
启航 /2011-01-16


  What an enlightening and thought-provoking image it is! It is so vivid and lively that whoever in front of it may be greatly interested. What is subtly presented in the interesting and instructive picture above is that a tourist in a sight-seeing boat is throwing waste into the lake, which is already full of various wastes. What on earth does the drawer really attempt to convey?

  Studying it further, we may find that funny as it appears, its implications are apparently far-reaching -------- people in mounting numbers nowadays have not been aware of their environment-polluting behavior just yet. Indeed, nowhere in history has this issue been concerned so much as in our society today. It should be observed,of course, that similar events are now available in nearly all walks of life for the time being. Looking around, we can find upsetting parallels too numerous to list: in the cinema, on the square, and even on the train。

  What to do? The general public should be made aware of the severity of such a scene and a package of programs should be initiated to curb the situation. It is high time that much importance were attached to such cases. I am confident that so long as the whole society make substantial and sustainable efforts, our future will surely be better。



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