本站小编 免费考研网/2019-12-16
The threshold method also can be applied to teaching printing and handwriting. When children first learn to form letters, their movements awkward and they lack free motor coordination. The distances between lines on a page are purposely wide so children can fit the letters into the space. If paper with narrow lines is initially introduced, students' letters would spill over the borders and students might become frustrated. Once students can form letters within the larger borders, they can use paper with smaller borders to help them refine their skills.
The fatigue method can be applied when disciplining disruptive students who build paper airplanes and sail them across the room. The teacher can remove the students from the classroom, We them a large stack of paper, and tell them to start making paper airplanes. After the students have made several airplanes, the activity should lose its attraction and paper will become a cue for not building airplanes.
Some students continually race around the gym when they first enter their physical education class. To employ the fatigue method, the teacher might decide to have these students continue to run a few more laps after the class has begun.
The incompatible response method can be used with students who talk and misbehave in the media center. Reading is incompatible with talking. The media center teacher might ask the students to find interesting books and read them while in the center. Assuming that the students find the books enjoyable, the media center will, over time, become a cue for selecting and reading books rather than for talking with other students.
In a social studies class some students regularly fall asleep. The teacher realized that using the board and overhead projector while lecturing was very boring. Soon the teacher began to incorporate other elements into each lesson,such as experiments, videotapes, and debates, in an attempt to involves students and raise their interest in the course.
41. The purpose of this passage is to___
A. inform B. persuade C. debate D. narrate 42. Guthrie identified three methods for__
A. educating students B. altering bad habits
C. avoiding undesired action D. forming good hobbies
43. Which of the following is not the example of applying the threshold method?
A. Parents introduce spinach in small bites or mixed with a food than the child enjoys over time so that the child will not refuse to eat it.
B. Teachers introduce academic content in short blocks of time for young children and gradually increase session length but not to where students become frustrated or bored.
C. Paper with wider lines is first used and then paper with narrow lines is introduced step by step to help children learn printing and handwriting.
D. A child might be made to throw toys until it is no longer fan by his parents in order to change his behavior of repeatedly throwing toys.
44. To stop snacking while watching television, people should keep their hands busy by sewing, painting, working crossword puzzles, and so forth. Over time. watching TV becomes a cue for engaging in an activity other than snack'king. What method is used in this example?
A. The threshold method. B. The fatigue method.
C. The incompatible response method. D. The punishment method.
45. We can draw the conclusion from the passage that
A. The incompatible response method is to force child to make unwanted response repeatedly in presence of stimulus until he or she becomes exhausted
B. The threshold method refers to introducing undesired behavior with a response incompatible with the undesired response so they can not be performed simultaneously
C. The fatigue method means that engaging in the behavior is transformed into avoiding it by introducing the stimulus at full strength so it becomes a cue for not performing it
D. The fatigue method is that in presence of stimulus teachers have child make response incompatible with unwanted response
Passage 2
The increase in global trade means that international companies cannot afford to make costly advertising mistakes if they want to be competitive.
Understanding the language and culture of target markets in foreign countries is one of the keys to successful international marketing. Too many companies, however, have jumped into foreign markets with embarrassing wrests .
Translation mistakes are at the heart of many blunders in international advertising.
General Motors, the US auto manufacturer, got a costly lesson when it introduced its Chevrole Nova to the Puerto Rican market. "Nova" is Latin for new (star)" and means "star" in many languages, but in spoken Spanish it can sound like "no va", meaning "it doesn't go". Few people wanted to buy a car with that cursed meaning. When GM changed the name to Caribe, sales picked up" dramatically.
Marketing blunders have also been made by food and beverage companies.3ne American food company's friendly "Jolly Green Giant" (for advertising ,vegetables) became something quite different when it was translated into Arabic as "Intimidating Green Ogre".
When translated into German Pepsi's popular slogan, "Come Alive with Pepsi" came out implying "Come Alive from the Grave". No wonder customers in Germany didn't rush out to buy Pepsi. Successful international marketing doesn't stop with good translations--,-other aspects of culture must be researched and understood marketers are to avoid blunders.
When marketers do not understand and appreciate the values, tastes, geography, climate, superstitions, religion, or economy of a culture, they fail to capture their target market.
For example, an American designer tried to introduce a new pentane into the Latin American market but the product aroused little interest. The mail reason was that the camellia used in it was traditionally used for funerals in many South American countries.
Having awakened to the special nature of foreign advertising, companies are becoming much more conscientious in their translations and more sensitive to cultural distinctions. The best way to prevent errors is to hire professional translators who understand the target language and its idiomatic usage, or to use a technique called "back translation" to reduce the possibility of blunders.
The process uses one person to translate a message into the target language and another to translate it back. Effective translators aim to capture the, overall message of an advertisement because a word-for-word duplication of the original rarely conveys the intended meaning and often causes misunderstandings.
In designing advertisements for other countries, messages need to be shot and simple. They should also avoid jokes, since what is considered funny in one part of the world may not be so humorous in another.
46. The best title of this passage might be __ .
A. Culture Is Very Important is Advertising
B. Avoid Cultural Misunderstanding between Nations C. Overcome Cultural Shock in Different Countries
D. Advertisements Reflect Various Life Styles
47. What does the word "blunder" mean in this passage?
A. hesitation B. mistake C. stutter D. default
48. Which of the following statements can be used to summarize the gist from Paragraph 3 to Paragraph 6?
A. Cultural shocks B. Faulty translations
C. Avoid cultural oversights D. Prevent blunders
49. We can learn from the context in Paragraph 9 that the word "ca " most probably mean____
A. an animal used in perfume for its smell
B. a piece of fabric used both in perfume and at funerals
C. a flower used in perfume for its fragrance and used for funerals
D. an ornament used in perfume and at funerals
50. One way to prevent errors in advertising in different countries is to___
A.fire the translators who don't know the target language.
B.use the technique called "literal translation" to reduce the possibility of blunders
C. avoid cultural oversights and avoid certain jokes
D. explain in details when designing advertisement for other countries
Passage 3
It is not unusual for chief executives to collect millions of dollars a year in pay, stock options, and bonuses. In the last fifteen years, while executive remuneration rose, taxes in the highest income bracket went down. Millionaires are now commonplace.
Amiability is not a prerequisite for rising to the top, and there are a number of chief executive officers with legendary bad tempers. It is not the boss's job to worry about the well-being of his subordinates although the man with many enemies will be swept out more quickly in hard times; it is the company he worries about . His business savvy is supposed to be based on intimate knowledge of .his company and the industry .so he goes home nightly with a full briefcase. At the very top - and on the way up - executives are exceedingly dedicated.
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