
本站小编 免费考研网/2019-05-29










2. 微生物发酵过程优化与放大。







E-mail: yhwang@ecust.edu.cn


Zhu XD, Chu J*, Wang YH*. Advances in Microfluidics Applied to Single Cell Operation. Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 13(2): 1700416-1700424

Chen Y, Wang YH*, Nielsen J*.Systematic inference of functional phosphorylation events in yeast metabolism.Bioinformatics, 2017, 33(13):1995-2001

Shen SH, Gu Y, Chai CS, Jiang WH, Zhuang YP, Wang YH*. Enhanced alcohol titre and ratio in carbon monoxide-rich off-gas fermentation of Clostridium carboxidivorans through combination of trace metals optimization with variable-temperature cultivation.Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239: 236-243

Tian XW, Wang YH*, Chu J*, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Enhanced L-lactic acid production in Lactobacillusparacasei by exogenous proline addition based oncomparative metabolite profiling analysis. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2016, 100(5):2301-2310

Chen Y, Dong FQ, Wang YH*. Systematic development and optimization of chemically defined medium supporting high cell density growth of Bacillus coagulans. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2016, 100(18):8121-8134

Lv XY, Song JL, Yu B, Liu HL, Li C, Zhuang YP, Wang YH: High-throughput system for screening of high L-lactic acid-productivity strains in deep-well microtiter plates. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 39(11):1737-1747.

Tian XW, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL: Improvement of L-lactic acid production with a two-step OUR control strategy. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2016, 91(9):2496-2502.

Ping KK, Wang ZJ, Lu F, Zhao W, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Wang YH. Effect of oxygen supply on the intracellular flux distribution and a two-stage OUR control strategy for enhancing the yield of sodium gluconate production by Aspergillus niger. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2016, 91(5):1443-1451.

Lv XY, Yu B, Tian XW, Chen Y, Wang ZJ, Zhuang YP, Wang YH. Effect of pH, glucoamylase, pullulanase and invertase addition on the degradation of residual sugar in L-lactic acid fermentation by Bacillus coagulans HL-5 with corn flour hydrolysate. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016, 61:124-131.

Lv XY, Guo YX, Zhuang YP, Wang YH: Optimization and validation of an extraction method and HPAEC-PAD for determination of residual sugar composition in L-lactic acid industrial fermentation broth with a high salt content. Analytical Methods,7(21):9076-9083 (2015).

Tian X, Zhang N, Yang Y, Wang Y, Chu J, Zhuang Y, Zhang S. The effect of redox environment on l-lactic acid production by Lactobacillus paracasei—A proof by genetically encoded in vivo NADH biosensor. Process Biochemistry, 50(12):2029-2034 (2015).

Tian XW, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. L-Lactic acid production benefits from reduction of environmental osmotic stress through neutralizing agent combination. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 37(9):1917-1923 (2014).

Tian XW, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Oxygen transfer efficiency and environmental osmolarity response to neutralizing agents on L-lactic acid production efficiency by Lactobacillus paracasei.Process Biochemistry, 49(12):2049-2054 (2014).

Yin P, Li YY, Zhou J, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Ye BC, Ge WF, Xia YL.Direct proteomic mapping of Streptomyces avermitilis wild and industrial strain and insights into avermectin production.Journal of Proteomics, 79:1-12 (2013)

Li C, Xia JY, Chu J, Wang YH, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. CFD analysis of the turbulent flow in baffled shake flasks.Biochemical Engineering Journal, 70:140-150 (2013)

Li X, Shi H, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chu J, Zhang M, Huang MZ, Zhuang YP. Effects of vitamins (nicotinic acid, vitamin B(1) and biotin) on phototrophic hydrogen production by Rhodobactersphaeroides ZX-5. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(16):9620-9625(2011)

Li X, Dai ZZ, Wang YH, Zhang SL. Enhancement of phototrophic hydrogen production by Rhodobactersphaeroides ZX-5 using fed-batch operation based on ORP level. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(20):12794-802(2011)

Li X, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chu J, Zhang M, Huang MZ, Zhuang YP. Effects of light/dark cycle, mixing pattern and partial pressure of H2 on biohydrogen production by Rhodobactersphaeroides ZX-5.Bioresource Technology,102:1142-1148 (2011)

Qian JC, Qin XL, Yin Q, Chu J, Wang YH.Cloning and characterization of Kluyveromycesmarxianus Hog1 gene. Biotechnology Letters 33:571-575 (2011)

Wang YH, Wu CH, Chu J, Hao YY, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Regulation of branched-chain amino acid catabolism: glucose limitation enhances the component of isovalerylspiramycin for the bitespiramycin production. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 33: 257-265 (2010)

Lu YF, Wang YH, Xu GQ, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Influence of high solid concentration on enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of steam-exploded corn stover biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 160: 360-369 (2010)

Li X, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chu J, Zhang M, Huang MZ, Zhuang YP. Enhancement of phototrophic hydrogen production by Rhodobactersphaeroides ZX-5 using a novel strategy - shaking and extra-light supplementation approach.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34: 9677-9685 (2009)

Li ZL, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Leucine improves the component of isovalerylspiramycins for the production of bitespiramycin. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 32: 641-647 (2009)

Wang YH, Zhou J, Chu J, Qian JC, Zhang SL, Zhuang YP. Production and distribution of beta-glucosidase in a mutant strain Trichoderma viride T 100-14. New Biotechnology, 26: 150-156 (2009)

Xia JY, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chen N, Yin P, Zhuang YP, Chu J. Fluid dynamics investigation of variant impeller combinations by simulation and fermentation experiment.Biochemical Engineering Journal, 43: 252–260 (2009)

Zhou J, Wang YH, Chu J, Luo LZ, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL. Optimization of cellulase mixture for efficient hydrolysis of steam-exploded corn stover by statistically designed experiments.Bioresource Technology,100: 819-825 (2009)

Wang YH, Xi BX, Hao YY, Huang MZ, Zhang SL.A combined strategy to simultaneously improve the component of isovalerylspiramycin in a bitespiramycin (4”-O-acylspiramycins) complex and its biological titre.Process Biochemistry, 43:1013–1017 (2008)

Yin P, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Wang ML, Zhou J. Isolation of soluble proteins from an industrial strain Streptomyces avermitilis in complex culture medium for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, Journal of Microbiological Methods, 73: 105-110 (2008)

Yin P, Wang YH, Zhang SL, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Chen N, Li XF, Wu YB.Effect of hyphal morphology on bioreactor performance and avermectin production of Streptomyces avermitilis in submerged cultivations.Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 39: 609–615 (2008)

Zhou J, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhuang YP, Zhang SL, Yin P. Identification and purification of the main components of cellulases from a mutant strain of Trichoderma viride T 100-14. Bioresource Technology, 99: 6826-6833 (2008)

Zhao J, Wang YH, Chu J, Zhang SL, Zhuang YP, Yuan ZY.Statistical optimization of medium for the production of pyruvate oxidase by the recombinant E.coli.Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 35: 257-262 (2008)

Hong J, Wang YH, Kumagai H, Tamaki H. Construction of thermotolerant yeast expressing thermostable cellulase genes. Journal of Biotechnology, 130: 114–123 (2007)

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