
本站小编 免费考研网/2016-09-23

Fagin: an old miserable Jew leads a gang of young thieves.
Bill Sikes: a co-leader
Nancy: Sikes’s lover
Monks: Edward Leeford, Oliver’s half brother
Mr. Brownlow :the best friend of Oliver’s father
Rose: Oliver’s aunt
Mrs. Maylie

10、Victorian Age
Queen Victorian was the ruler of English from 1837 to 1901, so it is customary to call the writing produced during this long stretch of years Victorian literature
The age “is one of strenuous activity and dynamic change, of ferment(发酵,骚动) of ideas and recurrent social unrest, of great invention and expansion.”
It is, most generally, the story of a single individual's growth and development within the context of a defined social order. The growth process, at its roots a quest story, has been described as both "an apprenticeship to life" and a "search for meaningful existence within society."
 typically a lyrical verse written in praise of, or dedicated to someone or something which captures the poet's interest or serves as an inspiration for the ode.
express the idea that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings, and which he should strive constantly to fulfill
place emphasis on the dignity of man and the human life in this world
Humanists focus on pleasure rather than morality
Individual achievement, breadth of knowledge, and personal aspiration were valued

1.    Ode on Gercian Urm
第一段:It has existed for centuries without undergoing any changes (it is “unravished”) as it sits quietly on a shelf or table  A “foster-child of silence and time” because it is has been adopted by silence and time, parents who have conferred on the urn eternal stillness.  The urn as a “sylvan historian” because it records a pastoral scene from long ago  This scene tells a story (“legend”) in pictures framed with leaves (“leaf-fring’d”)–a story that the urn tells more charmingly with its images than Keats does with his pen 
 The last stanza records the poet’s epiphany, his sudden awareness of art in relation to life, that artistic beauty is a picture of “cold pastoral”; it is always beautiful but lifeless, which can be complemented by real yet transient life, and so “Truth”, or real life, is every bit as beautiful as is “Beauty”, or art (the urn). Thus the two worlds of art and life are shown to be mutually dependent to reveal their value.      The permanence of the world of art is reconciled with the ephemerality of the contingent world of fulfilled life.     We will need nothing else to feel happy on earth if we can comprehend this nature of things with the help of such art works as the urn. Hence art as “a friend to man”

2.    She walks in beauty
To some extent, her positive attributes create her beauty, and so  the poem makes a point of mentioning her goodness, her serenity,  and her innocence, which all have a direct causal effect on her  looks. There is, though, another element: the “nameless grace”  that is a type of beauty bestowed by heaven.  While a more conventional sense of beauty might list only the woman’s positive attributes, it is typical of Byron’s romantic  sensibilities to see beauty as a mixture of light and darkness,  admitting that the sinister, mysterious darkness of night has as  much to do with a woman’s appeal as the positive aspects  associated with light. Pure light, according to this vision, is so  limited in its relation to beauty as to be “gaudy.” 3. Death be not pround
4. Canterbury tales
5. Jane Eye
6 . Tess
7 .A modest proposal

1.    Sonnet 18
2.    I wondered lonely as a cloud
1.    Pride and Prejudice
2.    Robinson Crusoe


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