

VI. Cloze

Fill in each blank with one word that is logically and grammatically suitable. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (20/150)

Net Offers New Teaching and Learning Mode
Using the internet for English teaching ___1____ very new. However, as a resource 2 the hands of a skilled teacher, the 3 can provide a wealth of authentic 4__, with which the skilled teacher can 5 motivating or productive activities.

For example, Internet resources 6 be used for class follow-up, discussing and submitting writing assignments. The teacher can 8 __ useful materials from the Net, and can 9 grade students' papers at home by just 10 to the Internet and grading students' e-mail messages.

Through subscribing to electronic journals, participating in electronic discussion forums and attending conferences on the Internet, the teacher can share views and ideas with far-off colleagues quickly, easily and inexpensively. This is especially attractive and helpful for those in isolated geographic areas.

Seen in this light, the interactive nature 11 the Internet is certainly conductive to English 12 professional development: updating their knowledge in 13 area of expertise and enabling them to 14 up with social and educational changes.
On the 15 hand, the Internet provides unprecedented opportunities and 16 to the Internet. They are able to 17 their reading, information processing, and listening skills 18 exposure to the authentic language they encounter on 19 Internet.
Their productive skills will also 20 developed. For example, they develop oral fluency through group work on a common task, and written fluency through extensive composition practice on the Internet. In addition, Internet activities can encourage the development of cultural awareness by being exposed to international influences and foreign cultures.
VII. Fill in each blank with the best answer from the four choices given under the correspondent number. Write your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. (20/150)
Cosmic Close-ups

If anyone still harbored 13 doubts about the Hubble's power to do 14 science, the new photograph should put those doubts to 15 . Without the Hubble this discovery ___16 ___possible—and neither would a score of others spanning virtually every 17 of astronomy. The telescope has already thrown Big Bang 18 a curve by suggesting that some 19 in the universe are older than the 20 itself.
This cosmic vista, seen in a photo released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) two weeks ago, is the latest in a series of stunning images captured from the ends of the universe by the Hubble Space Telescope. Once written off as a near total loss because of an inaccurately ground mirror, the Hubble has in the past two years redeemed itself spectacularly. It has offered close-up pictures of distant galaxies that are 10 times as sharp as those produced by earthbound telescopes-pictures that are not just scientifically significant but breathtakingly beautiful as well. In fact, the orbiting observatory has extended our view of the cosmos more dramatically than any single instrument since Galileo first pointed his crude, low-power telescope at the heavens.
1. a. remarkably b. outstanding c. startling d. extraordinary
2. a. in b. into c. on d. up
3. a. light b. beam c. brightness d. rays
4. a. blunt b. dark c. dim d. sharp来源:考
5. a. wants b. gets c. keeps d. has
6. a. up b. forth c. down d. in
7. a. even b. merely c. just d. scarcely
8. a. anyhow b. however c. whatever d. therefore
9. a. high b. tall . c. lofty d. low 来源:考
10. a. light b. beam c. brightness d. rays
11. a. off b. of c. from d. through
12. a. recent b. new c. late d. newly
13. a. linger b. lingering c. lingered d. to linger
14. a. ground break b. groundbreaking c. groundbroken d. to ground break
15. a. rest b. trial c. suspension d. light
16. a. would have been b. won't be c. would not have been d. would not be
17. a. field b. branch c. section d. part
18. a. philosophers b. thinkers c. truth-seekers d. theorists
19. a. stars b. objects c. globes d. planets
20. a. sky b. space c. universe d. world


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