III. English-Chinese Translation
How can science be encouraged to flourish and grow? How can the results of science be used to the best purpose for the benefit of humanity? 1) It was to find the answers to these questions, which are not merely academic but practical ones, that this whole inquiry into the place of science in society was undertaken. It can be justified only in so far as it helps to find them.
The way to answer the first question is to find the best conditions, external and internal, which have in the past helped the progress of science and to anticipate the changed needs of the present and future. The answer to the second question, which depends on the first, is set out towards the end of this chapter. Some of the external conditions for the flourishing of science in the past have already been discussed. 2) In essence they are provided only in periods of social and economic advance, when science is given social importance and material means and is continually stimulated to new activity by problems presented to it from the economic and social spheres.
3) Now these problems have been essentially, as we have seen, those that touched the interests of the ruling class of the time, whether real, like navigation, or imaginary, like astrology. 4) The opportunity and the honor given to the practitioners of science at any time are a measure of the degree to which they serve at these interests. They are greatest in periods of active advance, because then the people who are occupied with science are closely in touch with the main economic interests, and are often drawn from the directing classes themselves or are brought into their counsels because of their abilities. We have had many examples in these pages such as: Archimedes, Grosseteste, Leonardo, Galileo, Boyle, Davy, Pasteur, Kelvin.
5) But for the secure advance of science it is also essential that those interests should lie along lines which bring the scientists into connection with constructive practical activities. For example, the relative sterility of natural science in the times between Pericles and Alexander is an indication of what able and gifted individuals could fail to do, if divorced from any relation to production through the overriding interests of the political problems of a decaying, small-city, slave society. (386 words)
IV. Writing
Directions:You are working as a part-timer for a foreign enterprise, your boss is asking you to writing a letter for him to John, one of the staff members, to reject a proposal on expanding field operations.
Write a letter to John to:
1) thank him for the proposal,
2) tell him gently but firmly why his offer cannot be accepted,
3) give him some encouragement for future efforts.
Letter of Rejecting
Dear John,
I read with great interest your proposal to expand our field operations. Thanks for taking time to present this idea. 这个计划听起来不错,但是很遗憾目前还派不上用场。
As you know, we are making preparations to introduce several new products, and recent figures indicate this operation is going to draw on all our available resources for the next eight months.只是我们现在还没有资金,人力或者培训能力来拓展我们的地盘。You may be certain I’ll remember your suggestion if the right time comes.
希望能收到更多像你提供的这种好点子,那将会使我的工作变得更轻松。Thanks, John.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
作业:1. 认真复习本单元内容。 2. 词汇背记必须结合完形、阅读和英译汉练习。 3. 在使用“复习指导”时,要注意各章分头全面推进,并针对自己的弱项选择相关章节做重点突破。
赠言: 要有收获就必须不断投入。全神贯注是事业成功的必修课。胜利往往就在于坚忍不拔。