attention:all questions must be answered in english
1.explain the following term 30 points)
( 1 ) joint intervention
( 2 ) hultiple currency reserve system
( 3 ) free convertibility
( 4 ) exchange equalization fund
( 5 ) spot exchange dealings
( 6 ) international liquidity
( 7 ) interext rate swap
( 8 ) foreign direct investment
( 9 ) syndicated loan
( 10 ) euro-bonds
2.explain briefly the evolution of china's ren min bi exchange rate system from 1949 to present time.(15 points)
3.compile country A's balance of payments statement ending June 30,1993 with the data of the following economic tractions(15 points)
(1)family maintenance remittancea of foreign residence in country A to their home totalled
US $6000000.
(2)country B contributed US $1000000 to help country A tide over a flood.
(3)country A's tourists spent US$1000000 abroad.
(4)country A imported goods from other countries amounting to US$120000000(C.L.F),in which freight totalled US$2500000 and insurance US$1000000.
(5)country A exported goods to other countries amounting to US$100000000(F.O.B).
(6)country C supplied food and beverage worth
US$50000 to its embassy in country A.
(7)foreign enterprises in country A remmited their investment porfit totalling US$5000000 to their countries.
(8)country A's overseas enterprises remitted
back their earnings totalling US$3000000.
(9)private enterprises in other countries invested US$20000000 to set up their subsidiaries in country A.
(10)insurance primium received by country A's companies amounted to US$500000.
(11)freight received by country A's shipping companies totalled US$1000000.
(12)private enterprises in other countries
bought goverment bonds issued by country A
amounting to US$20000000.
(13)country A used the project loans extend by WB totalled US$10000000.
(14)short-term capital outflows from country A to other countried totalled US$20000000.
(15)US$5000000 were debited to errors and omissions.
4.what do you think about foreign exchange rate risks and how to manage them(20points)
5.explain what is an offshore financial center.can it be formed in the China in near future?give reasons(20points)
本站小编 FreeKaoyan/2018-01-22
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