
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-03-03

2001 Blank Filling
1.    fun
2.    rather
3.    surprised/astonished /excited
4.    some, raised / increased
5.    caused
6.    in, By
7.    Although/Though, kept
8.    satisfied/pleased/ happy / content, lack/haven’t
9.    find/ think/ consider, However, on /among
10.    scientists, working, health/ condition
11.    out, return, Shall, call
12.    stuck/caught / trapped, way, was, had
13.    tend, Moreover/ Furthermore/Besides/Also, much/far, problem/question/ difficulty, such, repairing/maintaining
14.    an, killed
15.    used, quitted/stopped, cancer, Seeing/Watching, advertisement
16.    boring/tedious/ puzzling/complicated/ difficult/ intelligible, fall, sleepy/drowsy/bored
17.    attend, book/ reserve, trouble/ difficulties
18.    persuading/urging, offered, refused, Nobody, jobs

2002 Blank Filling
1.    at, took
2.    prevent/avoid, hit
3.    must
4.    bored/ tired , needs/ wants
5.    seen/ driven /had/ bought/ owned /tried, used, rid, too, expensive/costly
6.    in, By, getting
7.    other/more, lots, these
8.    happened/occurred, killed, caused/did/brought, recover
9.    as, wasn’t, found/figured
10.    Whose, tell/find/see, year
11.    shouting/ yelling/ crying
12.    Neither, government, merge, jobs
13.    composed, latter
14.    analyze/identify
15.    Games, on, announcement /decision
16.    average / incredible / approximate
17.    regret, missed
18.    reputation / name, angry/disappointed/ surprised
19.    complain, themselves, against
20.    warned, choice/ alternative / option

2003 Blank Filling
1.    was, grew
2.    clearly/carefully/ neatly/distinctly
3.    some, decided/intended/ agreed
4.    invented, century
5.    by
6.    means
7.    cook/chef, skill/talent
8.    ringing, perhaps/probably
9.    whose
10.    enough, doubt/wonder
11.    mentioned/reported/described, held
12.    unless, exceptions
13.    popular
14.    whole/hottest
15.    angry/shocked/ furious/indignant, of, stolen
16.    Smoking, health/lung/body
17.    playing, mine
18.    surprised
19.    broke, taught, managed
20.    settle, smaller/bigger
21.    carried, results/findings
22.    such/really/quite, would, on
23.    watching, couldn’t
24.    Both, far/much/becoming
25.    received/got/read, delayed/postponed
26.    driving, countries
27.    None, left/available/now/ stocked

2004 Blank Filling
1.    an, unlike
2.    much/far
3.    carry/lift
4.    explained, difficulty/trouble
5.    damaged/ destroyed, for
6.    Shall
7.    handed/turned
8.    exhausted/tired
9.    it
10.    some, pregnant
11.    charges, ask, stayed 
12.    about/going/ready/ scheduled
13.    wore, else
14.    owns
15.    interested
16.    fun, happy/pleased/ delighted/, almost, until
17.    written/published/ printed, none, trying/eager, happen
18.    had/knew, wonder
19.    expected
20.    often/frequently
21.    answering, embarrassed
22.    give/deliver, the, expert, lot, Since/As
23.    loaf, unfortunately /unluckily, cheap
24.    reach
25.    apply, expired, Embassy, takes/lasts

2005 Blank Filling
1.    weather, drove/went
2.    opens/closes, check/cheque
3.    smoothly, less
4.    except/but, else
5.    may/(might)
6.    taught, job/position, plant/factory/company/enterprise,
7.    angry, would, took
8.    with, fun
9.    during, noises
10.    jokes, ever
11.    looking, wait, find
12.    approve, habit, danger/ chance/ risk/ likelihood / possibility
13.    of , used, prison/jail
14.    trouble/difficulty, complain
15.    went, start/leave/go/hurry
16.    By , work/help/do
17.    avoid/prevent/stop
18.    neither
19.    order
20.    (going)/ scheduled/ (about)/ planned, unable, Fortunately/ Luckily
21.    such
22.    each
23.    fatter/ heavier / (taller/stronger)
24.    must, strange/ odd
25.    Few, reluctant/ unwilling
26.    without, unless

