
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-03-11





  On Telling the Truth

  In recent years, there is much talk about “telling the truth”, but criteria are quite different. There are at least two criteria to distinguish the truth. One is to speak out what one thinks arbitrarily, the other is to be realistic without any exaggeration and one-sided view. Different criteria may bring about various meanings when “telling the truth”. Accordingly, we should not only advocate the practice of saying what one thinks, but more importantly, the spirit of seeking truth from facts. The pursuit of truth does not contradict speaking out one’s mind. We may talk freely with comrades and friends, while in writing or making speeches, we should be prudent, taking various realistic factors into consideration. (116 words)


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  • 2018考研英语小作文押题预测4:建议信模板+范文
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  • 2018考研英语小作文押题预测2:邀请信模板+范文
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-10
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