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The greater the man, the more restrained his anger.






  Learning a foreign language has changed. Not long ago, students would sit with pen in hand, writing the basic forms of a language, learning structures they would never be able to speak. In that same classroom today, pens and notebooks have been put away. The spoken sounds of foreign tongue fill the room. Today the last skill learned writing a foreign language comes as a natural and possible part of the total languagelearning process. Yet, just a few years ago, the last skill learned was the first skill mastered today—speaking a foreign tongue. To visit some foreign countries, travelers have to apply for visas.

  由以上段落可见,每句均围绕主旨而发展,主题句是“Learning a foreign language has changed.”,但其中有一句“To visit some foreign countries, travelers have to apply for visas.”则是说申请护照的,明显地不合此段主题 learning a foreign language,所以必须移走,才能使本段意思归一。



  No one knows exactly when people started drying tea leaves, putting boiling water on top and then drinking it. Experts believe tea drinking may have started in China, Tibet and India. A Chinese legend says that it began in 2500BC when a few leaves accidentally fell into the Emperors boiling water. Tea is very delicious and very popular today. Chinese records from 780AD talk about growing, drying, and drinking tea. Soon after that tea was brought to Japan by Chinese Buddhist monks. During the 1600s it was brought to England.








  You cannot go to the beach because it is raining heavily; moreover, you havent finished your homework.


  . Constantly,.

  . However,.

  . Furthermore,.


  I studied English for four years in college. Nevertheless, I had trouble talking with people when I was traveling in the United States.



  The city becomes calm and well ordered after the parade.

  After the parade, the city becomes calm and well ordered.

  Speech is the image of actions.



  逗号(Comma ,)逗号是最常用也是最常用错的标点符号,其中一个最常见的用法是分开从句(clauses)及短语(phrases)。

  1)将逗号放于连接词之前(for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so),连接两个独立的从句(independent clauses)。可通过:“fan boys”这两个词来记忆连接词





  错误句子: Stores, which honor credit cards, have noticed an increase in sales.

  正确句子: Stores which honor credit cards have noticed an increase in sales.

  句中 which honor credit cards 是不能缺少的部分,如果删去,即指“所有商店都注意到营业额有上升”,而不是原意所指“可以使用信用卡的商店”,所以我们不能用逗号分隔。


  When I graduate in June, I will begin work at ABC Company, a local trading firm.





  年份是不用逗号的,如 1997(但是我们会用 25,000 B.C.)。度量上,我们用逗号来分隔文字,如:five feet, three inches. 页数上则用 page 10, line 5

  Better the devil you know than the devil you dont know.

  明枪易躲,暗箭难防。句号 (Period .)


  (1)结束句子: Turn it on, please.

  (2)结束略语: Mrs. e.g. ect. N.Y.

  (3)分开小数: 0.98 $2.38

  分号 (Semicolon ;)



  Spring is here; the birds are chirping with joy.


  If you give children too much freedom, they will never learn to control themselves; on the other hand, if you give them too little, they will never become selfreliant.





  (1) Tom finished his drink at a gulp, wondered about another, decided not. (2) His career might be slithering downhill, his book might be choking itself to death, but he still had Thea. (3) And this, he knew as he looked at his glass, was no way to keep her. (4) He knew it, and yet he kept slipping away from his resolution. (5) How else did you blot out the feeling of failure?

  (6) But the subconscious was a real devil, eating away at him. (7) No matter how determinedly he dropped the hours and disappointments out of his conscious mind, they only sank below the surface, and lay there.

  上文中,(1)是主题句,为全段提供心理背景;(2)以两个平行结构承接上文,并以过渡词but 表示意义转折;(3)用过渡词and表示意义引申,并用指示词 this承接上文(所指);(4)中的and yet表示意义转折;(5)用else承接上句(所指);(6)是第二段的主题句,以but为承上启下的过渡词;(7)通过近义词重复(conscious/subconscious)承接上文。在这短短的百十个词的两段话里,单单第三人称代词就出现了16次之多:其中he (指Tom)出现六次, his六次, him一次,her(指Thea)一次, it(指上句)一次, they(指上文the hurts and disappointments)一次。可见代词在组成连贯、统一、合乎逻辑的段落方面起着多么大的作用。


  It rained day and night for two weeks. The basement flooded and everything was under water. It spoiled all our calculations. 在这三句话中,第三句中的“it”一词到底指代什么并不清楚,因而会造成岐义。修改后的下面这句话所表达的意思就很清楚了。The event of raining and flooding led to the physical destruction of certain documents in which our calculations were recorded.  3.重复使用关键词或短语



  Each man is the architect of his own fate.