2006 Blank Filling
1.    returning/back, for
2.    an, doubt, However
3.    often/ frequently
4.    difference, seem/look/are
5.    microscope, naked
6.    before, excited, staying, blocks/ miles/ kilometers, forward
7.    at, regards, soon/ someday
8.    idea, anyone/ anyboby/ someone/ somebody
9.    available/ left, mind, instead
10.    getting/becoming
11.    those, what/anything, other/ more, down/ along/ in /on 
12.    under, cooler
13.    took, could, exactly, contrast, tends
14.    left, wanted, wouldn’t
15.    time, had, Fortunately/ Luckily, another, charge (money)/ pay
16.    odd/ strange/ unusual/ surprising, wonder
17.    making/ giving, help
18.    bitten/ chased
19.    made/ had
20.    his

2007 Blank Filling
1.    wrote
2.    allowed/ permitted
3.    reading/ holding (given), ago
4.    odd/ strange/ surprising/ puzzling/ weird / funny/ crazy/ mad/ unlikely / (interesting) / (impossible)
5.    times, often/ frequently
6.    in, reports/ says/ reveals/ maintains/ states/ discloses/ asserts
7.    postponed/ delayed, sure
8.    difference/ similarity
9.    wasted/spent, doubt (wonder)
10.    no, deal (network) (system)
11.    an, enjoy (extend) (prolong), know, while
12.    taught/ showed
13.    supposed/ likely (going, about)
14.    bigger/smaller
15.    attended, arranged/ organized/ sponsored/ supported, lasted/ took, followed (accompanied), all/ several/ one /none
16.    (used)/ liked, injured/ hurt, still, though, since
17.    rose/increased, for, falling/ (decreasing)/ declining 
18.    whose, doing/ conducting, until/ till/ before, have/ need
19.    better, (might) may
20.    soon/ quickly
21.    sold, According, story/ storey/floor/five,..., as, of

2008 Blank Filling
1.    attend
2.    Olympic, held
3.    Whose
4.    accident
5.    weigh/eat
6.    imported
7.    some, before/about, in
8.    Let, car,
9.    clean/cold, unless
10.    bigger/larger, couple, take, on
11.    since, went, taught
12.    attacked/hit/stricken, damaged/destroyed, killed
13.    an, get/obtain, matter
14.    Take
15.    minutes, climbing
16.    difference, Both
17.    writing/preparing, at/ before
18.    scared/terrified/ frightened, theater/cinema
19.    making/having
20.    nothing
21.    enough
22.    carefully/attentively, repeat
23.    boring / tedious
24.    especially /particularly
25.    it/everything, less, wonder
26.    learned/ did, would
27.    belong, against

2009 Blank Filling
1.    the/their, going/about/planning/ trying
2.    an, one
3.    order, getting/having, on
4.    Although/Though, would
5.    neither
6.    eventually/later/ (soon)/then, claimed/confessed/ admitted/(said)
7.    arranged, at, any/(a)
8.    written, wrote
9.    into, pair/pile/heap, lying
10.    much/heavily, remember/recall/say, only
11.    According, must (should)
12.    surprising/odd/ (strange), examined/tested/ studied/analyzed/ sampled
13.    fell, than
14.    such/quite/ (really)/(always)/ indeed
15.    caught/stuck, on, late, embarrassing/annoying/awkward/regrettable, caused
16.    watching, used, in, except, why
17.    Since/(Because)/As, out
18.    easy, much/far/way, fun, at, ruining/damaging/ harming/undermining/ wrecking
19.    promotion, workers/ colleagues/ people/ employees/ secretaries / accountants/ engineers..., current/present

