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Lesson Eight听力部分
  Dictation: Please prepare your paper and pen.

  __________, you can ______ pick up a ________ without seeing a ________ that a _____ will soon be doing _______ your work. Do you know that the name of the _________________ or ______ comes from the _____? Karl ?apek, a Czech __________, _________________ R.U.R. The play was about ___________mechanized _______ who ________against their _____. ?apek ______ one of his ________ machinemen a "_____", which is __________________ of the Czech ____ robota _______ "work".

  Dialogue Completion: Listen to the tape repeatedly and try to complete the following dialogues, using the exact words or phrases that you hear on the tape.


  A: What do you keep looking at, ___?

  B: _______, I wasn't looking at _______.

  A: Don't ____ me, " Nothing." I know who you are and you know me.

  B: You're Miss Gahagan, _____ you?

  A: Right. Miss Gahagan, your _________________________ third grade _______ of Chatsworth Avenue School. Look at me, kid. You're Billy Hanson, right ?

  B: Yes, ________. I am.

  A: I remember you. You were ____ of my _______ underachievers. ____________ you're _______________?

  B: Actually, this is my own _____. I own it. Well, I own _____.

  A: You own _______?

  B: Yes.

  A: Wow, I'll bet Donald Trump is looking _______________. You're just busting to know what I was cracked for.

  B: No, I really don't.

  A: ___________. They ________ me __ the Grand Union with __________ smoked turkey and two pairs of pantyhose in my crotch. The bird had one of those.What do they ___ it? _____ things in it, set off the ______. _________ in _________. What a ______! And I don't even want to _______ the number of ______ who swallowed those things and are choking to _____ on them. What a world! Eat _________ turkey, you go _______ to hell.

  B: Right.


  A: Can I help you?

  B: Yeah, we'd like____________.

  A: Okay, they're ____ apiece.

  B: No problem, I've got this.

  A: This would be what?

  B: This would be _______________ flier __________.

  A: So?

  B: So you've got a room ________.

  A: No, we don't.

  B: Oh, yes you do, because I've ____ about it in __________ in-flight ___________.

  A: Did you ____ about it yesterday?

  B: No, I didn't ___ yesterday. I ____ with my friend here.

  A: Well, that's too bad. You might have _____ that yesterday the offer _____.

  B: This offer never really _______________, right?

  A: Listen, if you have _____.

  B: Yes, I have _____, but I have been buying this mileage _____with my poor addled ___ for _____ now, and it ________ to be totally ___________, ________? This whole offer is just like every other ____ dream in the U.S.A., right?


  Dictation :


  prediction: statement about the future预言

  mechanized monster: a monster who is mechanized (mechanical). So, it means "an evil, human-like robot."邪恶的机器怪物

  imaginary: not based on fact想像的

  Dialogue Completion:



  用法:From the poor track records of Tom, you can see that he is one of the underachievers in the class.


  Donald Trump:美国社会名流。他原是房地产和金融商人,做生意赚了大钱。二十世纪九十年代曾红极一时,成为巨富的同义语。





  Frequent flier miles:累计飞行里程



  用法:The car is available at a price lower than the usual market value, because its mileage is very high.


  Addled brain:头脑糊涂的、愚蠢的

  pipe dream:不可能实现的希望;白日梦

  用法:John has some ambitious plans ,mostly pipe dreams.John有一些雄心勃勃的计划,但大部分都是无法实现的空想

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