
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2016-12-25


值得关注的是,今年考题反映的是我们常说的那句话:理想很丰满,现实很骨感。如何跨越理想和现实的鸿沟,这是一个长久以来一直讨论的话题。这里完全 可以结合考研真题中的个人品质类话题,谈一谈实现理想所需要的精神。那么此话题中很多表达方式,写作方式都与过去的真题如2007年的自信心缺乏、 2012年的悲观与乐观等真题作文如出一辙。所以真题是最宝贵的复习资源!2016年跨考各类考研写作课程均对真题进行过详细讲解,相信今年英语一的同学 面对此作文应会从容不迫。

我们简单来看看如何审这两副图,左边的图片中,一个学生坐在躺椅里悠哉悠哉,看着自己有许多书却没说读上哪怕一本;右边的图片中,一位勤奋的学生拿 着一本书仔细读着,并且很现实地计划着一年争取读完20本书。图表描述参考如下:What is symbolically mirrored in the caricatures, there emerge two circumstances, carrying sharp contrast implications. In the first cartoon, a fashionable boy , lying in his sling chair comfortably, is looking at his whole shelf of books and says, “I possess a multitude of books”. On the contrary, the second portrayal demonstrates an industrious student who is sitting in front of the desk and makes a realistic plan that he would like to finish reading 20 books in total within a year.

第二段可以从两方面来论证,一方面强调如果只有想法而不行动是不利于理想的实现,另一方面从正面论证脚踏实地一步一步完成理想的道理。参考如 下:The author of the cartoon invites us to focus on a truth that endless plans paralyze actions. There are simply no great success and achievements in the world that are not achieved through hard work and diligence. Similarly, a dream can be realized when you decide to work for it and persist continuously. Everyone desires to succeed, but not all his dreams can come true until he works hard to implement his plans. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams and always keep their feet on the ground. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are prevalent with the public, and even the students who enter the university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream-holders。.

第三段给出结论,简单提两条建议即可。比如:Accordingly, to succeed, we need to spare no efforts and hold fast to your dreams just as our nation sticks to our Chinese Dream. The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, and even some sacrifices are needed, but hold on to the end,you will find there is no greater happiness than making your dream come true.



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