
本站小编 免费考研网/2018-08-20

  一.Choate Rosemary Hall乔特罗斯玛丽中学
  Short Essays
  Essay 1 - Contribution to a school community comes in many forms. Please tell us how you see yourself contributing to the Choate Rosemary Hall community. (150 words)
  Essay 2 - At Choate, we value creative ideas and thought. Please share yours by answering the following question: Tell us the title of your first published book and share its synopsis as it would appear on the back cover. (150 words)
  Essay 3 - You are faced with a dilemma. Your boarding school applications have to be submitted within the next 24 hours to meet the deadlines. In addition, you have a math test tomorrow to study for and a history paper that is due in two days. Meanwhile your parents are expecting you to complete your chores and you accepted an invitation from your best friends to the movies. Give specific details on how you would manage the situation. (200 words)
  Applicant Personal Essay - Write an essay about a personal trait or value with which you identify. Tell us how this trait or value came to be or has been developed over time. (500 words)
  二.Deerfield Academy迪尔菲尔德中学
  Short Essay
  1. What is the most important piece of advice you have ever received and what role does it play in your life? Please limit your answer to 1600 characters (about 300 words).
  Personal Essay
  2. Most of the information about you that the Admission Committee considers comes from others. The essay portion of the application is our recognition of the importance of what you say about yourself. How much you write is less important than what you say. Remember that we are trying to get a sense of you as a distinct individual. Consider your personal essay not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to tell us what you think is important. Each student at Deerfield has a faculty advisor who guides his or her academic choices and serves as a personal counselor. Please write an essay on what you think would be valuable for your advisor to know about you. Include your goals, hopes and expectations, as well as the influences that have most shaped your life.
  三.Groton School格罗顿学校
  Short Answers
  At Groton we want to know our applicants well. Learning about your values and life experiences will help us greatly. The following questions involve topics both lighthearted and serious. Please provide us with a few sentences to answer each question.
  1. What do you love to do?
  2. Which three words would you use to describe yourself?
  3. Describean activity you have found to be especially absorbing.
  4. How have you been helpful to other people?
  5. What makes you laugh out loud?
  6. What is the most interesting thing you have learned in the past year?
  7. What do you like about the school you are attending now?
  8. What is your favorite place to be?
  9. Describe one of your talents and how you developed it.
  10. For what are you grateful?
  Please respond with approximately 150 words to the single question in Part A and 300-400 words to one of the three questions in Part B.
  A. What in particular do you like about Groton?
  B. Please respond to one of the following questions:
  1. What are the ingredients of a meaningful life?
  2. True or False: “What goes around, comes around.”
  3. Which people, places or experiences have had the biggest impact on your character and view of the world?
  四.Hotchkiss School霍奇基斯中学
  Short Answers
  1. Choose a song whose lyrics describe you and where you come from, and discuss your choice.
  2. Hotchkiss is a diverse, international community. How would you contribute to this dynamic and unique place?
  3. What current event has mattered to you? In what ways have you engaged with this issue?
  Please respond to ONE of the following three prompts. Your response may be written, with a maximum of 500 words in length.
  1. What have you done to try to improve the quality of life in your school or community?
  2. Hotchkiss’s efforts towards environmentalism and sustainability, including building a biomass power plant and sourcing crops from The Hotchkiss Farm, are a priority. What initiatives have you encountered that make a difference? What else might the school do to help protect the quality of the environment?
  3. The Hotchkiss School is an engaged community of teachers and learners. About which academic topics are you curious?
  五.The Lawrenceville School劳伦斯威尔高中
  Short Answers
  1. List and describe your level of interest and participation in school activities (school, volunteer groups, athletics, music, etc.). List any awards or honors you received in the past two years. In which activities do you plan to participate in the future?
  2. List and describe your level of interest and participation in hobbies, activities, and groups not associated with school. List any awards or honors you received in the past two years.
  3. What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why?
  4. Please note anything more you would like us to know about you.
  5. Please choose one of these statements and then write a 250-500 word response to it.
  5a. Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal.
  5b. What makes you the interesting person that you are? (Be sure to include the qualities you like best about yourself.)
  5c. Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking.
  At Lawrenceville, asking good questions is just as important as answering them. Now, we would like you to do both. Ask and answer a question that reveals something interesting about you.
  六.Middlesex School米德尔赛克斯中学
  Short Answers
  1. In which academic subjects are you most interested?
  2. In what extracurricular activities, including sports, are you involved at school/outside of school?
  3. Do you have any special interests or hobbies?
  4. Have you won any prizes or awards in school within the last two years?
  5. What extracurricular activities at Middlesex do you expect will interest you most?
  6. What books have you read recently for pleasure?
  Please limit your response to 350 words. Please respond to one of the following essay questions:
  1) Write a letter to your new faculty advisor in which you introduce yourself, define your goals and aspirations for high school, and explain why you believe Middlesex is a school that fits you well.
  2) You are granted a seat on the Middlesex Admissions Committee. What characteristics would you weigh most heavily when evaluating applicants to the school and why?
