
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-04-05

The Great lakes五大湖;五大湖区----The Great Lakes are the five lakes in the northeast. They are Lake Superior which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the U.S.), Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States expect Lake Michigan.

The Mississippi密西西比河----The Mississippi has been called “father of waters “or” old man river”. It and Its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world. It is the fourth longest river in the world and the most important river in the United States.
世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。位于北美洲中南部,注入墨西哥弯。“密西西比”是英文mississippi的音译,即“大河”或“河流之父”的意思。来源于印第安人阿耳冈昆族语言,“密西”(misi)和“西比(sipi)分别是“大、老”和“水”的意思,“密西西比”即“大河”或“老人河”。干流发源于苏必利尔湖以西,美国明尼苏达州西北部海拔 501 米的、小小的艾塔斯卡湖,向南流经中部平原,注入墨西哥湾。

Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》----It was a sentimental but powerful antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It converted many readers to the abolitionist cause.

Gettysburg葛底斯堡----It refer to the short speech President Lincoln made when he dedicated the national cemetery at Gettysburg. He ended the speech with “the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

The New Deal(罗斯福)新政----In order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of American economy.

Truman Doctrine杜鲁门主义----On Mar.12, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in his speech to the joint session of Congress. The Doctrine meant to support any country which said it was fighting communism.

Marshall Plan马歇尔计划----It was announced by George Marshall on June.5, 1947, and was the economic aid plan for Western Europe. It was also used to prevent the loss of Western Europe into the Soviet sphere.
马歇尔计划(The Marshall Plan),官方名称为欧洲复兴计划(European Recovery Program),是二战后美国对被战争破坏的西欧各国进行经济援助、协助重建的计划,对欧洲国家的发展和世界政治格局产生了深远的影响。该计划于1947年7月正式启动,并整整持续了4个财政年度之久。在这段时期内,西欧各国通过参加经济合作发展组织(OECD)总共接受了美国包括金融、技术、设备等各种形式的援助合计130亿美元。

London smog伦敦烟雾----In 1952, the sulphur dioxide in the four-day London smog, an unhealthy atmosphere formed by mixing smoke and dirt with fog. It left 4000 people dead or dying. Since then most cities in Britain have introduced “clean air zones” whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.

Marvellous Melbourne----After the gold rush in 1850s and 1860s, there was an important revolution in transport, especially with the network of tram and railway systems. This changed the pace of urban life and the appearance of the city and soon people were calling the city “Marvellous Melbourne”. But by the 1890s outsiders were calling the city “Marvellous Melbourne” because of the bad smell of the city.

Waitangi Day新西兰国庆日----In 1840 the first official governor, William Hobson, was sent to negotiate with Maori leaders. In 1840 Hobson, representing Queen Victoria, and some Maori chiefs, signed the Treaty of Waitangi. Modern New Zealand was founded. The anniversary of the signing, February 6, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day, Waitangi Day, and is a national holiday.
      新西兰,太平洋西南部岛国,介于亦道和南极洲之间。首都惠灵顿.通用英语。    公元1350年,毛利人(属波利尼西亚语系)定居新西兰。1642年,荷兰航海者塔斯曼一度到达新西兰。1769—1777年期间,英国航海者科克先后五次到达新西兰。此后,英国开始向新西兰移民。1840年2月6日,英国全权代表霍布森和毛利人族长签订了《威坦哲条约》,规定新西兰为英国殖民地。这一天也叫“威坦哲日”,后来定为新西兰国庆日。

Multiculturalism多元文化论----The term multiculturalism was coined in Canada in the late 1960s. It was in official use in Australia by 1973. In other words, under multiculturalism migrant groups are able to speak their own language and maintain their own customs. Multiculturalism as a policy recognizes that social cohesion is attained by tolerating differences within an agreed legal and constitutional framework.
多元文化主义(multiculturalism)一词的出现始于八十年代的美国。1988年春斯坦福大学校园的一场课程改革成为了后来被学者们称为“文化革命”的开端. 这场改革迅速波及整个教育界继而在其他社会领域也引发不同的影响,学术界对此现象进行探讨和争论。

