
新浪考试 /2009-01-04

  6,capacity cap--catch, hold acity 表状态 能拿住,有能力

  n.①(a一)容量,volume 容积:The assembly hall was filled to capacity.

  ②才能,能力:The cotton mill is running at full capacity.

  ③身份,职位:I'm speaking in my capacity as chairman.

  capacity 指的是人接受、理解方面的能力, 还可以指其他无生命的事物的承载、容纳、装载能力

  ability 指人办事等实际应用上的才能

  This automobile plant has a monthly ________of 500 cars.

  A. proficiency B. capability C. strength D. capacity

  7,captive cap 抓住 被抓住的

  n.俘虏,捕获物:The pirates took many captives as sold them as slaves.

  a.被俘虏的,被俘获的:The captive fliers were released after war.

  escape ex,es ---out , cape ----catch , hold逃脱;

  capture 捕获


  a.极其重要的,主要的,基本的:a cardinal principle一条基本原理

  n.①红衣主教②基数词:Cardinals are used when adding figures.

  9,cater/ provide, supply

  vi.①(for)提供饮食及服务,承办酒席:cater for a wedding为婚礼筹办宴席

  ②(for, to )满足需要(欲望),迎合:Popular newspapers try to cater for all tastes.


  a.(of)小心的,谨慎的:The students are cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling.



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