
网络资源 免费考研网/2009-01-16



SectionⅤ Translation (10 points)

Directions: In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

We’ve come to a turning point, a moment for hard decision. I have asked that Cabinet and my staff a question and now I put the same question to all of you. If not us, who? And if no now, when? (71) It must be done by all of us going forward with a program aimed at reaching a balanced budget. We can then begin reducing the national debt.

I will shortly submit a budget to the Congress aimed at freezing government program spending for the next year. (72) Beyond this, we must take further steps to permanently control government’s power to tax and spend.

We must act now to protect further generation form government’s desire to spent its citizens’ money and tax them into servitude when the bills come due. (73) Let us make it unconstitutional for the Federal Government to spend more than the Federal Government takes in.

We have already started returning to the people and to state and local governments responsibilities better handled by them. Now, there is a place for the Federal Government in matters of social compassion. (74) But our fundamental goals must be to reduce dependency and upgrade the dignity of those who are infirm or disadvantage. And here a growing economy and support from family and community offer our best chance for a society where compassion is a way of life, where the old and infirm are cared for, the young and, yes the unborn, protected, and the unfortunate looked after and made self-sufficient.

Now there is another area where the Federal Government can play a part. As an older American, I remember a time when people of different race, creed or ethnic origin in our land found hatred and prejudice installed in social custom and, yes, in law. There’s no story more heartening in our history than the progress that we’ve made toward the brotherhood of man that God intended for us. (75) Let us resolve: there will be no turning back or hesitation on the road to an America rich in dignity and abundant with opportunity for all our citizens.


Section Writing(15 points)

Directions: In this section you are asked to write a composition entitled “Parental Hopes and Personal Desire”.. your composition should be about 120 words. You should write this composition on the ANSWER SHEET 2.


1.       Obligations to our parents are very important.

2.       Sometimes obligations to parents cause people much distress.

3.       We’d better find a way, which can make ourselves happy while pleasing our parents at the same time.





Section Ⅴ(10 points)

71. 我们必须首先完成旨在实现平衡预算的计划,然后方可着手减少国家债务.

72. 此外,我们必须进一步采取措施控制政府税收和开支的权力.

73. 我们应当规定,联邦政府的开支额如果超出收入额,就属于违反宪法的行为.

74. 然而,我们的基本目标是要减少依赖性,并提高弱者和被剥夺了基本权利的人的自尊心.

75. 在建立一个美国全体公民都具有高度的尊严和各种机会的道路上,我们决心不会出现倒退或犹豫.


Section Writing(15 points)


Obligations to our parents are very important. Parents are the most beloved persons in the world. They bring us up, care about our lives, take care of our health and help us overcome difficulty. All decisions they make are good for us. Besides, they are more experienced. So we should do as they ask.

Sometimes obligations to parents cause people much distress. Between parents and us, there is always a generation gap. As we grow up, we develop our attitude toward life and the world. Sometimes parental hopes and personal desires are quite different things. So we’ll be upset if we unwilling act on their hope.

We’d better find a way, which can make ourselves happy while pleasing our parents at the same time. It’s necessary for us to exchange our thoughts with them from time to time so that we can narrow the gap between us. In this way, both parents hopes and personal desires will come true.







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