
新浪教育 /2010-03-09

For this reason , the international community has committed itself to getting all the world ’ s children into primary school by 2015 , a commitment known as Education for All.

Can education for all be achieved by 2015 ? The answer is definitely “ yes ”, although it is a difficult task. If we know measure the goal in terms of children successfully completing a minimum of five years of primary school , instead of just enrolling for classes , which used to be the measuring stick for education , then the challenge becomes even more difficult. Only 32 countries were formerly believed to be at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of enrollment rates. The number rises to 88 if completion rates are used as the criterion.

Still , the goal is achievable with the right policies and the right support from the international community. 59 of the 88 countries at risk can reach universal primary completion by 2015 if they bring the efficiency and quality of their education systems into line with standards observed in higher-performing systems. They also need significant increases in external financing and technical support. The 29 countries lagging farthest behind will not reach the goal without unprecedented rates of progress. But this is attainable with creative solution , including use of information technologies , flexible and targeted foreign aid , and fewer people living in poverty.

A key lesson of experience about what makes development effective is that a country ’ s capacity to use aid well depends heavily on its policies , institutions and management. Where a country scores well on these criteria , foreign assistance can be highly effective.

51. In the first paragraph , the author suggests that a quality education can .

A. free countries from foreign rules

B. speed up social progress

C. give people freedom

D. liberate people from any exploitation

52. Ideally , the goal of the program of Education for All is to by 2015.

A. get all the world’s children to complete primary school

B. enroll all the world’s children into primary school

C. give quality education to people of 88 countries

D. support those committed to transforming their education systems

53. countries are now at risk of not achieving education for all on the basis of completion rates.

A. 32 B. 59 C. 29 D. 88

54. According to the passage , which of the following is NOT mentioned as the right policy ?

A. Raising the efficiency of education systems.

B. Improving the quality of education.

C. Using information technologies.

D. Building more primary school.

55. As can be gathered from the last paragraph , foreign aid .

A. may not be highly effective

B. is provided only when some criteria are met

C. alone makes development possible

D. is most effective for those countries lagging farthest behind


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