1.the definition of displacement 2.phatic function
3.blending(构词法) 4.“foot of the mountain”(好像是问修辞类的,记不太清了,选项好像有semantic,metaphorical) 5.the meaning given in the dictionary is()。
6.what the user tries to do with language in terms of the addressee relationship is()(这个也记不太清了,大家可以抓关键词,看语言学时多注意就行。)
7.turkish is ()(问土耳其语是哪种语言,这个书上好像没有,但是练习好像做到过。) 8. adjacency pairs
9.这题也记不得了,我当时随手划的速记符号,现在自己都不认得了。 10.问piano & violin 借自哪国语言
Ⅱ.Use examples to illustrate the relationship between linguistics and applied linguistics.(20%)
Ⅲ.Knowing a word includes knowing its form,meaning and use.
Ⅳ.Write at least four features of information-gap activities in the classroom.(这题一眼看去我就想不全,但如学姐所讲,就算不会你也会把它写的满满的。)
Ⅴ.Key learner variables includes:personality,motivation,attitude,aptitude,preferred learning style and intelligence,try to explain and discuss their influence on learning results.(15%)