Part I: E-C Translation. Please translate the following sentences
into Chinese by using the designated translating methods.
1. The significant inscription (铭文)found on an old key — “If I rest, I rust”— would be an excellent motto(箴言,座右铭) for those who are afflicted(使苦恼) with the slightest bit of idleness(懒散).(拆分法)
2. (否决,驳回) and declared his own son guilty(有罪).(引申法)
3. If you fail to settle the payment in two weeks, we’ll have to pass the matter to the law court (法院)in our country. (正反译法)
4. If you evade taxes(偷税漏税)colleagues(同事best friend might tell on you. (省略法)
1.在一把旧钥匙上发现了一则意义深远的铭文— “我若休息,我则生锈”。对于那些哪怕只为一丁点懒散而苦恼的人来说,这也会是一句金玉良言。
3. 如果你方两星期内不付清货款的话,我方将会把此事移交我国的法院处理。
Part II: C-E Translation. Please translate the following sentences
into English by using the designated translating methods.
4.你赢得了一笔特别奖学金(a special scholarship)。(词性转换法)
1. Reading tabloids, playing mah-jong or striving to be a scholar, the choice lies with you(or: it is up to you to make the choice/decision).
2. In fact, the gun-violence has become one of America’s most serious social problems. It is reported that more than 30,000 Americans have been killed by guns and more than 200,000 Americans have been injured by guns every year.
3. mastering a foreign language.
Part I Please translate the following sentences into Chinese with the designated translating methods. (8分,每题2分)
1. The poor are the first to experience technological progress as a curse(祸患;祸根) which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.(句序重组法)
2. The ancient battlefield has become a holy place. It was almost untouched.(正反译法)
3. The old man said, “They say his father was a fisheman. Maybe he was as poor as we are.”(增补法)
4. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the hero in the novel.(引申法)
3.老人说:“听人说,从前他爸爸是个打渔的。 他过去也许和我们现在一样穷。”
4. 这部小说中的主人公性格既残暴,又狡诈。
Part II Please translate the following sentences into English with the designated translating methods. (12分,每题3分)
1. 你不会使用电脑在你求职时可能是个严重的不利条件(disadvantage)。(词性转换法)
Your inability to use a computer could be a serious disadvantage when you are applying for jobs.
2. 你们取得的成就把你们带到人生的转折点(transition)上,我希望你们引以为荣。(合并法)
I hope you are proud of the accomplishments that have brought you to this important transition in your lives.
Historic, artistic and emotional connotation will be injected into the city’s economy, and the potential value of cultural resources will be tranformed into realistic social wealth.
4. 中国有13多亿人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量(per capita)低于世界平均水平。(省略法)
China has a population of more than 1.3 billion and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world average.
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-03-20
专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2016-03-20考研英语翻译技巧点拨:被动语态翻译法
被动语态翻译法 1) 变为汉语的主动形式。 Eg: It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with t ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01考研英语翻译技巧点拨:分译法
分译法 英语长句子比较多,汉语句子相对而言比较短。在翻译时可以改变原文结构,把原文的某个成分从原来的结构中分离出来,译成一个独立成分、从句或并列分句。 Eg: It has been rightly stated that this situation is a threat to inte ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01考研英语翻译技巧点拨:反译法
反译法 一个问题有时可以从不同的角度来解释说明。有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语可以从反面来解释。 1)否定译成肯定。 Eg: I never passed the theatre but I thought of his last performance.每一次经过那家剧院,我都会想起他 ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01考研英语翻译技巧点拨:定语从句翻译法
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从历年考生答题的情况看,英译汉部分得分几乎每年都是3-4分。英译汉之所以难,究其原因是英语和汉语之间的差异太大。既有语言表达方式方面的不同,又有思维逻辑以及文化习俗等方面的不同。这些都造成了理解和表达上的重重困难。跨考教育英语教研室张老师认为,英译汉的难点在试题中主要反映在以下几个方面: 1. ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01考研英语翻译命题趋势及备考误区
翻译活动本身是一个复杂的心理思维活动过程,任何做翻译的人都会感到翻译的艰巨性。大多数初学翻译的人,感觉最明显的问题是:理解英语不容易,表达成汉语不轻松。如何理解和如何表达,就成了大多数感觉自己英语基础知识相对薄弱的考生的严重问题了。 下面,考研辅导专家们给据多年的辅导经验对考研英语之英译汉部分 ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01都教授说考研英语:翻译的八大技巧
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考研英语翻译的难点和重点在于对长句难句的结构理解和把握,只有把握了基本的句型结构,做好句子的切分,才能够更通顺的翻译出来,再加以润色就完美了。可是,你了解一般的句型结构么?只有5天时间复习了,赶紧来看看吧!下面新东方在线细分讲解考研英语常见的五中基本句型结构,以及该如何进行拆分。 英语中,常见 ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-012016考研英语翻译:须掌握四大高频句式
1.It is in (or with)as in (or with) It is in life as in a journey. 人生好比旅途。 It is in studying as in eating; he who does it gets the ...英语指导 本站小编 中国研究生招生信息网 2016-03-01