The Role of Government
III. Grammar: 分割结构
1) The resistance experienced when one body moves over another,with which it is in contact,is called the frictional force.
2) Most novelists and historians writing in the early to mid-twentieth century who considered women in the West, when they considered women at all, fell under Tumer’s spell.
3) Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently—this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done—is not being civilized.
1) An unusual present was given to him for his birthday,a book on ethics.
2) After Galileo’s work the feeling grew that there were universal laws governing the motion of bodies and that these laws might apply to motion in the heavens as well as on earth.
3) Abraham Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position.
1) Every particle has acting on it a force which urges it downward.
2) “It’s not so much what my husband says”, a tearful wife confides, “as the way he says it. Why does he have to yell at me?”
Airliner captains, unable until now to negotiate a move to a different flight level where the winds might be more favorable, sensibly carry extra fuel on top of the reserves legally required.
The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods that scientist use in their work.
1) 当—个物体在和它相接触的另一个物体上移动时所受的阻力,叫做摩擦力。句中,The resistance和is called被分隔。
2) 从本世纪初到本世纪中叶,从事写作的小说家和历史学家只要描写 妇女,就会描述西部妇女,而且都被特纳迷。
3) 即使善于驱使别人去为自己打仗,并且告诉他们怎样打才最有效——这毕竟是征服者和将军们干过的事一一也不能称其为文明的行动。
4) 过生日的时候他得到了一件不寻常的礼物——一本关于伦理道德的书。(present和a book被分隔)
5) 在伽利略著作之后,这样的认识加强了,即认为存在着支配物体运动的普遍规律,这些规律不仅支配着地球上的而且也支配着天体上的物体的运动。(the feeling和that从句被分隔)
6) 美国人常认为:在他们国家,一个人的地位可以从社会底层上升到社会最上层,亚伯拉罕·林肯就是极好的例子。
7) 每一个粒子都有一个驱使它下降的力作用于它。
8) 一位含泪的妻子吐露到:“不是我丈夫说的话,而是他说话的方式(伤害了我)。他为什么一定要对我喊呢?”
9) 直到这时,机长才能提出请求改到风向较为有利的高度,因此除规定的数量外,他们都明智的多带燃油。
10) 第二个方面是,社会上的一切成员,从政府部门中任职的官员到普通公民,都应运用科学家们在研究工作种所采用的专门的思维方法和工作方法。