Science tells us that life is better if you're beautiful.
You're healthier, more persuasive, and people willjust generally think you're smart and trustworthy.
But turns out, you don't have to hit the geneticlottery to become more attractive to the oppositesex.
Thanks to a slew of studies on sex and attraction, we found 12 grooming tips, attitudeadjustments, and other fixes for both men and women that are proven to make you moreappealing.
1. Keep those teeth pearly white.
A study confirmed that a white and evenly spaced set of teeth make people seem moreattractive.
The study, from researchers at the British universities of Leeds and Central Lancashire, foundthat teeth are "the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail," according to The Daily Mail.
They are a sign of health and good genetics that help select a mate.
2. Eat your fruits and vegetables for glowing skin.
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a natural way to make your skin look more attractive, astudy from PLoS ONE showed.
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and plant-based pigments, which give skin ahealthy hue.
Plus, the results are instant. Participants in the study had rosier cheeks and healthier lookingskin with just an increase of one portion of fruit and vegetables a day.
3. Women should smile more.
Turns out, there's a reason that creep on the streetis always asking you to smile.
Happiness is the most attractive emotion in females, a study called "Happy Guys Finish Last:The Impact of Emotion Expressions on Sexual Attraction" published in Emotion showed.
Researchers found that a simple smile causes men to find women more beautiful.
4. Guys need to brood a little more.
Brooding and swaggering men are much more attractive than men who are smiling, accordingto a study from the University of British Columbia. In fact, the women surveyed said happinesswas the leastattractive quality in a man.
But the study was based only on "gut reactions on carnal, sexual attraction," one of the study'sco-authors told The Daily Mail, not whether the men would make a good boyfriend or husband.
The study could explain why some women are attracted to the "bad boy" persona.
5. Women should play dumb if they're lookingfor a fling.
This one pains us to write. But ladies, if you'relooking for a one-night stand, it's best to play itstupid.
In a study published in Evolution and Human Behavior, graduate students at the University ofTexas–Austin found that that men were most attracted to women who appeared "dimwitted- orimmature," or "sleepy or intoxicated" for a one-night stand (charming).
来自《进化和人类行为》的一项研究称, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究生发现,那些看起来很傻很天真的女性对异性更具吸引力,迷离的、醉醺醺的女性也更容易得到一夜情。
Women who appeared quick-witted and lucid, on the other hand, were found less physicallyattractive.
Thankfully, the opposite was true when men were seeking long-term partners.
6. Guys should shave their beards.
Women rated men with bearded faces as less attractive in a recent study in the OxfordJournal.
The study found that men with beards were seen as more aggressive and of a higher social-status, but not better looking.
7. Women should also keep red lipstick handy.
Ladies, pick up some red lipstick next time you're atthe drug store.
A woman's lips are the most attractive part of her body, especially when colored with redlipstick, a study from the Manchester University revealed.
The study found that men stared at a woman's lips for seven full seconds when they werecolored red. In comparison, they spent just 0.95 seconds looking at her eyes and 0.85seconds gazing at her hair.
8. Men should play hard to get.
A study in Psychological Science showed that women found a man more attractive when shewasn't sure how strongly he felt about her, as opposed to when she was certain he was veryinterested in her.
The study found that women started thinking about a man more when she was uncertain if hereally liked her or not. Then, she would conclude she liked him since she couldn't "get this guyout of her head."
Overall, the study suggested that if men hold back some of their feelings at the very beginning,and create some mystery, he'll be more likely to hook a member of the opposite sex.
9. Guys should pick up a shirt with a "T" (we'renot kidding).
Researchers at Nottingham Trent University foundthat when men wore white t-shirts with a large blackletter "T" printed on the front, women found them12% more attractive.
The scientists suggested that the shirt creates an illusion that broadens the shoulders andslims the waist, producing a more V-shaped body that women found sexy.
In contrast, men wearing a top with an inverted "T" — with the bar running around their waist— were deemed up to 12% less attractive.
10. Women should use a higher-pitched voice.
Forget everything you know about a husky voice being considered sexy — women should use ahigher-pitched voice when speaking to a man they're interested in.
Researchers at University College London found that men were more attracted to women withhigh-pitched voices because it conveys a smaller body type.
11. Men need to take a deep breath and relax.
Women find less-stressed men substantially moreattractive than their more-stressed out rivals, astudy published in Proceedings of the Royal SocietyB journal found.
The researchers concluded that men with low stress levels are considered more attractivebecause handling a stressful situation suggests having a "strong" genetic makeup that can bepassed on to children.
12. And everyone should go for a ride on a roller coaster.
A study from last year revealed that roller coaster riders found their non-romantic co-ridersmore attractive after a whip around the track, according to The Daily Mail.
There was no difference for couples who were already romantically linked, so this trick onlyworks with potential partners.
More than 1,000 people participated in the study, which first appeared in the Archives of SexualBehavior.
Don't believe us? Test it yourself!
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-24
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