2015考研英语大作文考前预测 个人品质类

本站小编 新浪教育/2014-12-31



  self-confidence n. 自信

  persistence n. 坚持

  knowledge n. 知识

  iron-mindedness n. 坚强的意志

  diligent/industrious adj.. 勤奋的

  hard work n. 勤奋

  endeavor n./v. 努力

  make one’s own way 成功

  make it 成功

  triumph over 成功,生理

  succeed v. 成功

  sense ofhonor 荣誉感

  with heartand soul 全心全意地

  positive 积极的


  aggressive 有进取心的

  energetic 精力充沛的

  ambition 雄心



  enhancecomprehensive quality 提高综合素质


  strivingspirit 进取精神

  strengthenmutual cooperation 增强相互合作

  passion 激情

  widen one’sknowledge 增长见识

  contentment 满足


  suffersetbacks 遭受挫折



  Ascan be seen from the cartoons, different students may havedifferent ways on how to spend their college days: a boy student indulgeshimself in computer games, wasting money and time; while a girl student buriesherself in a large pile of books, striving to get prepared for the future。

  Thepicture is fairly thought-provoking, which intends to convey to us differentways of living will cause different ending. After the fierce competition in theentrance examination, some students may have the illusion that they are secureat last in college. Therefore they do not concentrate on their studies andwaste money and time. Needless to say, we all have the right to choose ourown way of life. However, college students should define and realize theirgoals. Time in college is one of the most important periods in our life when wecan further prepare ourselves academically for a successful future. Settinggoals is an active way of living. Generally speaking, people are bettermotivated when they want to attain the goal they set for themselves and have asense of fulfillment when they succeed. This is true for college students aswell。

  Consideringall the points discussed above, we can easily recognize the significance of settinggoals in terms of achieving success. Students should not only keep theirambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clearpurpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one’s studies。(来源:万学教育)


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    本站小编 新浪教育 2014-12-31
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    本站小编 新浪教育 2014-12-31
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    本站小编 新浪教育 2014-12-31