西北工业大学考研研究生导师简介-Mark Billlinghurst

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导师姓名:Mark Billlinghurst


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个人简述 :
Mark Billinghurst教授目前是澳大利亚南澳大利亚大学教授, Empathy Computing实验室主任,新西兰坎特伯雷大学HIT Lab实验室兼职教授,是新西兰皇家科学院院士(Fellow of the Royal Society ofNZ),曾担任美国华盛顿大学HIT Lab(Human Interaction Technology)实验室、新西兰坎特伯雷大学HITLab实验室主任。Mark Billinghurst教授目前是国家外专局高端外国专家、西北工业大学顾问教授以及工业设计、机械设计学科博士生导师。Mark Billinghurst教授在人机交互技术(Computer HumanInteraction,CHI)、可穿戴计算(Wearable Computing)和增强现实(AugmentedReality,AR)技术领域国际上最著名的专家之一,在该领域拥有丰富的经验和极高的声望。是AR领域最著名的学术会议ISMAR(The IEEEInternational Symposium on Mixed and AugmentedReality)指导委员会副主席,2004、2013年度大会主席(General Chair)。Mark教授还是SIGGRAPH Asia,IEEE VR,CHI等诸多知名国际会议的组委会成员,是Computers and Graphics on Mobile AugmentedReality, ACM Computing Surveys Review,Journal of Virtual Reality, IEEEComputers and Graphics等国际知名期刊的审稿人。Mark Billinghurst教授在ISMAR、SIGGRAPH、SIGHCI、ACM HCI等国际会议做主题报告或特邀报告50多次,发表的学术论文被超过320多种期刊引用20000次以上,H因子超过60。 新西兰发展与改革委员会委员、新西兰国际咨询委员会和学术组织协会委员、新西兰科技部顾问,Google、Nokia研发中心客座科学家。 曾获 WTN(World Technology Network)教育类世界技术奖,美国Discover期刊奖,IEEEVR技术成就奖,ISMAR持续10年影响论文奖(10 YEAR LAST IMPACT AWARD),增强现实及先进接口技术研究领军人物。Mark Billinghurst教授还担任多个初创公司的CEO和CTO,是著名的ARToolworks公司联合创始人,领导开发的开源软件工具及应用被下载超过数百万次。在主持新西兰HITLAB实验室期间创建或培育了8家公司,在其从属的领域累计获得科研经费超过1200万美元。

