1992 获西北农业大学生态经济与资源管理博士学位。
1993—1996 英国爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh University)生态与资源管理学院,博士后研究;
1997—2004 短期研修、出访国家包括:英国、美国、日本、德国、法国、瑞典、比利时、荷兰、泰国、哥斯达黎加等国,拥有广泛稳定的国际联系。
1998—2001 研究员,中国农业科学院农业自然资源与区域规划研究所。中国农业科学院跨世纪学科带头人。
世界资源研究所(World Resource Institute)中国问题专家;
国际环境与发展领导(LEAD international)机构成员;
1.“关于探索建立六盘水生态屏障核心区生态补偿机制的研究” 获2013年中国发展研究三等奖(第一完成人)。
8.“中国土地资源生产能力与人口承载量研究” ,获中国科学院1992年科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)。
1.“中国适应气候变化项目ACCC Project”,2010-2013,英国DFID和瑞士政府自助项目,主持人。
2.“中国适应气候变化项目ACCC Project二期”,2014-2017,瑞士发展署(SDC),主持人。
3.“适应气候变化决策机制研究”,Intasave Parnership 资助的国际合作项目,主持人。
3.《城市水循环经济理论与实践研究》,黄河出版传媒集团宁夏人民教育出版社, 2010年1月。
4.《宁夏应对全球气候变化战略研究》,黄河出版传媒集团宁夏人民教育出版社, 2012年4月。
6.Strengths, Weaknessness, Opportunities and Threats Analysis of Bioenergy Production on Marginal Land, Energy Procedia 00 (2011) 000–000.
7.Potential Renewable Bioenergy Production from Canadian Agriculture, World Renewable Energy Congress , 8-11 May 2011, Link?ping, Sweden.
11.环境容量约束下的宁夏产业发展路径[J]. 环境保护, 2010年第二期。
主要著作(Major Publication)
A) Major Books
1.Zhongyu Ma (2012) A study of strategic solutions to global climate change in Ningxia (in Chin). Ningxia Renmin Press, Yinchuan.
2.Zhongyu Ma (2010) A study of the development and management of water resources in the municipal region bansed on the vision of recycling economy (in Chin). Ningxia Renmin Press, Yinchuan.
3.Zhongyu Ma (2008) Implementation and evaluation of the policies of farmland retirement for forest in China (in Chin). Ningxia Renmin Press, Yinchuan.
4.Zhongyu Ma (2006) Comprehensive study of urban sustainable development (in Chin). Ningxia Renmin Press, Yinchuan.
5.Yuyun Bi, Zhongyu Ma & Ruizhen Yang (1995), Sustainable Use of Cropland in China (in Chin), Chinese Agricultural Sci-Tech Press, Beijing.
6.Zhongyu Ma et al (1993): Overall Land use planning of Shaanxi Province (in Chin.), Shaanxi Sci-tech Press, Xian.
7.Kangning Yang, Zhongyu Ma et al (1992): Land Resource in Shaanxi (in Chin.), Shaanxi Sci-tech Press, Xian.
B) Major Articles In Journals
1.Liu Tingting, Zhongyu Ma etc. (2011) Strengths, Weaknessness, Opportunities and Threats Analysis of Bioenergy Production on Marginal Land, Energy Procedia 00 (2011) 000–000.
2.Liu Tingting, Zhongyu Ma etc. (2011) Potential Renewable Bioenergy Production from Canadian Agriculture, World Renewable Energy Congress , 8-11 May 2011, Link?ping, Sweden.
3.Liu Tingting, Zhongyu Ma etc. (2011) Application of environmental kuznets curve into the management of industrial pollution in Ningxia (in Chin) , No.1, Journal of Regional Development
4.Liu Zhengguang, Zhongyu Ma etc.(2011) A study of population distribution pattern among provincial major-function regions (in Chin)[J], No.4, China’s Population, Resources and Environment
5.Wan Nianqing, Zhongyu Ma (2010), A study of solutions to industrial development in Ningxia with environmental constraints (in Chin)[J],No.2, Environmental Protection
6.Ma, ZY& G. Edwards-Jones (1997),Optimising the external energy input into farmland ecosystems: a case study for Ningxia of China. Agriculture Systems, Vol. 53 Nos 2-3, February-March, pp269-284.
