
本站小编 文都教育/2014-12-31



  This pie graph clearly demonstrates the consumption rate of citizens ina city of China during the Spring Festival.From the pie graph,we can clearlysee that the cost on dinner party,traffic and other things all account for 20%respectively,less than one third.On the contrary,40% refers to their spendingon new year presents,almost half of total consumption。

  There are,to my mind,plenty of shaping factors,among which,the followingones are particularly worth mentioning.One of the most valuable one issuperstructure hinges on the economic basis.With the improvement of livingstandards,people have more money to spend on other things besides basicneeds.Another fundamental factor which should not be neglected is our countryis a formal state,it is our tradition to send presents and best wishes to ourfriends,relatives and so on in new year.Last but not least,the general mood ofsociety also makes way for forming the habit of sending presents to others innew year。

  Judging from the reams of evidence,it is safe for us to conclude thatspending on presents plays a significant role in citizens’ whole spending。



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