科研工作 :
Professor: University of South Australia, 2015 - 1. Cognitive Sciences2. Artificial Intelligenceand Image Processing3. Information Systems4. Information andComputing Sciences5. Computer Science,Software Engineering HighlightsGupta, K, Lee, GA & Billinghurst, M2016, 'Do you see what I see? The effect of gaze tracking on task space remotecollaboration', IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol.22, no. 11, pp. 2413-2422.Masai, K, Kunze, K, Sugimoto, M &Billinghurst, M 2016, 'Empathy glasses', 2016 ACM CHI Conference on HumanFactors in Computing Systems, ACM - Association for Computing Machinery Inc,pp. 1257-1263.Billinghurst, M, Clark, A & Lee, G2015, 'A survey of augmented reality', Foundations and trends in human-computerinteraction, vol. 8, no. 2-3, pp. 73-272.Westerfield, G, Mitovic, A &Billinghurst, M 2014, 'Intelligent augmented reality training for motherboardassembly', International journal of artificial intelligence in education, vol.25, no. 1, pp. 157-172.Lee, M, Billinghurst, M, Woonhyuk, B,Green, R & Woo, W 2013, 'A usability study of multimodal input in anaugmented reality environment', Virtual reality, vol. 17, no.4, pp. 293-305.......Chapters Billinghurst, M, Gupta, K, Katsutoshi, M,Lee, Y, Lee, G, Kunze, K & Sugimoto, M 2017, 'Is it in your eyes?Explorations in using gaze cues for remote collaboration', in Craig Anslow,Pedro Campos & Joaquim Jorge (eds), Collaboration meets interactive spaces,Springer International, Switzerland, ch. 9, pp. 177-199.Jahani, H, Kavakli, M, Alyamani, HJ, Dey, A& Billinghurst, M 2017, 'User evaluation of hand gestures for designing anintelligent in-vehicle interface', in A Maedche, J vom Brocke & A Hevner(eds), Designing the digital transformation. DESRIST 2017, Springer, Germany,ch. 7, pp. 104-121.Billinghurst, M & Henrysson, A 2015,'Mobile architectural augmented reality', in MA Schnabel (ed.), Mixed RealityIn Architecture, Design And Construction, Springer Science + Business Media,Netherlands, pp. 93-104.Haller, M & Billinghurst, M 2015,'Interactive tables : requirements, design recommendations, andimplementation', in YL Theng & HBL Duh (eds), Ubiquitous Computing: Design,Implementation and Usability, IGI Global, US, ch. 17, pp. 266-287.......Journal Articles Altimira, D, Mueller, FF, Clarke, J, Lee,G, Billinghurst, M & Bartneck, C 2017, 'Enhancing player engagement throughgame balancing in digitally augmented physical games', International Journal ofHuman Computer Studies.Dalim, CSC, Kolivand, H, Kadhim, H, Sunar,MS & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Factors influencing the acceptance of augmentedreality in education: a review of the literature', Journal of computer science,vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 581-589.Mandalika, VBH, Chernoglazov, A I,Billinghurst, M, Bartneck, C, Hurrell, MA, de Ruiter, N, Butler, AP &Butler, PH 2017, 'A hybrid 2D/3D user interface for radiological diagnosis',Journal of digital imaging, online, pp. 1-18.Gupta, K, Lee, GA & Billinghurst, M2016, 'Do you see what I see? The effect of gaze tracking on task space remotecollaboration', IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol.22, no. 11, pp. 2413-2422.Kolivand, H, Billinghurst, M & Sunar,MS 2016, 'LivePhantom: retrieving virtual world light data to realenvironments', PLoS one, vol. 11, no. 12, article no. e**, pp. 1-19.Stewart, J & Billinghurst, M 2016, 'Awearable navigation display can improve attentiveness to the surgical field',International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, vol. 11, no.6, pp. 1193-1200.Woodham, A, Billinghurst, M & Helton,WS 2016, 'Climbing with a head-mounted display: dual-task costs', HumanFactors, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 452-461.Billinghurst, M, Clark, A & Lee, G2015, 'A survey of augmented reality', Foundations and trends in human-computerinteraction, vol. 8, no. 2-3, pp. 73-272.Lukosch, S, Billinghurst, M, Alem, L &Kiyokawa, K 2015, 'Collaboration in augmented reality', Computer SupportedCooperative Work: the journal of collaborative computing and work practices,vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 515 - 525.......ConferencesAlmiyad, MA, Oakden-Rayner, L, Weerasinghe,A & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Intelligent augmented reality tutoring forphysical tasks with medical professionals', in E André et al. (eds), 18thInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2017,Springer.Chen, J, Bartneck, C, Lee, G, Lindeman, R& Billinghurst, M 2017, 'The effect of user embodiment in AV cinematicexperience', International Conference on Artificial Reality and TelexistenceEurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 2017, Eurographics Association,article no. 1036, pp. 55-62.Dalim, CSC, Piumsomboon, T, Dey, A,Billinghurst, M & Sunar, S 2017, 'TeachAR: an interactive augmented realitytool for teaching basic English to non-native children', 15th Adjunct IEEEInternational Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR-Adjunct 2016,IEEE, pp. 344-345.Delabrida, S, Billinghurst, M, Thomas, BH,Rabelo, RA & Ribeiro, SP 2017, 'Design of a wearable system for 3D dataacquisition and reconstruction for tree climbers', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 MobileGraphics and Interactive Applications, ACM, article no. **, pp. 1-8.Dey, A, Billinghurst, M, Lindeman, RW &Swan, E II 2017, 'A systematic review of usability studies in augmented realitybetween 2005 and 2014', 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed andAugmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct), IEEE, pp. 49-50.Ens, B, Quigley, A, Yeo, HS, Irani, P,Piumsomboon, T & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Exploring mixed-scale gestureinteraction', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Posters, SA 