insightful views. Unfortunately, in real practice, tourism has developed in a manner which often conflicts with the environment. To some extent, the faster the tourism economy develops, the worse the environment becomes。

  What is the significance of tourism development if the ecological balance is destroyed? In my view, measures should be taken without any delay to address the problem before price is paid for the negative development of the tourism. What should be done first is to make more people aware of the importance of environment protection. Otherwise, sightseeing, as a relaxation for most city dwellers, would be an impossible-to-be-realized wish in a few years. Meanwhile, related laws must be laid down to protect the fragile environment and to penalize those who violate the law. Only in this way would we enjoy a wonderful natural ecosystem and an advantageous, fast-growing tourism economy。



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