1政治 一月四日上午八点半到十一点半 失忆版回忆整理 by John Day 只能说肖秀荣押题太准了 也是因为今年的一些事情过于重要了,改革。。。(都改革到今年的上外试卷上来了。。。后面就知道了)
2翻译硕士英语 下午两点到五点
The future of cars: Gloom and boom
A HUNDRED YEARS ago Henry Ford and his engineers perfected an idea whose time had come: the moving assembly line. By putting the car on a conveyor belt, they cut the...
A HUNDRED YEARS ago Henry Ford and his engineers perfected an idea whose time had come: the moving assembly line. By putting the car on a conveyor belt, they cut the time taken to assemble a Ford Model T from 12 hours and 30 minutes in 1913 to just one hour and 33 minutes the following year. That made the car a lot cheaper to build and opened up a mass market for it. By 1918 its list price was down to $450, or just over 5 months’ pay for the average American worker, against the equivalent of about a year and a half’s pay when the car was launched a decade earlier. Cars became a personal badge of status, and in time carmaking became a badge of national virility.
But since the 1950s the automobile has come to be seen as dangerous, dirty and noisy. In response it has been ever more strictly regulated, which has imposed additional costs. After the financial crisis the entire industry slumped spectacularly in many rich countries. Two of America’s big three carmakers, Chrysler and General Motors, went bankrupt and had to be bailed out by taxpayers. In Europe car sales last year were the lowest since 1995. The battery-driven cars that were supposed to solve the pollution problem have so far been an expensive flop. The motor industry seems to be in dire straits.
Yet this special report sees plenty to be optimistic about. Sales in Japan remain stagnant and in Europe they are unlikely to grow much in the next few years, but in America they are already beginning to bounce back, and in China and other emerging markets the current boom looks likely to continue for the foreseeable future. AlixPartners, a consultancy, forecasts that the worldwide market for cars and other light vehicles will expand from about 80m units a year now to 107m in 2020 (see chart 1). In China, now the world’s biggest market for cars, annual sales are expected to
rise from 19m last year to 31m in 2020 as car ownership spreads to the country’s vast interior. So over the next seven years a Europe-sized market will grow up in China’s hinterland.
Over the past decade tens of millions of Chinese families have gained personal mobility on an undreamt-of scale while lots of new jobs have been created making, selling and servicing cars in China. But the Chinese government seems less concerned about that than about its failure to create strong national champions capable of taking on the foreign carmakers on their own turf. In future it may try harder to achieve this aim, which could deter foreign firms from continuing to invest in the country. A wiser course would be to accept—as Britain, and more recently Russia, have already done—that as long as the business is thriving and generating lots of well-paid work, the nationality of a car factory’s owners and the badges on the bonnets hardly matter.
As ever more consumers in China and other emerging markets have the money to buy fancier cars, makers of upmarket and high-performance vehicles will benefit. Mass-market carmakers will have a harder time: too many factories are being built, especially in big emerging markets, which will lead to intense competition and price-cutting. As the biggest, most efficient manufacturers—such as Volkswagen and Toyota—pull ahead, those in the second division may seek salvation in alliances.
Consumer heaven
As an investment, then, the motor industry has to be treated with caution. But its engineering and environmental credentials are improving all the time. A century after becoming a mass-market product, the car is still a long way from being a mature technology. Manufacturers and their suppliers are investing huge sums in a variety of improved propulsion systems and in new lightweight materials to meet regulators’ emissions targets. The current generation of models is already vastly cleaner than earlier ones, and emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, soot and other pollutants are set to fall much further. The smog that began to afflict traffic-choked California in the 1950s and is now obscuring the sky in Chinese cities will gradually clear. The day may come when environmentalists stop worrying so much about cars and turn their attention to other polluters.
Consumers will be in heaven. Improved manufacturing systems will allow the bigger carmakers to offer an ever wider range of models, supplemented by a steady stream of niche products from new entrants. Fierce competition will keep prices down even as cars are packed with ever more technology that will make them more expensive to produce. More of them will drive themselves, park themselves and avoid collisions automatically. That should cut down on accidents and traffic jams, reduce the stress associated with driving and provide personal mobility for the growing ranks of the elderly and disabled.