2010 Blank Filling
1.    often/frequently/ (much)
2.    isn’t, the/that
3.    answering, time
4.    many/(frequent), touch/contact
5.    How, Much/It’s/Far/ Somewhat
6.    what, Though/Although, another
7.    moment,again/back/ (him), in
8.    during/at, hadn’t, Both, neither
9.    terrible/horrible/ awful/dreadful/ wretched/(bad/not), could, sorry
10.    none, when/while
11.    arriving/landing/due, pick
12.    having, with, bought/purchased/got, doubt, told/warned/asked/ urged
13.    used, separated, a, of, rest/majority
14.    routine/regular/ annual/semi-annual/ yearly/usual/latest, lose, exercise, amount, ignore/disregard, as/like, change/alter/revise
15.    every, even, male
16.    Because, enough/sufficient, reported/applied/ appealed/gone/been/ driven/turned, more/extra/ additional/ supplementary/further

2011 Blank Filling
1.    up
2.    taught, or
3.    higher/bigger/ greater
4.    an, go/walk/get/drive/ride/bike, afraid, thought, better/best
5.    broken/shattered, of, dangerous/sharp,
threw/cast/lobbed/ tossed/hurled, idea/notion /clue 
6.    According, all, breaking/violating
7.    the/that, well/extensively/ impressively
8.    so/(much/too)/ terribly/awfully, minutes/miles/ kilometers, from
9.    few, escape
10.    either
11.    was, expected, wonder
12.    anything, by, use/ borrow, about, do/work/serve
13.    attend, return, minute, forward, which, opportunity, worried/concerned/ anxious, hired/found, improve
14.    shall, such/quite/really/ rather, must, energy, since
15.    published, such, disagreement/ dispute/argument/ fight/ conflict/quarrel, members

2012 Blank Filling
1.    those/the
2.    an, for
3.    yours/his/hers/ not
4.    act/serve
5.    rode/pedaled/ carried, obviously/still/ definitely/clearly/ undoubtedly/ sure/ certainly/plainly
6.    In, too
7.    opened/broke/ smashed
8.    hottest/ coolest/ driest/longest/ shortest
9.    (used)/tend, remind/inform / advise, few
10.    all, take/sit
11.    so, with
12.    beings, water/air/food/ oxygen
13.    as/when/while, taught,
14.    anyone/anybody/ someone/somebody
15.    lost/gained, since
16.    in, right/straight, wonder/doubt
17.    allowed/ permitted/ forbidden
18.    take/drive, traffic, especially/ particularly, on, hope/pray
19.    ago, pieces/parts, trouble/difficulties/ problems, company/firm/ one/ outfit, taking, services/ advice/ training/ backup/ help/ assistance/ support, buy/ get/ need/ order/purchase/ import
20.    scheduled/going/ about/ planning/supposed/ ready, address/location /directions/ place/ routes/map
21.    Neither/Nor, hire/ find/ employ/ engage
22.    borrow/ get, left/ went/ drove
23.    unless, run, least/ most

2013 Blank Filling
1.    order
2.    So, don’t, idea/suggestion, taxi/cab/ride, shall/should, front/back
3.    the/that/an, prevent/stop
4.    surprised, thought/heard, for/almost, ago, sorry/sad, kind/ nice/good
5.    Occasionally/Sometimes, had, would, out, to, problems, a
6.    wanted, took, regret, Unfortunately
7.    colleagues, ignored, police, even, however, way, killed, recovering, prison/jail, trying
8.    heard, to, respect, realized, lost, until, got, time, out, ever, changed, result, progress, from

2014 Blank Filling
1. anywhere/here/now;must
2. an;Yes;looking;
3. rather/better;mind
4.thinking/talking/arguing/discussing; province;
problem/trouble/difficulty/issure; permission/approval/authorization;
Furtunatly/luckily/happily; gave/presented/offered/stated/expressed/explained;
back; since;both;
5.recommended/suggested; out; laughed; doubt/question; chance; too/yourself/soon
6. ways/channels/media/sources/places; others/some;
internet/websites/computers/cellphones; longer; on ;
7.job/position; graduated; Although/though ; from;popular; promoted;
each/over/with; his/early/late; replaced; vival ; critised/belittled;
best/utmost;  attitude/behavior; transfer/move;  ready/prepared/set;
fired/dismissed; shock/surprise/blow/humiliation/injustice;carried;
complain /think/talk/argue/worry/fret; confirmed;


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