7.Ma, ZY, Shen,YQ & Gao, RS (1996) Manipulating agricultural systems in order to meet human requirements: a case study from Shaanxi province of China, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Vol. 8, No. 4, pp7-24 (leading article of that issue).
8.Yongchang Wu, Zhongyu Ma tec. (1998) Analysis of contribution of maize improvement to yield increment in China(in Chin with English abstract) ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA, Vol.24, No. 5, pp595-600.
9.Zhongyu Ma, Yongchang Wu &Daolong Wang (1999) Analysis of contribution of rice genetic improvement to yield increment in China (in Chin with English abstract), China Journal of Rice Science (in press).
10.Ma Zhongyu & Cheng Shengkui (1997) On some problems in the study of sustainable Agriculture in China (in Chinese with English abstract), Journal of Natural Resources, Vol.12, No.2, pp183-192.
11.Zhongyu Ma & Yingzhong Li (1997), On several theoretical issues and research priority for developing sustainable livestock-crop system in China (in Chinese). Ancient and Modern Agriculture in China, No.1 (Serial No. 31), pp67-74.
12.Zhongyu Ma (1997), On low-input sustainable agriculture (in Chinese), Journal of agricultural Economics, No.2 (Serial No.100), pp52-56.
13.Yongchang Wu & Zhongyu Ma (1997) Construction of demonstration county for sustainable development and rural development in China( in Chinese). China Population, Resource and Environment, Vol.7, No.4, 44-47.
14.Ma Zhongyu & Li Yingzhong (1996) New solutions on solving China’s grain problems (in Chinese), Science and technology Review, No.8 (Serial No.98), pp48-52.
15.Ma Zhongyu & Guo Tingshuan (1996) On strategy of grain substitution in China (in Chinese), China Soft Science, No.10 (Serial No.70), pp118-124.
16.Ma Zhongyu(1997) A review of the research on integrated Agriculture in Western Europe(in Chin with English abstract), Journal of Agro-Environment & Development, No.2, 1-8.
17.Rusong Gao & Zhongyu Ma (1991), Food production priority is to increase feed grain in the future in China (in Chinese with English abstract), Acta Universitatis Agriculturalis Boreall-Occidentalis, No. 3. Pp1-7
18.Zhongyu Ma & Yongchang Wu (1996), A review of management strategy Change for land resource utilisation in US (in Chinese). China Land Science, Vol. 10, pp39-43.
19.Zhongyu Ma & Yingfen Wang (1997), Discussion and clarification of the charaterisyics, definition and research objectives of sustainable agriculture (in Chinese with English abstract), Eco-Agriculture Research, 5(2):68-71.
20.Zhongyu Ma (1990), Probing into rationalisation of energy input into agrocosystem (in Chinese with English abstract). Research on the Agriculture in Arid Semi-arid Region, No. 2. pp38-45.
21.Zhongyu Ma (1991), Estimation of potential population carrying capacity of land resource in various eco-regions of Ningxia (in Chinese). Ningxia Social Science, No. 6. pp44-50.
22.Zhongyu Ma & Rusong Gao (1991), Discussion on the theoretical principles of ecological zoning in cropping systems (in Chinese). Economic Geography, NO. 2.
23.Zhongyu Ma (1993), A review on sustainable agriculture studies in China and abroad (in Chinese). Research on the Agricultural Modernisation, No. 4.pp79-83.
24.Zhongyu Ma (1993), Research methodology for sustainable use of Chinese cropland in China (in Chinese). Natural Resources, No. 6. pp23-28.
C) Contributions To Books
1.Zhongyu Ma (1999) The analysis of current situation and solutions to sustainable development of agriculture in China (in Chin). In: “The Analysis of Current Situation and Solutions to Sustainable Development of Some of Priority Fields in China”, edited by Center for China’s 21’Agenda Administration, The commercial Press, Beijing, pp71-109.
2.Zhongyu Ma (1999), Ecological and environmental problems faced by sustainable development of agriculture in China (in Chin). In: “Protection of Ecological Environment of Agriculture in China” (for Book Series of Greening Agricultural Industries) edited by Hongsheng Zhang, Beijing Publication Press. pp30-66.
