UCL 的硕预课程是针对想要在 UCL 或者英国其他学校读硕士而开设的,硕预课程是为了让学生在英语和学术上面都达到一定的 level,并学习相关的学术和研究技巧,后续能进入英国的顶尖大学。在 UCL 读完硕预的学生除了有在UCL 读硕士的之外,还有去牛津,帝国理工,伦敦政经,布里斯托,杜伦,爱丁堡,埃克塞特等学校的。
当然成功完成硕预课程只是会满足 UCL 的语言要求,并不能百分百的保证硕士课程的录取。硕士课程的录取取决于硕士课程申请结果,包含 PS,推荐信,和第一学位等等。
学生需要学三门必修课,以了解英语语言,研究方法,学术技巧等等,为以后在 UCL 和其他英国高校学习硕士课程做准备。
Module 1 - English for Academic Purposes: Communicating, building and sharing knowledge in academic contexts through reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Module 2 - Research, Argumentation and Criticality: Develop students’ awareness of research methods used at graduate level, develop their critical, analytical and argumentative skills, and improve their proficiency in language to support these.
Module 3 - Discipline-specific Research, Argumentation and Criticality: Builds on Modules 1 and 2 by further developing students’ research, argumentative and critical skills in their chosen discipline or one closely related to it. This involves looking at what knowledge is in that context and how that knowledge is communicated in their chosen, or a closely related, academic discipline.
Architecture & Design
Business, Finance and Management Life Sciences and Medical Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences Law and International Relations Public Policy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
9 月入学要求总分:5.5,单项:5.5
1 月入学要求总分:6.0,单项:6.0
开放时间:一般 9 月的申请预计在 1 月或者 2 月开放