
本站小编 Free考研考试/2023-08-19

Section I Use of English
1.C peaks
2.D generally
3.A while
4.B accumulation
5.A possibility
6.A delay
8.B compared
9.A scored
10.C with
11.C went by
12.C attributable
13.B involved
14.C explain
15.D treatments
16.C Meanwhile
17.C take
18.Dwell being
19.D levels
20.B diet
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 1
21 .D unreasonable measure
22. B rail travelers
23. C fail to provide …service
24. D the loss of investment
25. A ever-rising fares aren’t Sustainable
Text 2
26. C help poor …better off
27. A economic growth-environmentaldegradation
28. D relation of CCTS to forest loss
29. D protect the environment
30. C effects of a program
Text 3
31. re-evaluated the Victorian’s …of publicimage
32. D They are rare among photographs ofthat age
33. Their inherent social sensitiveness
34. a misguided attitude
Text 4
36. B show partiality in treating networks
37. A takes an anti-regulatory order
38. B It protects against unfaircompetition
39. D is at odds with its earlier ruling
40. D congress should need to take actionto ensure net neutrality
Part B
41. F “AI looks at résumés in greater numbers than humans would be ableto, and selects the more promising candidates.”
42.B Thereare also companies like Acquisio, which analyzes advertising performance acrossmultiple channels like Adwords, Bing and social media and makes adjustments orsuggestions about where advertising funds will be most effective.
43. G“Before, they might not insure the ones whofelt like a high risk or charge them too much,” says Domingos, “or they wouldcharge them too little and then it would cost [the company] money.”
44. C One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI systemthat helps review contracts during an audit.
45. E“You want to predict if something needs attention now and point towhere it’s useful for employees to go to.”
Part C
Section III Writing
Part A
Hearing that you are going to hunt for ajob in China, I am pleased to offer some personal suggestions with respect tohow to find a promising position.
Firstly, it will be excessively beneficialif you make a concise and high-quality resume, which decides your firstimpression on HRs from your desired companies. And it also provides HRs withyour relevant information to identify your professional qualifications.Secondly, it is highly recommended that you should utilize more strategies,such as more search agencies, to find qualified positions.
I hope you will find the above proposalsuseful. Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to yourreply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Part B
What a thought-provokingpicture it is! On the left-handed picture stands a boy with a confusedexpression. Dressing up as a dramatic character “Sun Wukong”, he tells hisfather that many pupils feels bored to perform Chinese Opera. His fatheranswers him “Do you like it? That is enough”
Apparently, the picturedoes deliver a crucial connotation that we are expected to place muchemphasis on traditional cultures. To put it more exactly, conventionalcultures are our cherished cultural heritages which represent the wisdom of ourancestors. Convincing instances abound in our society. Beijing Opera reflectsour forefathers’ appreciation of music as well as dance. In addition, anotherfactto bear in mind is that traditional values can serve as a proper guidancefor folks’ behaviors. It is not difficult to witness that respecting the oldand tending the young arewell advocated and promoted by Chinese people.
On the whole, given theanalysis mentionedabove, we can draw a reasonable and memorableconclusion that since traditional cultures and customs are crucial to thecultural diversity and prosperity, we are advised to make conscious endeavorsto preserve them for our descendants, lest they should be undermined andweakened by exotic cultures.

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