  3) What are people most surprised to learn about you?
  七.Milton Academy米尔顿高中
  Short Answers
  1. Tell us about a recent school project or assignment that you really enjoyed.
  2. If you were to create a personal library, which three books would you be sure to include (in any genre)? Why?
  3. Of the activities listed above, which is most important to you? Why?
  4. Milton Academy is a vibrant and diverse place. Being a part of the Milton community is an experience that extends well beyond the classroom. How do yousee yourself contributing to this community?
  Please write two essays. The topic for essay #1 is required of all applicants. For essay #2, please choose one of the topics listed. Each essay should be no more than 500 words in length. Your essays will be evaluated for the quality of writing as well as for content.
  Essay #1.Required of all applicants.
  Describe the environment in which you were raised - your family, neighborhood or community - and how it influenced the person you are today.
  Essay #2. Choose one of the following topics. (Maximum 500 words)
  A. Conversations can sometimes affect people long after the talking is over. Can you tell us about a conversation that changed your perspective, or that held particular meaning for you?
  B. Please select one of the following quotations and write about how it is meaningful to you.
  "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb inside his   skin and walk around in it." Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  "Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure that is what you want; whatever you feel, be sure that is what you feel." T.S. Eliot, Milton Academy Class of 1906
  八.Phillips Andover Academy菲利普斯安多夫学院
  Short Answers
  1. What do you like most about yourself? Why?
  2. Choose one situation below (either A or B). How would you handle it?
  A. After two weeks of living with your new roommate, you determine that you have little in common. He/she has different sleeping and eating habits, listens to music that grates on your nerves, and seems to have a different viewpoint on most topics.
  B. Your parents always have helped you organize your schoolwork and extracurricular activities. At Andover, you are adjusting to a more rigorous academic program and exciting opportunities outside of class, not to mention fun time with friends. Managing your time is becoming a challenge.
  Please answer one of the questions below in 500 words or fewer.
  A. Discuss a matter you once thought you knew “for sure”—but of which you are no longer certain.
  B. Writea children’s story with you as the main character. It should be autobiographical/semi-autobiographical and include a lesson that you have learned.
  C. What is the most valuable piece of advice you have been given? How has that advice changed the way you see yourself, others, and the world?
  D. Imagine you are creating the ideal school. Describe it. What would be important to have in your school and why? (Your school must be different than Phillips Academy.)
  E. If you were given one day and a budget of $1,000 to make a difference in your community, what would you do? Whom would you involve? What would you hope to achieve?
  F. Imagine you are asked to do a one-year research project in either your history/social science or science class. What kind of research project would you design, and what would you hope to learn?
  九.Phillips Exeter Academy菲利普斯埃克塞特中学
  Please respond to two essay questions in your own handwriting, and keep each response to between 200 and 400 words. You may write on this form or attach separate sheets. We ask that you also include a typed version. Mail this form to the Office of Admissions, Phillips Exeter Academy, by January 15, 2013. Please retain a copy for your records.
  1. Tell us about something you learned on your own.
  2. Tell us about your neighborhood and how it has shaped you.
  3. Describe a moment when you felt challenged, successful, or overwhelmed, and how you handled it.
  4. Write on a topic or activity about which you are passionate.
  十.St. Paul’s School圣保罗中学
  Short Answers
  1. St. Paul's School is a fully residential community where faculty, their families, and all students live together. We believe that community relationships are essential in shaping the whole person. Tell us about your current residential community, which may include your neighborhood, hometown, friends, family, and mentors. How has this community shaped who you are?
  2. Mark Twain is known to have said, "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare." Describe a moment when you demonstrated moral courage and stood up for what you believed was right...or wish you had
  3. Service is an important part of our School's mission. How do you imagine yourself being a good citizen and serving your community?
  Choose one:
  1. Where do you find beauty in your life? For example, you may find beauty in the pattern of numbers in a math equation, in the tempo of chirping crickets, or in the smell of your old baseball glove.
  2. If you had a billion dollars to donate to science and technology, what would you support and why?
  3. How do you define success? Name someone who best lives up to your definition.
  4. At St. Paul's School, we believe that learning from mistakes is an essential part of growing up. Tell us about a time when you stumbled in life. How did you handle it? What did you learn?
  5. You are on a group trip in a country where your language is not spoken. You become separated from your group, carrying only a passport and a limited amount of cash. What do you do?


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  • 全美高中招生官谈:何时申请美国高中最为合适?
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-20
  • 从2018年藤校的录取结果看,最受藤校认可的中国高中有哪些?
      又是一年放榜时,藤校陆陆续续发Offer。我们看到了公布的捷报上赫然写着一个个熟悉的学校名字:哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学   藤校竞争激烈,录取率今年屡破新低。我们先来看看2018年藤校的录取数据。  2018年藤校的录取数据  宾夕法尼亚大学  申请者:44482  录取人数 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-11
  • 高中生申请加拿大本科需要参加哪些预修课?
