
北文考研 /2009-06-18

 In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the    1     half of the 19th century; most of    2     were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U. S., the day nursery movement received great    3   during the First World War, when      4   of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established  5    in munitions plants, under direct government sponsorship.   6     the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose    7   , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War,    8   , Federal State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control    9      the day nurseries, chiefly by      10   them。

  The    11  of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were    12   called up on to replace men in the factories. On this    13  the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools,  14 $ 6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities    15   this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared    16     in daycare centers receiving Federal   17   .Soon afterward, the Federal government    18  cut clown its expenditures for this purpose and later    19  them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their  20  at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled。

  1.[A] latter               [B] late             [C] other                     [D] first

  2. [A] those                 [B] them           [C] whose                  [D] whom

  3. [A] impetus               [B] input               [C] imitation       [D] initiative

  4. [A]sources             [B] abundance         [C] shortage            [D] reduction

  5. [A]hardly             [B] entirely         [C] only               [D] even

  6. [A] Because            [B] As                [C] Since            [D] Although

  7. [A] unanimously        [B] sharply            [C] predominantly    [D] militantly

  8. [A] therefore           [B] consequently   [C] however         [D] moreover

  9. [A] over               [B] in              [C] at              [D] about

  10. [A] formulating         [B] labeling            [C] patenting       [D] licensing

  11. [A] outset            [B] outbreak           [C] breakthrough     [D] breakdown

  12. [A] again             [B] thus            [C] repeatedly       [D] yet

  13. [A] circumstance       [B] occasion           [C] case           [D] situation

  14. [A] regulating         [B] summoning      [C] allocating           [D] transferring

  15. [A] expanded          [B] facilitated         [C] supplemented  [D] compensated

  16. [A] by                       [B] after            [C] of              [D] for

  17. [A] pensions          [B] subsidies          [C] revenues       [D] budgets

  18. [A] prevalently         [B] furiously           [C] statistically     [D] drastically

  19. [A] abolished         [B] diminished     [C] jeopardized       [D] precluded

  20. [A] nurseries          [B] homes                [C] jobs           [D] children

  1--2.[A]和[B]。文意:美国第一家日托所建于1854年。日托所在各地普遍建立足在19世纪的后期;其中大部分都是慈善事业。两题均为语义关系型。the latter half为后半期。half只能和latter搭配,根据上下文判断就可以了。另外most of后面要用人称代词。

  3.[A]。语义关系型。[A] impetus(推动,促进);[B] in put(输入):[C] imitation(模仿);[D] initiative(主动权)。

  4.[C]。语义关系型。[A ] sources(来源):[D] abundance (丰富:充裕);[C] shortage(短缺);[D] reduction(减少)。3—4题的文意:第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进,当时劳动力短缺使得大量妇女就业。



  7.[B]。语义关系。[A] unanimously (全体一致地,无异议地);[B] sharply(急剧地);[C] predominantly (主要地:支配其他地);[D] militantly(好战地,激进地)。修饰动词rose的副词,四个  选项中只有sharply(急剧地)合适。6—7题的文意:尽管在美国托儿所的数目急剧增长,但并未得到政府的任何资助。


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