
本站小编 福瑞考研网/2016-12-25

  Part A

  51. Directions:

  You are to write an email to James Cook , a newly-arrived Australian professor , recommending some tourist attractions in your city . Please give reasons for your recommendation .

  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET .

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the email . Use "Li Ming" instead.

  Do not write the address . (10 points)


Dear James Cook,

  Welcome to China! I'm writing this email to recommend some scenic spots in Beijing to you so that you can have a wonderful time here.

  First of all, you could have a visit to the Summer Palace and Forbidden City, which are renowned for its old buildings and diverse cultures. After that, it is advisable to go to Wang Fujing, where you can have a taste of some delicious local food while enjoying the traditional culture. Finally, you can go to the National Museum, in which some traditional art exhibitions are being held. What do you think of my plans?

  I sincerely hope that you could enjoy yourselves in Beijing and it will be my pleasure to be your guide.

  Part B

  52. Directions:

  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay , you should

  1)describe the pictures briefly,

  2)interpret the meaning , and

  3)give your comments.

  You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.( 20 points )


  Portrayed in the two cartoons is thought-provoking: In the left one, a young man, comfortably lounging on the chair, is looking at his huge bookshelf full of books contentedly, while the other, in the right drawing, is determined to finish reading 20 books in a year.

  By this scenario, the cartoonist is trying to awaken us to the importance of reading and sticking to our goals. It is universally held that with the advance of modern society, only those equipped with updated knowledge which requires constant reading are most likely to reach the summit of the success. Conversely, without persistent learning and taking actions, our objectives are bound to be a fantasy. Indeed, people fail always because they stop trying, not because they encounter invincible difficulties.

  From what has been mentioned above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that only those who keep learning and cherish the spirit of persistence have opportunities to succeed. Therefore, such essence is an important virtue worthy of being fostered. If you understand and adhere to this principle in your study and work, you will definitely benefit greatly.


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