      现在留学越来越趋向低龄化,高中毕业生成为了留学大军的主力军。很多家长希望孩子能够达到海外院校的直录要求,直接进入大一学习。但也有部分家长认为多给孩子适应的时间最好,不急于直接入读大一,但同时也在心疼预科或双录取所花费的时间,怕孩子落在起跑线上。  留学是一件大事,如何选择可能会关乎到孩子的一生, ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-08-07
  • 高中生留学新西兰方案:有高考成绩/无高考成绩
      新西兰的大学是接受中国的高考成绩的,选择新西兰留学既可通过高考成绩升读部分大学,也可以通过大学预科升读新西兰全部八所国立大学。一起去看看哪个方案适合自己。  一、用高考成绩升读新西兰大学  方案优势:无需预科,直升大学,节省时间;  学制:根据专业3-4年获本科学位;  英文要求:IELTS6.0,语言成绩 ...
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  • 南阳市贫困生资助政策出炉 从高中到研究生都有补助
    (原标题:贫困学生资助政策出炉,读高中和中职每年资助2000元,读本科最高可贷8000元,研究生最高可贷1.2万元 从普通高中到研究生都有补助)决不让一个学生因家庭经济困难而失学。家庭经济困难不可怕,如果你立志读普通高中或中等职业学校和读大学,来吧,我市都有相对应的资助政策。读普通高中,有国家助学金 ...
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  • 荷兰也成为适合高中生的留学国家
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    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 高中毕业后如何申请法国留学
    高中毕业之后,很对学子都开始准备出国留学的事情啦,很多学子准备去法国留学,但是如何申请法国留学呢?法国留学申请有四种方案,留学小编下面为大家详细介绍下,供大家参考学习,希望对您法国留学有所帮助。方案一:申请2年制技术学院高中毕业生提供高考成绩及高中毕业证,参加国内500学时以上法语课程培训,考出tc ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 高中毕业申请法国留学有几种方案
    有许多同学准备去法国留学,但是对于如何申请法国留学不是很清楚,高中毕业申请法国留学方案有三种,下面小编为大家详细介绍一下,希望对大家申请法国留学有所帮助。  法国留学方案  一、一本线/二本线申请法国留学方案  语言要求:法语500学时,法语水平必须在B1  每年有两次入学分别为每年的2 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 高中生韩国留学要怎么做?
    很多学生都开始在高考和留学之间徘徊。其实,留学需要尽早规划,而且是一定要建立在学生了解并能接受国外的教育体制、文化和生活习俗等基础上,不能盲目把留学当作解决难题的退路。  有相当一部分高中同学及家长前来咨询留学是考虑到当前非常严峻的就业形势。有家长分析,随着高校扩招,大学毕业生的就业难的问题日益凸显 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 高中生留学新西兰方案:有高考成绩/无高考成绩
    新西兰的大学是接受中国的高考成绩的,选择新西兰留学既可通过高考成绩升读部分大学,也可以通过大学预科升读新西兰全部八所国立大学。一起去看看哪个方案适合自己。  一、用高考成绩升读新西兰大学  方案优势:无需预科,直升大学,节省时间;  学制:根据专业3-4年获本科学位;  英文要求:IELTS6.0, ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 澳洲和新西兰高中、大学留学申请指南
    去澳洲留学还是去新西兰留学?澳洲留学和新西兰留学申请条件有什么不同?北半球的我们,已经习惯了在六七月时穿T恤短裤,在海里畅游;在圣诞节的时候,裹着围巾,穿着大衣,在大街上感受温暖的氛围。可是,在地球的另一端,有着不一样的风景。他们六七月时穿着外套,却穿着比基尼过圣诞  ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 新西兰留学条件:高中、本科、研究生留学条件
    新西兰十分重视教育的发展,教育水平一流,为社会培养了一批又一批的优秀人才,吸引着众多学子前往新西兰留学,那么去往新西兰留学条件是什么呢? 本文小编给你详细说明~  新西兰留学条件高中留学  高中一年级的学生  这类学生想在留学新西兰后完成高中学历,可以申请新西兰任何政府公 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 新西兰高中留学一年的费用情况,附新西兰高中排名
    有很多同学想去新西兰读高中,但是不清楚新西兰高中留学费用是多少。本文将和大家介绍一下新西兰高中留学一年的费用情况。新西兰高中留学费用:学费新西兰公立中学学费参考:新币8000~9000元/年新西兰高中留学费用:生活费在生活费方面,新西兰移民局要求每个学生每年的生活费至少要有7000新西兰元,一般来说 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03
  • 高中毕业留学新西兰的4种方案
    高中毕业就想要留学新西兰,是不是通过高考成绩就可以申请新西兰的大学呢?想要就读新西兰大学都有哪些途径?  【方案一】用高考成绩升读新西兰大学  方案优势:无需预科,直升大学,节省时间;  学 制:根据专业3-4年获本科学位  适用人群:国内有高考成绩的应届生;  英文要求:IELTS 6.0,语言成 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2018-03-03