
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-24

Hidden in the heart of the Finnish wilderness, is a determined young woman who traded city life for an existence of near solitude with 85 huskies for company.


Not many people would be up to the challenge of braving temperatures that hit -45°C but they aren’t Tinja Myllykangas who values her privileged interaction with nature over material goods.


Tinja lives without electricity, relying on a wood stove for heat and candles for light and she allowed photographer Brice Portolano to spend two weeks with her capturing her unique way of life.


The strong-willed blonde decided to leave behind her biological studies in the city of Jyv?skyl?, Finland, for the Arctic landscapes of Lapland, in 2008.


She yearned for the untouched wilderness that she had on her doorstep rather urban life because she grew up surrounded by animals.


And so she embarked on finding a spot to raise sledding dogs, eventually settling down near to the Muotkatunturi nature reserve - 180 miles from the closest town.


Tinja cultivates a strong relationship with the dogs, who she said need a lot of exercise. Part of strengthening her bond with them is getting to know each pack member individually.


She also keeps horses and dog wolfs, canines where one of their parents or grandparents was a wolf. According to Tinja, the breed are extremely faithful and follow her wherever she goes.


She told Portolano: ’I like being on my own with the dogs and horses. I think being alone is the most peaceful way of life there is.’


Chores never feel like a burden for Tinja, who said she doesn’t feel the need for material possessions and is energised by the beauty of nature around her.


Tinja’s wooden home is devoid of running water and food is cooked outside on an open fire or on the wood stove.


But according to the French photographer, the hardest thing about Tinja’s life is not necessarily the conditions or harsh temperatures, but the absence of daylight, which can last for over a month.


She lives a very basic life and has to break the ice of the river every morning to get her water,’ Portolano told MailOnline Travel.


Tinja’s livelihood comes from offering dogsledding tours to people keen to stay on the husky farm and experience Arctic life, although she stated that she doesn’t run this for commercial profit.


Attracting visitors from far and wide, many are impressed at her nomadic life and resilient character.


One individual who stayed on the husky farm wrote on the ScanAdventures website: ’Tinja is the woman we sneakingly all harbour to be: independent, strong willed, eschewing the modern world’s temptations without self regard.’


Between tours Tinja is not completely alone, as she has lived with her boyfriend Alex, a former professional skier who now works as a race musher, a sport powered by dogs, for two years.


The only other contact she has with people is when she heads to the far-off town, 180 miles away. The long journey may seem extreme, but it provides the chance to stock up on food, charge batteries for her computer and phone and to take a real shower.


Portolano has been working as a photographer for three years, focusing on stories that showcase humans relationship with nature.


His experience with Tinja, entitled Arctic Love, formed part of an on-going project called No Signal, which documents various individuals in the wilderness.


For his next projects he is working on a book and documentary TV series.


Portolano’s work can be followed on his website, Facebook and Instagram.


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