All the technology that will go into making cars cleaner will also make them far more fuel-efficient and more economical. For motorists with short, predictable daily drives, all-electric
suit their needs.
Manufacturers are hoping that all this technology will help counteract a worrying trend they are beginning to observe in rich countries: that car ownership is becoming unfashionable. In cities car-sharing and short-term hiring is becoming more popular. Young urbanites are getting their driving licences later, but the numbers of drivers at the other end of the age spectrum is growing, which may compensate for that loss.
Best of all, in emerging markets there is enough pent-up demand to keep the industry growing for many decades yet. But which makers, in which countries, will reap the benefits?
1.how did the assembly line help the auto industry?
2.what is the basic trend of the Chinese auto market?
3.what is the good news of the world auto market?
4.Why does it become the consumer heaven?
5.Why is it difficult for carmakers to develop technology?
作文依然延续前面的文章的主题,请你给中国政府提建议,关于如何发展中国的auto industry?
3 翻译基础 一月五日上午八点半到十一点半
原来的短语翻译也大改革,今年的题目是用中文/英文解释下列词语 中英各五个 三十分 是解释啊,我考前列了个单子自己预测今年的短语翻译,哎、、、神马OPCW都没了。。。我还是按照去年的对照翻译来做,到最后发现时候刚做完中译英,已经没时间了,(此处画面过于血腥被河蟹,楼主在吐血中。。。)
Linsanity (这个最喜欢了。。。
European parilment
Climate change
Shanghai Free Trade Zone
英译中 http://blog.ifeng.com/article/30539816.html
最大的感觉是,英译中还是很顺的,但中译英时间实在不够了,基本和有位前辈说的一样,是按口译的速度在飞速写了,但就不知道自己能不能有和这位前辈一样圆满的结果了。文章题目是 work with China, Don’t contain it. 参考的中文是与中国合作,何不是遏制中国,自己翻的是合作,而非合围,当时一股脑子想着经济学人那种玩文字游戏的口吻了,加上contain的遏制这个词义不熟悉,就出来了个合围了,但觉得也还不错。
Work With China, Don't Contain It
New York Times,January 25, 2013
CITING an escalating dispute over islands in the East China Sea, The Economist warned last week that “China and Japan are sliding toward war.” That assessment may be too alarmist, but the tensions have bolstered the efforts of some American analysts who have urged a policy to “contain” China.
During a recent visit to China, I was struck by how many Chinese officials believe such a policy is already in place and is the central purpose of President Obama's “pivot” toward Asia. “The pivot is a very stupid choice,” Jin Canrong, a professor of international relations, declared publicly. “The United States has achieved nothing and only annoyed China. China can't be contained,” he added. Containment was designed for a different era, and it is not what the United States is, or should be, attempting now. At the start of the cold war, containment meant economic isolation of the Soviets and regional alliances like NATO to deter Moscow's military expansion. Later, to the chagrin of George F. Kennan, the father of containment, the doctrine led to the “domino effect” theory behind the escalation of the Vietnam War.
Cold war containment involved virtually no trade and little social contact. But China now is not what the Soviet Union was then. It is not seeking global hegemony, and the United States not only has an immense trade with China but also huge exchanges of students and tourists.
When I worked on the Pentagon's East Asia strategy in 1994, during the Clinton administration, we rejected the idea of containment for two reasons. If we treated China as an enemy, we were guaranteeing a future enemy. If we treated China as a friend, we kept open the possibility of a more peaceful future.
We devised a strategy of “integrate but hedge” - something like Ronald Reagan's “trust but verify.” America supported China's membership in the World Trade Organization and accepted Chinese goods and visitors. But a 1996 declaration reaffirmed that the postwar United States-Japan security treaty was the basis for a stable and prosperous East Asia. President Clinton also began to improve relations with India to counterbalance China's rise.
