
本站小编 FreeKaoyan/2018-01-22


A、 Translate the following two passages into Chinese(20分)
(1) KosvoTops EU Agenda
SALZBURG,Austria(Agencies via Xinhua)—European for-eign
ministers met for a second day yestday ,focusing on the
Russian economic and political crisis and the fightingin
On Saturday ,they concentrated on ways of improving
co-ordination among the 15 foreign ministers following
critrcrsm they were slow to move and in effective in the
face of interna –tional crises
The latest attack on the EU foreign ministers came from
the US special envoy to Kosovo ,Christopher Hill,who said
they "turned their backs"on the violence wracked southern
Serbian province
Hill is trying to hammer out aninterim deal between the
authorities in Belgrade and Kosovo’s ethnic Albanians
fighting for indepence.
The ministers declined to offer Russia extra cash or debt
relief yesterday and said the country bore responsibility
for rdsolving its own political and economiccrisis.
They urged Russian President Boris Yeltsin to form a new
govermnent as soon as possible and to prevent there
–emergence of a command economy
Law-and –order is the longest –running and probably the
best –loved political issue in US history.Yet it is
painfully apparent ,that millions of Americans who would
never thind of themselves as lawbreakers ,let alope
criminals ,are taking increasing liberties with the legal
codes that are designed to protect and nourish their
society Indeed ,there are moments the wave of the
future.Harvard Sociologist David Ries man suspects that a
majority of ,Amercans have blithely taken to conmitting
supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course Already
,Riesman says ,the ethic of US society is in danger of
becom-ing this :You’re a fool if you obey the rules.
B Write a brief summary of the following article in
English ( around 200 words )(30 分)
Extensive use by Canadian midia of US media coverage of
Asia may nor be in the best interests of the Canadian
public ,according to a recent study commissioned by the
Asia Pacific Foundation.
The study said using foreign sources for news is less
expensive than producing original coverage.
But it added :"It also poses the question as to whether
it is in Canada’s best interests to have its sources of
information ,which inflrence our vision of Asia and the
rest of the world,conour vision of Asia and the rest of
th world ,conortolled by other narions whose foreign policy
conside rarions may differ sharply from our own."
The study looked at this country’s media coverage of Asia
and of the Asian media’s percepzion of Canda.
The study looked at 10,563Asia-reiated stories published in
1988in 14major newswwws ,ranging from The Vancouver Sun to
The Financial post
As well radio and television coverage of Asia was also
included in the 100,000study.
Among the study’s findings is that the Canadian media
relies heavily on foreign news sorrees ,ranging US ,for
coverage of political and business issues in Asia.
"Canadians seem to have accepted the idea that US and
Canadian intenational interess concide most of the
time.examples can be found in some English –language
newswwws which suggest an unwillingness to neuralize the
American influence by providing more coverage of other of
other regions of the word from a Canadian perspective ,"the
study said.
Besides cost ,other reasons cited for the lack of foreign
coverage produced by Canadians included the limited resale
value of stories outside the country and the media’s lack
of experience in intemarional issues.
"Canadica journalists in Asia often joke that they have
heard that a great marker exists in Canada for stories
from Thailand –that there is a Winnipeg angle ,"the study
"Media organizarions do not feel pressured enough by the
pubilc to do a better job.Foreign news editors express
surrrse sometimes at the lack of complaints they geyt "when
they have failed to cover major intemational newss events
From the Asian media’s perrpective ,the view of Ccanada is
limited and vague.The Canada US free trde agreement ,for
example ,is seen as an American initiative to "secure free
access to abundant nanral resources in the north ".The
proposed agreement with Mexico is seen as a way to "gain
access to cheap labor in the south "
Added the repor "Due to incomplete information
,misinformation about ,Canada US free trade agreement ,for
example ,is seen as an American initiarive to "secure free
access to abundant nanual resources in the north."The
proposed agreement with Mexico is seen as a way to "gain
access to cheap labor in the sorth "
Added the report :"Due to incomplete information
misinformation about Canada a bounds.For example ,because
Canada is acknowledged as a billingual country ,many people
assume that most Canadians speak both English and French
and ,consequently ,do not understand why Quebec wants to
separate from Canada."
"Canadians have the reputation of being conservative rather
than risk –takers resulting in aslower paced business
culture and lifestyle "
The 2 1/2-year study included interviews with 200senior
,foreign editors and Asians correspondents wording for Asian
media outhts in 12coumtries ,As well ,the research included
interviews with 100seniwr editors and foreign reporters
working for Canadian newswwws ,television networks and
radio statious.

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