2017, ACM, article no. 27, pp.1-2.Lee, G, Kim, S, Lee, Y, Dey, A,Piumsomboon, T, Norman, M & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Mutually shared gaze inaugmented video conference', 16th Adjunct IEEE International Symposium on Mixedand Augmented Reality, ISMAR-Adjunct 2017, IEEE, article no. **, pp.79-80.Lee, G, Teo, T, Kim, S & Billinghurst,M 2017, 'Mixed reality collaboration through sharing a live panorama', ACM,article no. **, pp. 1-4.Lee, G, Teo, T, Kim, S & Billinghurst,M 2017, 'SharedSphere: MR collaboration through shared live panorama', in 1,SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Emerging Technologies, SA 2017, ACM, article no. a 12, pp.1-2.Lee, Y, Shin, C, Piumsomboon, T, Lee, G& Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Automated enabling of head mounted display usinggaze-depth estimation', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics and InteractiveApplications, ACM, article no. **, pp. 1-4.Lee, Y, Shin, C, Plopski, A, Itoh, Y,Piumsomboon, T, Dey, A, Lee, G, Kim, S & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Estimatinggaze depth using multi-Layer perceptron', International Symposium on UbiquitousVirtual Reality, ISUVR 2017, IEEE, article no. **, pp. 26-29.Nassani, A, Lee, G, Billinghurst, M,Langlotz, T & Lindeman, RW 2017, 'AR social continuum: Representing socialcontacts', SIGGRAPH 17 Symposium on Mobile Graphics & InteractiveApplications, SA 2017, article no. **, pp. 1-2.Nassani, A, Lee, G, Billinghurst, M,Langlotz, T & Lindeman, RW 2017, 'Using visual and spatial cues torepresent social contacts in AR', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics andInteractive Applications, SA 2017, ACM, article no. **, pp. 1-6.Piumsomboon, T, Dey, A, Ens, B, Lee, G& Billinghurst, M 2017, '[Poster] CoVAR: Mixed-platform remotecollaborative augmented and virtual realities wystem with shared collaborationcues', 16th Adjunct IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and AugmentedReality, ISMAR-Adjunct 2017, IEEE, article no. **, pp. 218-219.Piumsomboon, T, Dey, A, Ens, B, Lee, Y,Lee, G & Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Exploring enhancements for remote mixedreality collaboration', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Mobile Graphics and InteractiveApplications, SA 2017, ACM, article no. **, pp. 1-5.Piumsomboon, T, Lee, G, Lindeman, RW &Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Exploring natural eye-gaze-based interaction forimmersive virtual reality', IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 3DUI 2017,IEEE, article no. **, pp. 36-39.Piumsomboon, T, Lee, Y, Lee, G &Billinghurst, M 2017, 'CoVAR: A collaborative virtual and augmented realitysystem for remote collaboration', SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Emerging Technologies,ACM, article no. a3, pp. 1-2.Piumsomboon, T, Lee, Y, Lee, GA, Dey, A& Billinghurst, M 2017, 'Empathic mixed reality: sharing what you feel andinteracting with what you see', 2017 International Symposium on UbiquitousVirtual Reality, ISUVR 2017, IEEE, pp. 38-41.Altimira, D, Mueller, F, Clarke, J, Lee, G,Billinghurst, M & Bartneck, C 2016, 'Digitally augmenting sports: anopportunity for exploring and understanding novel balancing techniques', TheACM34th Annual CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, ACMDigital Library, pp. 1681-1691.Barde, A, Helton, WS, Lee, G &Billinghurst, M 2016, 'Binaural spatialisation over a bone conduction headset:minimum discernable angular difference', AES 2016: 140th Audio EngineeringSociety International Convention, Audio Engineering Society, no. 9556, pp.1-10.Barde, A, Lee, G, Helton, WS &Billinghurst, M 2016, 'Binaural spatialisation over a bone conduction headset:elevation perception', International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD, pp.1-4.Barde, A, Lee, G, Ward, M, Helton, WS &Billinghurst, M 2016, 'A bone conduction based spatial auditory display as partof a wearable hybrid interface', The 22nd International Conference on AuditoryDisplay (ICAD-2016), ICAD, pp. 1-8.Barde, A, Ward, M, Helton, WS,Billinghurst, M & Lee, G 2016, 'Attention redirection using binaurallyspatialised cues delivered over a bone conduction headset', Human Factors andErgonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sage, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 1534-1538.......PatentControl of a communication session betweena local and remote user of a process control system. Billinghurst, Mark Kim,Seungwon Naedele, Martin Vartianinen, ElinaMethod and data presenting device forassisting a remote user to provide instructions. Alfredsson, FredrikBillinghurst, Mark Broenmark, Jonas Tait, Matthew Tsai, Tony Vartiainen,ElinaMethod and data presenting device forassisting a remote user to provide instructions. Alfredsson, FredrikBillinghurst, Mark Broenmark, Jonas Tait, Matthew Tsai, Tony Vartiainen,ElinaMethod and data presenting device forassisting a remote user to provide instructions. Alfredsson, FredrikBillinghurst, Mark Broenmark, Jonas TAIT, Matthew Tsai, Tony Vartiainen,ElinaMethod and video communication device fortransmitting video to a remote user. Alfredsson, Fredrik Billinghurst, MarkBroenmark, Jonas Tait, Matthew Tsai, Tony Vartiainen, Elina......

教育背景 :
Ph.D., Dept.of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington (2002) Thesis Title: Shared Space: Explorationsin Collaborative Augmented RealityM Phil.? Applied Mathematics/Physics, University ofWaikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (1992). Thesis Title: Current Sheet Formation inSolar FlaresBCMS (1st Class Hons).? Applied Mathematics,University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (1990).Thesis Title:The Loss of Force-Free Equilibrium in Solar Magnetic Fields

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