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-06-06
北京外国语大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题 招生专业:翻译硕士(德语MTI) 科目名称:德语翻译基础 (考试时间3小时,满分150分,全部写在答题纸上,答在试题页上无效) I. bersetzen Sie die folgenden Abkrzungen und Begriffe ins Chinesische! (1*15=15 Punkte): 1. IMF 2. WTO 3. UNICEF 4. OEC ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-05-272016考研:北外高级翻译名师李长栓谈MTI
【前言】 翻译硕士专业学位的英文名称为Master of Translationand Interpreting,英文缩写为MTI,作为近两年招生异军突起的热门专业,翻译硕士专业的需求主要是基于该专业设置的实践性、应用性契合社会对人才的需求。跨考教育特邀北京外国语大学高翻名师李长栓教授,来为大家解析北外翻译硕士专业: ...翻译硕士 本站小编 跨考教育 2015-05-132011湖南大学MTI考研心得(名词解释 缩略语已摘)
之前发帖说过忙完专八就过来回报论坛 说到做到,下午专门跑到图书馆把去年一年的借书书目抄了回来 回头整理下给后辈些参考,因为不给参考书目的学校还是有一部分 昨天考完专八查了成绩,一直忐忑的心终于放下 整个假期的煎熬有了结果,所有的努力所有的付出都有了收获 我的成绩过复试线应该没有问题,湖南大学的笔译,在 ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-05-082011苏州大学MTI真题回忆(名词解释 缩略语已摘)
2011苏州大学MTI真题回忆 把考场上记的东西落在学校了,今天才刚刚拿到,现在原封不动地呈现给大家。如果初试我能过,一定会分享更多东西。 汉译英: 圣火采集仪式 适度从紧 (美)中期选举 房奴 价格报复性上涨 (儒)孝 从众思想 无证经营 货币操纵国 伤痕文学 人间天堂 试管婴儿 第三产业 贸易逆差 绿色 ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-05-082011四川外语学院MTI真题回忆(名词解释 缩略语已摘)
2011四川外语学院MTI真题回忆 硕士英语 只能说其实选择题并不难,但是因为自己积累不够,很难区别排除ABCD选项之间的差别,所以我觉得特别难。个人觉得光做专四的题目,顶死不够的,词汇辨析能力很关键,买个同义词字典好好研究。阅读的话难度适中,但是文章篇幅很长,需要私下多练习。第一篇是日本建的塔什么的,第二篇 ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-05-08MTI常用英文缩略词
常用英文缩略词: e.g.=for example no.=number i.e.=that is etc.=et cetera 1st=first 2nd=second =therefore ∵=because △=replace <less than =and W/=with Building=bldg very expensive=v exp education=edu air-conditioner=a/c 1. 表示各种组织或机构的缩略词 APEC ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-04-10MTI 357英语翻译基础 成语翻译
成语翻译 繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous 爱不释手fondle admiringly 爱财如命skin a flea for its hide 爱屋及乌love me,love my dog He that loves the tree loves the branch 安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment 白手起家build up from nothing 百里挑一one in hundred 百折不挠be indo ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-04-10MTI 翻译分类词汇
翻译分类词汇 A. 经济类 economist 经济学家 socialist economy 社会主义经济 capitalist economy 资本主义经济 collective economy 集体经济 planned economy 计划经济 controlled economy 管制经济 rural economics 农村经济 liberal economy 自由经济 mixed economy 混合经济 political economy 政 ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-04-10MTI 常见翻译词组
翻译常用语 I.政治类(A) 1.Give the floor to请发言 2.It is a great pleasure for me to我很荣幸 3.Relevant issues相关问题 4.Updated research result最新的调查结果 5.Attach the importance to对给予重视 6.Lead-edge technologies领先技术 7.Minister Counselor公使 8.Natural he ...翻译硕士 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-04-102015陕西师范大学MTI面试问题
2015山西师范大学MTI面试问题 主要侧重理论方面 1.翻译的定义,你自己对翻译的理解 2.严复的信达雅,你自己怎么理解 3.许渊冲的三美是什么 4.什么是直译,意译,二者的区别 5.翻译理论有什么。例如功能对等 6.翻译技巧有哪些,重复repetition, 省略 omission,正反译 negation ...翻译硕士 本站小编 陕西师范大学 2015-04-10