3.Zhongyu Ma & Sombath Somphone (1998) Integrating Household-Based Ecosystem Decision-Making with Farmer-Centered Participatory Development Approach into Agricultural Development in Less Favoured Areas: A Case Study from Guizhou Kast region(in Chinese with English abstract), In “Annual Research Report of Institute of Natural Resource and regional Planning”, China’ agricultural Scien-Tech Press, Beijing, pp3-16.
4.Zhongyu Ma (1996) On several issues about sustainable development of Chinese agriculture (in Chinese). In: Theory and Practice of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Eds. Zhang Qiaoling. Chinese Agricultural Sci-Tech Press, Beijing.
5.Zhongyu Ma (1993) The basic theory and methodology for eco-zoning and regional planning for crop production (in Chinese). In: Agricultural Resources and Regional Development in China, eds. Y.Shen & F. Hong. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, pp 86-108.
6.Zhongyu Ma & Yuqing Shen (1993) Objectives and principles for regional development of agriculture in China (in Chinese). In: Agricultural Resources and Regional Development in China, eds. Y.Shen & F. Hong. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, pp 108-125.
1.Zhongyu Ma (1992), Theory and methodology for estimating population supporting capacity of land resource (in Chinese). In: Theory and Methodology of Land Use Planning, eds. K. Yang & S. Ding. Shannxi Sci-tech Press, Xian, pp 66-92.
2.Zhongyu Ma et al (1991), Potential productivity of animal foods of land resource and its balance between demand and supply in various regions of China over a forty year period - from 1985 to 2025. (in Chinese). In: Potential Productivity and Population Supporting Capacity of Land Resource in China, ed. B. Cheng. Chinese People University Press, Beijing, pp 126-174.
3.Mei Chengrui & Zhongyu Ma (1991) Evaluation of population carring capacity of land resource in Ningxia (in Chinese). ). In: Potential Productivity and Population Supporting Capacity of Land Resource in China, ed. B. Cheng. Chinese People University Press, Beijing, pp 567-592.
D).Published Contributions To Academic Conferences
1. Zhongyu Ma (1990): Applying population carrying capacity concept for land resource management and land use planning (in Chin.). Proceedings of the 1st Overall Land Use Planning Conference at Xian, China. September, 1990, 23-46.
2. Zhongyu Ma (1991): Estimation of food productivity in China and prospects for improving dietary pattern of Chinese (in Chin.). Proceedings of Beijing Earth Emergency Conference at Beijing, China. November, 1991, 86-94.
3. Zhongyu Ma (1991): Review and prospects for crop growth simulation and crop potential productivity estimation (in Chin.). Proceedings of 4th Conference of Natural Resources Research for Young Scientists at Chendu, China. October, 1991, 65-79.
4.Zhongyu Ma (1993). On several important issues in the research of Chinese sustainable agriculture (in Chinese). Proceedings of Beijing International Symposium on Resource Management and Sustainable Agriculture at Beijing, China. September, 1993. 88-96.
1. Zhongyu Ma et al (1994): Study on potential population supporting capacity of land resource in Shaanxi Province (in Chin.). pp1-126.
2. Zhongyu Ma (1992): Historical evolution and present situation of population pressure, the environment and agricultural intensification in Loess Plateau of China (in Chin.). pp1-36.
F) Major Acedemic awards
1.The research for ecological compensation mechanism of core zone of Liupanshan Mountain Reserves, achieved ‘The Third Class Award of China Developmentin 2013’.
2.The Research for Speeding up the reforming the system mechanism of economic development in China, achieved ‘The second Class Award of Excellent Sci-Tech Achievment of NDRC in 2013’.
3.Research for combating strategy for climate change in Ningxia, achieved ‘The third Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of Ningxia in 2013’.
4.The Research for Water Recycling in Urban Area, achieved ‘The First Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of Ningxia in 2009’ and ‘The Second Class Award of Excellent Research Achievement of State Development and Reform Commission in 2009’.
5.The Research for Assessment of Chinese Policies of Farmland Retirement for Forest, achieved ‘The First Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of Ningxia in 2007’.
6.The Research for Human Carrying Capacity of Land Resources in Shaanxi, achieved ‘The Second Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of State Land Administration in 1994’.
7.The Research for Human Carrying Capacity of Land Resources in China, achieved ‘The Second Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1992’.
8.The Research for Human Carrying Capacity of Land Resources in Ningxia, achieved ‘The Second Class Award of Sci-Tech Innovation of Ningxia in 1990’.
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-06-22
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