本站小编 辅仁网/2017-12-30
Sense and Sensibility
Pride and Prejudice
Mansfield Park
特点:Writers in Victoria period all focus on the fate of common people. Therefore Romanticism was replaced by realism. And the novel gradually became the dominant form of literature.
1. Charles Dickens
A Tale of two cities
David Copperfield
Dombey and son
Great Expectation
Oliver Twist
Hard times
The Old Curiosity Shop
2. Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre
3. Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights
4. Anne Bronte
Agnes Grey
5. George Eliot
The mills on the Floss
6. William M Thackeray
Vanity Fair 名利场
7. Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D’s Urbervilles
Far From the madding crowd
Jude the Obscure
The Mayor of Casterbridge
请同学们自己特别注意一下剧作家,诗人, 散文家 Oscar Wilde。
1) Alfred Tennyson
Poems by two brothers
The princess
In Memoriam
Idylls of the king
2) Robert Browning
Home thoughts from abroad
The rings and the book
特点:Realistic tradition ,though continued to alive was gradually overtaken by other literary trends such as symbolism, the stream of consciousness and naturalism
1. Bernard Shaw (爱尔兰剧作家)
Major Babara 巴巴拉上校
Mrs. Warren’s Profession
Pygmalion 买花女
2. John Galsworthy (英国小说家,剧作家,1932年诺贝尔文学奖)
The Forsyta Saga 福赛特家史包括three novels and two interludes.
The man of Property
In Chancery 骑虎难下
To let 出让
The Indian summer of Forsyte (interlude)
Awakening (interlude)
3. T. S Eliot (英国诗人)
Ash Wednesday
Four Quartets 四个四重奏
The Wasteland
4. William Butler Yeats (爱尔兰诗人,剧作家)
The land of Heart’s desire
The Tower
Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭
The second Coming 基督再临
Leda and the Swan 利达和天鹅
5. D H Lawrence
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Sons and Lovers
The Rainbow
The White Peacock
Women in Love
6. James Joyce (爱尔兰小说家)
A Portrait of the Artist as a young man
Finnegans Wake 芬尼根的醒悟
Virginia Woolf
To the Lighthouse 去灯塔
The Waves 海浪
Mrs. Dalloway 黛咯维夫人
A Room of One’s Own 自己的房间
A Voyage out 航行
一、 北美殖民主义时期文学
特点:The first writings are narratives and journals of early settlers
1. John Smith
A True Relation of Virginia : the first book in American literature
A Map of Virginia with a description of the country
特点 it is featured by two revolutions. One was American revolution and the other is enlightenment, which led to the American independence and an intellectual development whose rationalistic spirit inspired Americans and brought them into a new horizon
1. Benjamin Franklin ( a member of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence)
Poor Richard’s Almanac 穷理查德书
2. Thomas Paine
Common Sense
The American Crisis
Rights of man
The Age of Reason
3. Philip Freneau (poet of American Revolution)
The British Prison Ship
The Rising Glory of America
The Indian Burying Ground
The wild Honey Suckle 野金银花
三、 浪漫主义时期
特点:American Romanticism advocates individualism and encourage people to fight for individual right and human happiness with brevity. It attached importance to individual dignity and value and believed that human nature is benign.
1. Washington Irving
A history of New York
The Sketch Book 见闻札记
Rip Van Winkle 瑞普 梵 温克尔
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传说
Tales of a traveler
2. James Fenimore Cooper
Leather Stocking Tales 皮袜子故事集
1、 it is Beowulf,the national epic of the English people. 《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf),又译贝奥武甫,完成于西元八世纪,约750年左右的英雄叙事长诗,长达3000行。故事的舞台位于北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛。是以古英语记载的传说中最古老的一篇,在语言学方面也是相当珍贵的文献。 贝奥武夫(Beowulf) ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 辅仁网 2017-12-30英国文学史及选读1,2册复习大纲
Part 1 The AngloSaxon Period(449-1066)秧格鲁-撒克逊时期 1. Historical Background Celts 400B.C. Romans 50B.C. AngloSaxons 450A.D Norman Invasion 1066A.D. Roman empire从albion撤军,teutonic tribes(包括angles, Saxons,jutes)(条顿人or日耳曼人)陆续登陆此地 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 辅仁网 2017-12-30英国文学纲要
I. Early and Medieval English Literature (5th century-15th century) 1. Bewolf 《贝尔武甫》 2. The Legend of King Arthur and his Round Table Knights;《亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士》 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》 3. William Langland (1330-1400) Piers the ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 辅仁网 2017-12-30英国文学常识
英国文学 1、Geoffrey Chaucer杰佛利乔叟1340-1400 长诗:The House of Fame声誉之堂;Troilus and Criseyde特罗勒斯与克丽西德 小说:Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 辅仁网 2017-12-30刘炳善《英国文学简史》(第3版)笔记和考研真题详解
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下载地址:http://free.100xuexi.com/EBook/22935.html封面内容简介、编委目录第1部分 古代和中世纪英国文学 (450-1485) 第1章 古英语时期与《贝奥武甫》 1.1 复习笔记 1.2 课后习题答案 第2章 中古英语时期与乔叟 2.1 复习笔记 2. ...辅导考试考研资料 本站小编 福瑞考研网 2017-02-02刘意青《简明英国文学史》课后习题详解
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