Deep Throat  is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information to Bob Woodward of the The Washington Post about the involvement of United States President Richard Nixon's administration in what came to be known as the Watergate scandal.
备注:Deep Throat was first introduced to the public in the 1974 book All the President's Men, written by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, which was adapted into an Academy Award-winning film two years later. According to the authors, Deep Throat was a key source of information behind a series of articles on a scandal which played a leading role in introducing the misdeeds of the Nixon administration to the general public. The scandal would eventually lead to the resignation of President Nixon as well as prison terms for White House Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, G. Gordon Liddy, Egil Krogh, White House Counsel Charles Colsonand John Dean, and presidential adviser John Ehrlichman.
深喉 即“DEEP THROAT”——在水门事件中为记者提供重要资料的人。1972年,美国《华盛顿邮报》记者鲍勃•伍德沃德和卡尔•伯恩斯依据线人“深喉”的消息,捅开“水门事件”的内幕,导致当时的美国总统尼克松辞职下台。事后,这两名记者一直拒绝透露当时线人的身份,但是《华盛顿邮报》的总编辑西蒙斯引用了当时一部知名色情电影《深喉》的片名,作为告密者的化名。

Druid: A druid was a member of the priestly class in Gaul and possibly other parts of Celtic western Europe during the Iron Age. Following the invasion of Gaul by the Roman Empire, the druids were suppressed by the Roman government from the 1st century CE and disappeared from the written record by the 2nd century, although there may have been later survivals in the British Isles. Very little is currently known about the ancient druids as they left no written accounts about themselves, and other than a few descriptions left by Greek and Roman authors, the accuracy of which are disputed, we have no evidence about them.[1] Whilst archaeological evidence has been uncovered pertaining to the religious practices of the Celtic people, "not one single artefact or image has been unearthed that can undoubtedly be connected with the ancient Druids.
德鲁依教士,是很高级的凯尔特人祭伺、法师或预言者。而凯尔特人是一个在公元前5世纪至公元1世纪散居在高卢、不列颠、爱尔兰、欧洲、小亚细亚和巴尔干半岛蛮族。德鲁依教士精通占卜,对祭祀之礼一丝不苟,也长于历法、医药、天文和文学…同时,他们也是执法者、吟游诗人、探险家的代名词。男女皆可为德鲁依教士,同样在社会上享有崇高的地位。也有史学家将德鲁依教士与印度的婆罗门( Brahmins)、波斯祅僧(Magi)、埃及祭师(Priests)和巫医(Shamans)相等同。

The Beatles: The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music.[1] From 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ranging from pop ballads to psychedelic rock, often incorporatingclassical and other elements in innovative ways. The nature of their enormous popularity, which first emerged as the "Beatlemania" fad, transformed as their songwriting grew in sophistication. The group came to be perceived as the embodiment of progressive ideals, seeing their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s.
The Beatles 无疑是上世纪最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。 1956年,罗尼•多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯•巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪•莱德巴特的《Rock Island Line》打入了排行榜的前十名。(克理斯•巴博乐队1967年录制了一首名为《Catc--all》的歌,这是保罗•麦卡特尼在1957-1960年间写的) 罗尼•多内甘随后的一系列成功的歌曲(如《CumberlandGap》、《Gambling Man》)开始了席卷英伦三岛的“Skiffle”音乐狂潮。

The following were some of the characteristic of Protestantism except___________
A challenging the authority of the Pope
B salvation through faith
C salvation through the church
D establishing a direct contact with God

The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainlu from__________
A George Washington
B Thomas Jefferson
C John Adams
D John Locke

Which of the following is not a power of the American president?
A the president can veto any bill passed by the Congress
B the president has the authority to appoint federal judges when vacancies occur
C The president has broad powers ,with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments.
D The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments.

Which of the following statements is not correct? When the American Constitution was written,
A there was a bill of right in the Constitution
B there was no Bill of Right
C the Constitution did not have any wording guaranteeing the freedoms or the basic rights and privileges of citizens.
D a “Bill of Rights” was added to the Constitution 4 years after the Constitution was made.

Which of the following statements is not correct? When the War of Independence was over,
A each new state had its own government
B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs.
C the national government was called the Congress with little power.
D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined.

Which of the following is not true about the characteristics of Britain?
A.    Economic differences between north and south
B.    Differences of social system between Scotland and Wales.
C.    Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker.
D.    Cultural differences between immigrants and the British.

According to the Good Friday Agreement, Northern Ireland today should be governed by the following jurisdictions except__________
A the jurisdiction of the Republic of Ireland
B the jurisdiction of loyalist ministers
C the jurisdiction of Great Britain
D the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland

Which of the following is a private funded university in Britain
A the university of Cambridge
B the university of Oxford
C the university of Edinburgh
D the university of Buckingham
