第一部分 选择题
I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide
which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the
letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)
1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior,
it is said to be ___.
A、 prescriptive
B、 sociolinguistic
C、 descriptive
D、 psycholinguistic
2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.
A、 mouth
B、 lips
C、 tongue
D、 vocal cords
3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.
A、 bound morpheme
B、 bound form
C、 inflectional morpheme
D、 free morpheme
4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that
introduces the embedded clause.
A、 coordinator
B、 particle
C、 preposition
D、 subordinator主从连词
5、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."
A、 is synonymous with
B、 is inconsistent with
C、 entails
D、 presupposes
6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.
A、 semantics
B、 pragmatics
C、 sociolinguistics
D、 psycholinguistics
7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization泛化.
A、 elaboration
B、 simplification精简
C、 external borrowing
D、 internal borrowing
8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.
A、 Lingua franca通用语
B、 Creole
C、 Pidgin
D、 Standard language标准语言
9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ .
A、 Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus角回
B、 Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex
C、 Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons
D、 Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area
10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconcious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.
A、 learning
B、 competence
C、 performance
D、 acquisition
第二部分 非选择题
II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the
letter given. (1%×10=10%)
11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k of the rules of his language.
12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b .
13、M is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.
14、A s is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a completestatement, question or command.
15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under allcircumstances are called c synonyms.
16、The illocutionary point of r is to commit the speaker to
something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said.
17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c .
18、Wherever the standard language can use a contraction (he+is→he's), Black English can d the form of "be".
19、The basic essentials of the first language are acquired in the short period from about age two to puberty, which is called the c period for first language acquisition.
20、As a type of linguistic system in 12 learning, i is a product of L2 training, mother tongue intereference, overgeneralization of the target language rules, and learning and communicative strategies of the learner.
III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or
false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each
statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you
think so and give the correct version. (2%×10=20%)
()21、In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a number of reasons.
()22、Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both
Chinese and English.
()23、The compound word "bookstore" is the place where books are sold. This
indicates that the meaning of a compound is the sum total of the meanings
of its components.
()24、Syntactic categories refer to sentences (S) and clauses (C) only.
()25、Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects
such as British English and American English but cannot be found within
the variety itself, for example, within British English or American
()26、Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle is blatantly violated
and the hearer knows that it is being violated do conversational
implicatures arise.
()27、The territory in which the Indo-European languages are mainly spoken
today also includes languages that are not Indo-European.
()28、In most bilingual communities, two languages have the same in speech
situations known as domains.
()29、According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,
speakers' perceptions determine language and pattern their way of life.
()30、All normal children have equal ability to acquire their first
IV. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for
illustration. (3%×10=30%)
32、diachronic linguistics
33、broad transcription
34、morphological rules
35、phrase structure rule
36、relational opposites
37、componential analysis
40、brain lateralization
本站小编 免费考研网/2015-10-19
戴炜栋《简明英语语言学教程》配套笔记 Chapter 1 What is language? [A] The origins of language Some speculations of the origins of language: ① The divine source The basic hypothesis: if infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any language, then they would spontaneously begin using the ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-07-14复习内容《简明英语语言学教程》导学手册 程可拉主编
《英语语言学》导学手册 程可拉主编 英语语言学教学大纲 一、教学目的和要求 英语语言学是英语本科专业的自考课程。本课程的目的是帮助学生系统地学习语言学基本理论知识和研究方法,为从事英语语言教学与研究打下良好的基础。 本课程教学的具体要求是: 1.系统掌握语言学的基本理论和基本知 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 网络资源 2015-07-10George Yule和戴炜栋《新编简明英语语言学教程》配套笔记-闫洪勇
Chapter 1 What is language? [A] The origins of language Some speculations of the origins of language: ① The divine source The basic hypothesis: if infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any language, then they would spontaneously begin using the original god-given language. Actual ...其他考研笔记 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-04-09复旦大学英语语言学(二外德语)真题(回忆版)
2015复旦大学英语语言学(二外德语)真题(回忆版) 德语(二外): 总体难度不大,因为我没有做过德语四级的题目,所以不能进行对比,但是比圣才教育网出版的电子版《2015年全国名校外国语学院二外德语考研真题详解》中大部分院校的题目要简单,但是非常注重细节和基础。 一、选择题15分 30*0.5分 比较基础,主要考察比较细节一点的语法,(如不带zu不定式、情态动词的完成时等),比较少考察短语搭配 二、形容词词尾 10分 10*1 词都比较简单 三、完型填空 10分 10*1 难度稍比四级大,讲的是过去30年来德国人对幸福观点看法的变化 四、用ohne zu , statt zu , um zu 连句 6分 3*2 比较简 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2015-02-232013年上海大学英语语言学考研复习经验分享
我2013年报考的是上海大学外国语言学及应用语言学(学科代码050211),二外是德语,下面给学弟学妹们提供一点小经验。 总体 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 免费考研网 2014-08-092013年中国人民大学英语语言学考研复习经验总结
一直有师弟师妹咨询关于RUC英研的事情,前段时间有点忙所以没有一一回复,现在整理起来把自己的心得与大家交流。说起来实在惭愧, ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 考研教育网 2014-08-082013年西南大学外院英语语言学初试准备策略分享
个人感觉西大初试比较简单,只要好好准备考个理想的成绩是没问题的,但是方法要得当。由于时间紧迫,我把重点放在了语言学上,两 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 考研教育网 2014-08-072013年东北师范大学英语语言学考研复习经验总结
看到别人分享的经验,忍不住也来分享一下。 一、语言学 就是杨忠老师的语言学与胡壮麟的书。我大学时期学的是戴伟栋 ...专业课考研经验 本站小编 考研教育网 2014-08-072012年报考英语语言学 与应用语言学的
考研资料 等等 真题 分享附件: 你需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有帐号?注册----------------------------------------------- ...英语论坛 免费考研论坛 2011-11-30戴炜栋英语语言学笔记纲要
戴炜栋《简明语言学教程》配套笔记.doc 打印版本 Chapter 1 What is language? [A] The origins of language Some speculat ...文学中文行政哲学笔记 戴炜栋 免费考研网 2009-01-04