2015年考研英语大作文考前预测 公共文明

本站小编 新浪教育/2015-01-01



  social morality 社会道德

  social issue 社会问题

  money-worship 金钱崇拜

  belief 信念

  morality 道德

  civilization of society 社会文明

  code of conduct 行为准则

  undesirable actions 不良行为

  decent man 正派的人

  good manner 好的行为

  key indicator 关键指标

  educational campaign 教育活动

  consciousness 意识

  social ethics 社会公德

  public virtue 公众道德

  humanitarian spirit 人道主义精神

  respect human rights 尊重人权

  the construction of socialmorality 社会公德建设

  the loss of public morality 公德的丧失

  pursuit of economic benefits 追求经济利益

  satisfaction of material 物质利益的满足

  significance of socialmorality 社会道德的意义

  warm-hearted people 热心人

  helpless people 无助的人,需要帮助的人

  volunteers 志愿者

  spirit of volunteers 志愿者的精神

  a thought-provoking socialphenomenon 引发人思考的社会现象

  psychological counseling 心理咨询

  donate money 捐钱

  relinquish/offer one’s seat to sb. 让座

  care for the vulnerable 关怀弱者

  respect the aged and cherishthe young 尊老爱幼

  be eager to assist people 乐于助人



  Asis vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, apleasant trip is spoiled by a man who takes off one of his shoes on a plane,which is most thought-provoking. Phenomenon of the kind is not uncommonaround us。

  Theaim of the painter of the drawing can be briefed as follows. On the one hand,bad manners in public places can no longer be ignored. Over these years, thepeople’s living standards have greatly improved, but the development of ourcivilization seems to fall far behind. No matter where you live and work, badmanners are easily spotted. The stains of spitting and chewing gums have becomethe disaster of most public places. Good manners, such as waiting in line andsaying “Thank you” and “Sorry”, are rarely found. We are losing the basicqualities of a modern citizen. On the other hand, it is urgent for us toeliminate our bad manners. As we know, China is an opening-up country. Itis our obligation to display not only our economy development but also ournational civilization to the international community. Such bad manners revealedin the drawing will spoil our international image. In sum, bad manners shouldarouse our social concern。

  In my view, counter-measures should betaken to get rid of the headache caused by bad manners. First of all,laws and regulations must be set up to ban bad manners. In addition, anation-wide campaign must be launched to spread the importance of good mannersamong the general public, especially the young. Only in this way can we soonembrace a harmonious society。(来源:万学教育)


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