本站小编 kidczw/2019-12-19
Keynesian cross: A simple model of income determination, based on the ideas in Keyness Gen-eral Theory, which shows how changes in spending can have a multiplied e.ect on aggregate income.
Keynesian model: A model derived from the ideas of Keyness General Theory; a model based on the assumptions that wages and prices do not adjust to clear markets and that aggregate demand
determines the economys output and employment. (Cf. classical model.)
Government-purchases multiplier: The change in aggregate income resulting from a one-dollar change in government purchases.
Tax multiplier: The change in aggregate in-come resulting from a one-dollar change in taxes.
Theory of liquidity preference: A simple model of the interest rate, based on the ideas in Keyness General Theory, which says that the in-terest rate adjusts to equilibrate the supply and demand for real money balances.
Chapter 12
Unit twelve
Monetary transmission mechanism: The process by which changes in the money supply in-.uence the amount that households and .rms wish to spend on goods and services.
Pigou e.ect: The increase in consumer spend-ing that results when a fall in the price level rais-es real money balances and, thereby, consumers wealth.
Debt-de.ation theory: A theory according to which an unexpected fall in the price level redis-tributes real wealth from debtors to creditors and, therefore, reduces total spending in the economy.
Chapter 13
Unit thirteen
MundellCFleming model: The ISCLM mod-el for a small open economy.
Floating exchange rate: An exchange rate that the central bank allows to change in response to changing economic conditions and economic poli-cies. (Cf. .xed exchange rate.)
Fixed exchange rate: An exchange rate that is set by the central banks willingness to buy and sell the domestic currency for foreign currencies at a predetermined price. (Cf. .oating exchange rate.)
Devaluation: An action by the central bank to decrease the value of a currency under a system of .xed exchange rates. (Cf. revaluation.)
Revaluation: An action undertaken by the central bank to raise the value of a currency under a system of .xed exchange rates. (Cf. devalua-tion.)
Speculative attack: The massive selling of a countrys currency, often because of a change in in-vestors perceptions, that renders a .xed exchange rate untenable.
Currency board: A .xed exchange rate sys-tem under which a central bank backs all of the na-tions currency with the currency of another coun-try.
Dollarization: The adoption of the U.S. dol-lar as the currency in another country.
Impossible trinity: The fact that a nation cannot simultaneously have free capital .ows, a .xed exchange rate, and independent monetary policy. Sometimes called the trilemma of inter-national .nance.
Chapter 14
Unit fourteen
Sticky-price model: The model of aggregate supply emphasizing the slow adjustment of the prices of goods and services.
Imperfect-information model: The model of aggregate supply emphasizing that individuals do not always know the overall price level because they cannot observe the prices of all goods and ser-vices in the economy.
Phillips curve: A negative relationship be-tween in.ation and unemployment; in its modern form, a relationship among in.ation, cyclical un-employment, expected in.ation, and supply shock-s, derived from the short-run aggregate supply curve.
Adaptive expectations: An approach that assumes that people form their expectation of a variable based on recently observed values of the variable. (Cf. rational expectations.)
Demand-pull in.ation: In.ation resulting from shocks to aggregate demand. (Cf. cost-push in.ation.)
Cost-push in.ation: In.ation resulting from shock-s to aggregate supply. (Cf. demand-pull in.ation.)
Sacri.ce ratio: The number of percentage points of a years real GDP that must be forgone to reduce in.ation by 1 percentage point.
Rational expectations: An approach that assumes that people optimally use all available in-formation including information about current and prospective policiesto forecast the future. (Cf. adap-tive expectations.)
Natural-rate hypothesis: The premise that .uctuations in aggregate demand in.uence output, employment, and unemployment only in the short run, and that in the long run these variables return to the levels implied by the classical model.
Hysteresis: The long-lasting in.uence of his-tory, such as on the natural rate of unemployment.
经济管理金融贸易笔记 卡卡 网络资源 2019-12-01尹敬东中级宏观经济学教程部分计算题答案
专业课考研资料 SKr狠熊 网络资源 2019-12-012020年西南财经大学802经济学二(宏观经济学部分)考试大纲解析
目录封面内容简介目录专题一:宏观经济总量:GDP和价格指数 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详解 第三部分 章节考研真题详解专题二:简单的凯恩斯主义模型 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详解 第三部分 章节考研真题详解专题三:扩大的凯恩斯主义模型 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详 ...辅导考试考研资料 本站小编 Free考研 2019-10-032020年西南财经大学801经济学一(宏观经济学部分)考试大纲解析
目录封面内容简介目录专题一:GDP和价格指数 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详解 第三部分 章节考研真题详解专题二:简单的凯恩斯主义模型 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详解 第三部分 章节考研真题详解专题三:扩大的凯恩斯主义模型 第一部分 考纲要求 第二部分 考试大纲详解 第三部分 ...辅导考试考研资料 本站小编 Free考研 2019-10-03中山大学801微观经济学与宏观经济学历年考研真题视频讲解【12小时高清视频】
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初试科目:政治,英语一,数学三,微观与宏观经济学。站在别人的肩膀上,可以让你少走很多弯路,需要提醒大家的是,数学的备考一定要下足功夫,实属拉分科目,政治建议大家看视频,自学很枯燥且容易抓不住重点。专业课:下边我重点说一下专业课910微观与宏观经济学的备考:参考书目:范里安的微观经济学现代观点,伯南克 ...考研报考信息 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-28西南财经大学宏观经济学笔记[曾志远] (图文)
.. ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-14上海财经大学宏观经济学课件 叶衎
.. ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-11厦门大学西方经济学宏观经济学统考复习讲义
第二部分考点串讲 (宏观经济学部分) 第1篇导言 第1章宏观经济学的科学 一、 本章概述 宏观经济学侧璽从总体角度考察经济,研究诸如经济増长、物价总水平变动 &通货膨胀)、失业、政府政策选择等问题.本章我们将学习①宏观经济学 的研究工具:经济模型;②价格伸缩性和价格粘性的概念及其区别;③宏微 观经济学的 ...专业课考研资料 本站小编 免费考研网 2019-04-11