  每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。The saying “One picture is worth 1,000 words” suggests the importance to a writer of thinking by examples. By putting the right examples in a paragraph or composition, a writer can tell his or her idea to a reader. But the art of using the right examples is not easy to learn. Choosing examples calls for imagination. Using examples well calls for both reasoning and control. Examples must make abstract ideas more concrete. At the same time, examples must not lead a reader away from a writers central purpose. Clear thinking is needed for good writing. Clear thinking alone helps a writer choose examples that will explain the idea of an essay. You must have a plan instead of a grocery list. You must write with your mind as well as your pen because a composition is an act of thought.

  本段的中心思想是the importance of thinking by examples,example一词先后出现了七次,而每次出现都标志着意义的引申,不仅没有累赘之感,而且全段文笔流畅,在语义上具有明显的统一性和连贯性。

  The truth is great virtue, and lying, its extreme opposite, is the devil. Truth emanates from a healthy, happy, and settled state of mind, while lie is born of corruption, nurtured in depravity, and bred in cowardice. Lying, unfortunately, is a prevalent vice that is not strictly confined to any particular class of the society, but has its ramifications so extended that it embraces in its toils victims among the whole human race.





  Parents spend much money and time on their children. They do their best to make the children enjoy a higher standard of living than they themselves do. They want their children to learn many skills, such as painting, English, playing the violin or the piano, and so on. Children are forced to do what they are not really interested in. They have no adequate time to play. They cant get along well with other children. They dont know how to express themselves. As a result, some children are not psychologically healthy, and fail to fulfill their parents desires.

  本段可以分为两个层次,第一个层次说明Parents spend much money and time on their children.用两个相同句式They do their best to make their children ...和They want their children to...来对此作进一步说明和论证。第二个层次说明Children are forced to do what they are not really interested in. 作者用了三个相同的句式They have no..., They cant..., They dont...对此作进一步的说明和论证。

  It is bad manners to interrupt anyone who is reciting or speaking. It is bad manners to wave the hand in the air to attract the teachers attention. It is bad manners to show an excessive eagerness to recite and show off your knowledge or cleverness. It is also bad manners to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer, say so immediately; if you do, give it in a distinct voice so that all the class may hear.

  本段的主题句在段落末尾处。前面用了三个相同的句式It is bad manners to...,平行的句子结构在这里起到了引起读者注意的作用,使段落很富感染力。

  Birds of a feather flock together.




  In recent years, the air conditioner has become one of the many indispensable electrical appliances for thousands upon thousands of families, especially those in the south. There the intense heat overwhelms the earth throughout the summer. The advantages of the airconditioner are selfevident. Armed with the ability to refrigerate, the airconditioner makes you feel refreshing and comfortable no matter how hot it is outside. It guarantees the efficiency of your work and the quality of your rest. Without the airconditioner there would be no knowing what would happen to you in the dog days. The airconditioner can also create a proper condition in summer for the operation of computers—the best friends of yours in the information age. Too high a temperature would make computers work improperly, causing much inconvenience for your daily life and work.【超级链接】

  Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation.

  天才在于勤奋,知识在于积累。更多相关内容请参照第十三天 Day Thirteen&第十四天Day Fourteen&第十五天 Day Fifteen。



  To many people, crisis is perhaps the last thing they want to see. However, the situation of a crisis is much like a wall, when pushed down, becoming a bridge. Truly, every time you confront with a crisis, something good comes out of it.

  A ready example is the Sept. 11 incident in U.S.A.. All because of the outrageous bloody thirst of terrorists for assassination, explosion, among other evil deeds to cause general panic, the World Trade Tower was blasted down through intended plane crash. The disaster brought down the business center and helped send the U.A. economy into a new round of recession and the American people terrorism. As a result, many terrorist organizations were held in determent. For a long time, people will live away from the danger of terrorist attacks. Another example is the SARS disease. When the disease spread, it caused great panic. But after that, people realized the importance of health and built good habits to improve their health.

  Perhaps no one could be sober in the face of crisis. But if one tries to calm down and sees the bright side of the situation, she/he can get through the trouble. At least one thing is for sure: when one is down, she/he is not necessarily out.

  本文以漫画为引子,导出对“crisis”的见解如:“the situation of a crisis is much like a wall, when pushed down, becoming a bridge.”第二段通过举例法证明危机可能带来的新机遇,既举出震惊世界的“9·11事件”,又引用前不久发生于身边的“非典”疾病,很有说服力。同时文章也从剖析人们的恐慌心理入手,在语言表达以及结论方式上,必然要为恐惧打开一扇光明的窗户。本文的最后一句,借用了拳击术语“down but not out”,意为“挨了一拳,扑到在地,但不至于出局,还有机会自己爬起”,这就提出了人们在危机面前应具备的心理状态,鼓舞了士气,使人们看到了前方的曙光,从而重新获得了必胜的信念和勇气。An open enemy is better than a hollow friend.


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