1. One month after her mother’s death from heart failure, a 25-year-old woman with no prior psychiatric history is still very sad and tearful. She has difficulty concentrating and falling asleep at night and has lost three pounds. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Major depression
b. Dysthymia
c. Post-traumatic stress disorder
d. Adjustment disorder
e. Uncomplicated bereavement
2. A 55-year-old married professor without a previous psychiatric history is early in her menopause. In addition to experiencing “hot flashes” and some irritability, she complains of episodes of dizzy spells and memory lapses, which she had experienced on several occasions symptoms either now or in the past. It particular, she should be evaluated for possible
a. Schizophrenia
b. Major depression
c. Temporal lobe epilepsy
d. Dysthymia
e. Panic disorder
3. While the majority of women do not experience significant side effects when taking oral contraceptives, for those who do, the most commonly encountered psychological problem is
a. Anxiety
b. Depression
c. Night terrors
d. Short-term memory defecits
e. Long-term memory defecits
4. 病理性象征性思维(morbid symbolic thinking)(用中文回答)
5. 精神病性症状 (psyohotic symptoms)(用中文回答)
1. 双相情感障碍的治疗原则?
2. 简述与心理因素有关的生理障碍(按CCMD-2R)?
3. 简述 迟发性运动障碍(tardive dyskinesia)的临床特点?
4. 简述急性肌张力异常(acute dystonia)的临床特点?
5. 简述神经症(neurosis)的定义?
6.简述Tourette 综合征的定义?
1. 精神分裂症的临床分型(CCMD-2R)及特点,治疗原则和常见不良反应?
2. 双相情感障碍快速循环型的诊断标准(CCMD-2R),治疗原则,康复治疗和社区防治要点?
3. 抑郁症与神经性抑郁的鉴别诊断,抑郁症睡眠障碍的临床特征和治疗原则?
4. 常见抗精神病药物急性中毒的临床表现和处理原则?
5. 强迫症的诊断标准(CCMD-2R)与鉴别诊断,治疗原则?